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I Have Become Groundless

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  • I Have Become Groundless

    Margaret Yesayan

    Aravot, Armenia
    Nov 2 2006

    CRU leader Hrant Khachatrian says

    - Mr. Khachatrian, something strange happens in CRU, doesn't it?

    - The point is that a trap was set by a revolt organized for about
    a month not only for me but for the other members of leadership, too.

    People who didn't have any authority brought a criminal case
    against Suren Vardanian and I had to participate in that case as a
    witness. I was participating as the former leader, but I was asked such
    documents, which the current leader could give. The former leader could
    testify by his memory, but it wasn't enough for the investigation,
    and I had to refuse of testifying though I was warned by criminal
    responsibility. Then it became clear that my status in the party is
    indefinite. On the other hand I was elected as the leader of the party
    against my own free will, I didn't want, when NSS representatives in
    the office of the party prevent my entrance there.

    Finally I'll find out my status but I don't see any serious ground
    to carry out policy, a policy as I want to carry out. It seemed to
    me I have become groundless, while policy is a serious thing and only
    serious politicians must carry it out.

    - People who have left the party with you, have turned to the court
    and want to solve your mentioned status issues by judicial order.

    What do you think about it?

    - I myself didn't want my friends to turn to the court but as they
    are also free persons, I'm responsible for helping those persons who
    became the victims of this conspiracy.

    - It is published in one of the newspapers the record that CRU
    leadership was engaged in trade activities and accumulated money at
    the expense of commissions in the pre-electoral period, as the leader
    of the party have you been informed about it?

    - There was financial account, which was adopted by the leadership;
    there were different applications about behaviour of the party members
    and discussions and decisions about them. But there are facts which
    can't be proved.

    - That record, is it true?

    - Frankly speaking that record caused a strained atmosphere inside
    the party, and just Gegham Grigorian was threatening Hayk Babukhanian
    by that record. Gegham told Hayk Babukhanian that he gave one of
    the examples of that record to me, and sent other examples to the
    representatives of mass media. We didn't know what was there. We
    listened to the record and saw that there was nothing to prove.