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Moscow: Melikyan Vows to Close Banks

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  • Moscow: Melikyan Vows to Close Banks

    The Moscow Times
    Monday, November 13, 2006
    Melikyan Vows to Close Banks
    By Gleb Bryanski

    The Central Bank will press on with its cleanup of the banking system
    despite the murder of reformist banking supervisor Andrei Kozlov, the man
    who took over his role said in an interview Friday.
    "We will withdraw licenses from any banks that don't have a real banking
    business and only deal in dirty money - and we will do it without mercy,"
    Central Bank Deputy Chairman Gennady Melikyan said.
    Melikyan said, however, that the regulator did not aim to destroy as many
    banks as possible and did not set any targets. He said the Central Bank was
    prepared to help solid banks fix breaches.
    "If a bank has a real business, we would try to mend its ways," Melikyan
    said. "We would give them a couple of months to sort things out and report.
    If that does not happen, we will take tougher action. I have to say, many
    understand and accept our policy."
    Melikyan also said the country's banking system must grow as quickly as
    sound risk management will allow to fund investment and economic
    Melikyan, 58, was appointed head of the Central Bank's banking supervision
    committee one week after Kozlov was gunned down in September.
    Melikyan has yet to become the bank's first deputy chairman, a promotion
    needed to assume all Kozlov's powers.

    Three people have been arrested in connection with the murder, which
    investigators and politicians believe was a contract killing related to his
    A former labor minister in the early post-Soviet years, Melikyan joined the
    Central Bank in 2003 from state-owned Sberbank, where he was deputy
    Melikyan has kept a low public profile and his bureaucratic background
    dating back to the Soviet era has led some to question whether he would
    press ahead with Kozlov's policy of weeding out suspicious banks.
    The Central Bank has stripped nearly 90 of the country's 1,200 banks of
    their licenses in the last two years. Nine licenses have been withdrawn
    since Kozlov's murder.
    "Have a look at the organizations we take away licenses from. Can you regard
    these organizations as banks? I can say - only with great reservations,"
    Melikyan said.
    He said one of the banks that had recently lost its license was housed in a
    basement where one person performed illegal money transfers on a single
    computer connected to the Internet.
    "There is a number of marginal banks which do not do real banking, they are
    all involved in money laundering and conversion of large sums of money into
    cash," he said.
    Melikyan said that although cash issuance was not an illegal operation in
    itself, the volume of it was often a signal that a bank was involved in
    illegal operations.
    "When there is a little bank with five employees that issues 15 billion
    rubles [$560 million] in cash, I smell a rat right away," said Melikyan, who
    also heads the Central Bank's unit running field checks on banks.
    Melikyan said suspect banks run complex schemes involving chains of shell
    firms and purchases of fictitious shares or goods. He said the main purpose
    of the schemes was tax evasion.
    Melikyan said the deposit insurance system created after a 2004 mini-banking
    crisis raised banks' transparency and improved internal control and risk
    management. About 950 banks have so far been accepted into the scheme.
    "I think the number of banks in Russia would shrink further but I cannot say
    how many banks there should be," he said, pointing out that, of Russia's
    1,200 banks, the top 20 controlled 90 percent of the banking system's
    Melikyan said he was worried about a growing share of bad loans in the
    banking sector but dismissed analysts' fears that a liquidity crunch caused
    by a fall in oil prices would deliver a blow to the banking sector.
    "When the effective rate on a loan is 40 percent, even if some loans turn
    bad, the bank is still living in clover," Melikyan said, referring to steep
    interest rates some banks charge for consumer credit.
    Melikyan said many banks were cheating their customers and charging them
    hidden fees that raise the effective interest rate. "In many cases people
    don't pay because they think they are being ripped off," he said.
    Melikyan also said he was concerned about many banks financing their retail
    growth through foreign borrowing but said there was no question about
    imposing restrictions.
    "I am seriously worried about external borrowing, especially by state-owned
    firms. But to ban borrowing without offering an alternative is not
    suitable," he said.