15:31 04/11/06
Stepan Zakaryan, secretary of Armenian Democratic Party and member
of Justice Alliance, raised a rhetoric question today in a press
conference asking on what money the defense minister lays water
pipe lines in villages when Azerbaijan increases its military budget
four times.
Zakaryan is also interested in the geopolitical processes in Armenia
saying, "We will be lost if it continues like this. Everything is
sold. We cannot become a factor in the region," Zakaryan said.
He says Armenia fails to take the advantage of the conflict among
Iran, Russia and USA. He said it is the failure of the Armenian
authorities that the gas pipeline between Armenia and Iran did not
become transit. He said instead authorities are engaged in distributing
election bribes at the doors of elections.
15:31 04/11/06
Stepan Zakaryan, secretary of Armenian Democratic Party and member
of Justice Alliance, raised a rhetoric question today in a press
conference asking on what money the defense minister lays water
pipe lines in villages when Azerbaijan increases its military budget
four times.
Zakaryan is also interested in the geopolitical processes in Armenia
saying, "We will be lost if it continues like this. Everything is
sold. We cannot become a factor in the region," Zakaryan said.
He says Armenia fails to take the advantage of the conflict among
Iran, Russia and USA. He said it is the failure of the Armenian
authorities that the gas pipeline between Armenia and Iran did not
become transit. He said instead authorities are engaged in distributing
election bribes at the doors of elections.