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EU Tries To Defuse Looming Crisis With Turkey

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  • EU Tries To Defuse Looming Crisis With Turkey

    By Paul Taylor, European Affairs Editor

    Reuters, UK
    Nov 6 2006

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union sought on Monday to defuse a
    looming crisis with Turkey over Cyprus and lagging reforms, welcoming
    a pledge to amend a key law on freedom of expression in line with
    EU standards.

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan announced the policy shift on Sunday,
    three days before a European Commission report expected to sharply
    criticise Turkey, saying he was ready to change a law used to prosecute
    writers for "insulting Turkishness".

    "The stated intention by Prime Minister (Tayyip) Erdogan to bring
    Turkish legislation on freedom of expression into line with European
    standards is a welcome initiative," EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli
    Rehn said in a statement.

    "It shows that the Turkish prime minister is personally committed to
    free speech and EU accession," Rehn said.

    The EU executive is to issue a progress report on Wednesday criticising
    a slowdown in reforms in the year since Turkey began EU membership
    talks and noting Ankara's failure to meet a requirement to open its
    ports to shipping from Cyprus.

    Diplomats say the negative findings could prompt EU leaders to suspend,
    at least partially, accession negotiations with Turkey when they hold
    a summit on enlargement in mid-December.

    But German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, whose country
    takes over the EU's rotating presidency in January, warned against
    any premature move to break off the talks.

    "I would strongly urge that in our interests and in the interests of
    Turkey, we not be overly hasty in our conclusions. We ought to leave
    scope ... for a political compromise between Turkish interests and
    the interests of the Cypriots," he told a conference of the Party of
    European Socialists in Berlin.

    That appeared to contradict Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said in
    an interview with Monday's Sueddeutsche Zeitung daily that Turkey's
    EU accession talks would be in serious trouble unless Ankara lifted
    trade restrictions against Cyprus.


    The Commission has repeatedly urged Turkey to amend article 301 of
    the penal code used to prosecute journalists and intellectuals such
    as Nobel literature prizewinner Orhan Pamuk over comments on the
    killing of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey.

    Only last week, Erdogan appeared to rule out any change, with an eye
    on nationalist voters ahead of elections next year.

    But in a timely move to show goodwill, he said on Sunday: "We are
    ready for proposals to make the article 301 more concrete if there
    are problems stemming from it being vague."

    "We are studying several options for how we can handle article 301
    in harmony with the spirit of the (EU-oriented) reforms," he said,
    without elaborating.

    Rehn sounded a note of caution, saying Brussels wanted to see
    practical action.

    "We expect this stated intention to be followed by concrete deeds
    and we are thus waiting for concrete decisions," he said.

    Rehn said pressure for a change in the penal code also reflected
    the growing strength of Turkish civil society, which was a welcome

    The Commission is also expected to criticise shortcomings in the
    rights of religious and ethnic minorities, civilian control over the
    military and persistent instances of torture.

    It will praise economic reforms, the training of more judges and the
    creation of an ombudsman to probe citizens' complaints.

    Mustafa Alper, general secretary of Turkey's International Investors'
    Association, said financial markets were quite relaxed about the
    possibility of a crisis with the EU.

    "I do not think the (Commission) report will greatly spoil Turkish
    morale ... Cyprus will come to the agenda again, but I do not think
    the report will create a lot of problems or tensions," he told Reuters
    in an interview in Istanbul.

    "I see the likelihood of Turkey's negotiations being suspended as
    rather remote," Alper said.

    (Additional reporting by Humeyra Pamuk in Istanbul and Louis
    Charbonneau in Berlin)