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Turkey: Minister Of State Poised To Host Pope During Historic Visit

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  • Turkey: Minister Of State Poised To Host Pope During Historic Visit


    AKI, Italy
    Nov 14 2006

    Istanbul and Ankara, 14 Nov. (AKI) - Turkey's minister of state
    Besir Atalay is expected to host Pope Benedict XVI during his first
    visit to a Muslim-majority country taking place from 28 November to 1
    December. During the three-day visit, the pontiff will meet Turkey's
    president Ahmet Necdet Sezer, the Orthodox patriarch Bartholomew
    I and other religious leaders, including the head of the religious
    affairs directorate and Muslim grand mufti of Turkey, Ali Bardakoglu.

    Upon his arrival on 28 November in the capital, Ankara, Benedict will
    visit the shrine of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the modern, secular
    Turkish state, the Vatican announced. He will then meet meet Sezer,
    Bardakoglu, and Turkish diplomats, the Vatican said.

    On 29 November, Benedict will celebrate mass in the coastal city
    Ephesus, the site of the most important sanctuary to the Virgin Mary
    in Anatolia. On 30 November - the Feast of Saint Andrew - he and
    Bartholomew I will sign a joint declaration of ecumenical dialogue
    between the Catholic and Orthodox churches before celebrating a
    liturgy together.

    While in Istanbul, Benedict will also meet Armenian, Syrian Orthodox
    and Jewish leaders and will dine with members of the Turkish Conference
    of Bishops. On the last day of his visit, on 1 December, he will
    celebrate mass in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.

    Atalay - who is responsible for Turkey's public TV channel TRT and
    the national statistics institute - has extensive previous experience
    of accompanying high ranking officials during their visits to the
    country and has signalled he is happy to act as the pontiff's host.

    There has been speculation that Islamist rooted Erdogan deliberately
    avoided meeting Benedict in reaction to his recent controversial
    statements linking Islam to violence and unreason during a speech in
    September at the University of Regensburg in Germany.

    This has been repeatedly denied by Erdogan and other government
    officials, who have stated that the premier's attendance at a NATO
    summit in Latvia was a prior commitment the Vatican was aware of when
    planning the pontiff's visit. "I will be at the NATO Summit in Riga.

    Am I supposed to cancel because of the pope's visit? " Erdogan said
    on Monday.

    "I do not escape. The pope has two titles; that of religious leader
    and head of state. As the religious leader he will meet Turkey's
    religious affairs directorate chairman, Ali Bardakoglu. As head of
    state, he will meet president Ahmet Necdet Sezer. What is there to
    read into this?" Erdogan added.

    Gul will also be abroad during Benedict's first official visit
    to Turkey.