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EU Report Sharply Criticizes Turkey's Reform Record

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  • EU Report Sharply Criticizes Turkey's Reform Record

    Yigal Schleifer

    EurasiaNet, NY
    Nov 8 2006

    Turkey's accession negotiations with the European Union are entering
    a critical period after an EU report, released November 8, sharply
    criticized Ankara's reform performance.

    European Union diplomats have been warning for months that a slowdown
    in the Turkish reform process, the large number of free-speech court
    cases and the closure of Turkish ports and airports to EU-member Cyprus
    were undermining Ankara's EU accession aspirations. The EU progress
    report provided the most definitive evidence yet that EU membership
    for Turkey is not a sure thing. [For additional information see the
    Eurasia Insight archive].

    "There will be a crisis from now until [the upcoming EU summit
    in] December, that is clear," says Joost Lagendijk, who heads the
    European Parliament delegation to the joint EU-Turkey parliamentary
    committee. The November 8 report is likely to form the basis of
    discussions when leaders of the 25-member EU ponder whether or not
    to freeze accession negotiations with Turkey.

    "The report represents a very important point, politically, as the
    trains are heading towards a crash," says Kirsty Hughes, a London-based
    European affairs analyst. "The [report] will be pointing towards
    a crash, but how bad it is depends on how the EU member countries
    follow up on it. There's going to be a big fight between the member
    countries after it comes out over what to do."

    The European Commission appeared to set a moderate tone on November 8,
    recommending against a suspension of accession talks.

    Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a stern warning,
    telling a German newspaper that if Ankara refuses to open up its
    ports to Cypriot trade - something it has promised to do as part of
    the deal to begin the negotiations - "the EU accession talks cannot
    continue in this fashion."

    Diplomats and analysts in Turkey are downbeat about the prospects of
    Ankara regaining reform momentum anytime soon. A wave of anti-Western
    nationalism has been washing over Turkey, fueled by a perception that
    the EU has been one-sided on the Cyprus issue. Recent European moves on
    the Armenian issue have also antagonized Ankara, in particular a recent
    law passed by the lower house of the French parliament making it a
    crime to deny that the mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks
    constitutes genocide. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Turkey will hold parliamentary elections next November, and observers
    in Turkey believe that little progress will happen on the EU front,
    as political parties are expected to emphasize their nationalist
    credentials and distance themselves from the currently unpopular
    accession negotiations.

    According to a June poll by the Pew Research Center, Turkish support
    for the EU has fallen to 35 percent, down from almost 80 percent three
    years ago (support for the United States was a dismal 12 percent,
    according to the same poll).

    "I don't think joining the EU would be a good thing for Turkey. They
    are pushing us too hard. They always want something more," says Faruk
    Yilmaz, who works in a small kiosk that sells snack food in Istanbul's
    historic Beyoglu neighborhood. "Turkey has wanted to be a member for
    such a long time. We are always walking towards them and they send
    us back to the start.

    Suat Kiniklioglu, executive director of the German Marshall Fund's
    Turkey office, says that while EU membership was once supported by
    a majority of Turks, today it is a divisive issue. "Certainly the
    military and the secularists have turned against the EU and for them
    a negative [EU progress] report would be welcomed, since it would
    mean a slowdown in the negotiations," he said.

    "I am afraid that the people who believe that Turkey belongs in Europe
    are becoming a minority," he continued.

    But if not in Europe, then where does Turkey belong? There have been
    suggestions that the country's government, run by the Islamic-rooted
    Justice and Development Party, might lead Turkey towards a closer
    alliance with the Islamic world. But Ioannis Grigoriadis, a professor
    of political science at Istanbul's Isik University, says that rather
    than eastward, Turkey's growing nationalism is looking inward.

    "It could end up with a Turkey that is very introverted and
    self-reliant," he says.

    A distancing from the EU, says Grigoriadis, could ultimately hurt the
    process of democratization in Turkey, since "the EU acts as both an
    anchor and as a trigger, on the one hand pushing for change from the
    outside, but also protecting the steps already made."

    Despite the criticism from Brussels, as well as the nationalist mood
    in Turkey, there are indications that both sides are working to reach
    a compromise before the EU summit in December. Turkish Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently expressed a willingness to amend article
    301, a controversial law limiting free speech, while there are also
    efforts to work out an interim deal on the Cyprus issue.

    "I think all parties will try until the last moment way to prevent
    this train crash," says Lagendijk, the European parliamentarian.

    Some are also suggesting that beyond compromise what may also be needed
    is a change in the way the EU approaches Turkey. Kemal Dervis, Turkey's
    former economy minister and the current head of the United Nations
    Development Program, recently said that the EU's constant pressure
    for reform will only continue to alienate Turks. Isik University's
    Grigoriadis say that if the EU wants to keep Turkey within its orbit,
    it has to reel the country in slowly. "You can't pull the line too
    tight, or it will break," he says.

    Editor's Note: Yigal Schleifer is a freelance journalist based in