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Not Going To Baku Is The Compromise, Good Governance Is The Resoluti

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  • Not Going To Baku Is The Compromise, Good Governance Is The Resoluti


    Lragir, Armenia
    Nov 15 2006

    The Brotherhood of the Liberation War Council of Commanders made
    a statement November 15 calling all the classes of the society to
    join the Movement of Civil Disobedience to overcome the danger to
    the future of the state not to lose the victory in the Karabakh war
    and the statehood. The head of the Yerkrapah Union Arkady Karapetyan,
    who was one of the commanders of the Karabakh force during the war,
    read the statement at the Hayeli Club. The call for civil disobedience
    is not related to the election, but the goal is change of power in
    Armenia. "If people disobey now, and disobedience means that you do
    not recognize that this man is your president, it means you are ready
    to do everything. You can say hey, go away, let one of us replace
    you who will prove that they deserve to rule, to be our leader with
    the life he lives, morality, abilities," says Arkady Karapetyan. The
    former commanders of the war in Artsakh forming the Brotherhood
    of the Liberation War are worried by the likelihood to return the
    liberated territories the minister of foreign affairs, the minster
    of defense and the president display. "If Serge announces that this
    is a security area, we have to bargain, and so on, and so forth, they
    have been carrying on with this for two-three years. Not once or twice.

    They instill in people's consciousness that it is not ours, it has
    been occupied. The word "occupied" already means that it is not ours,"
    says Arkady Karapetyan. He says Aghdam is our homeland, and all the
    other liberated territories.

    Arkady Karapetyan says the population of Karabakh does not accept
    any approach involving return of the territories but they are trying
    to create an atmosphere there as well. However, the leader of the
    yerkrapahs of Karabakh says these attempts may lead to terrible
    consequences, including shots. Arkady Karapetyan says it does not
    mean that a civil war may start. "What civil war can there be? The
    question of several people will be settled," says Arkady Karapetyan.

    He has his proposal regarding the compromise. If the Armenians stopped
    and did not occupy Baku, it is already a compromise, thinks Arkady
    Karapetyan. He says it does not mean that they are militaristic. "A
    normal person, who saw the war, does not want war.

    The war is a terrible thing, I do not want. I lost people in that war,"
    says Arkady Karapetyan.

    He emphasizes that the call for civil disobedience is not only for the
    territories but also for the state of the country. "Today, according
    to their indexes, an Armenian family has 1.6 child. In other words,
    the nation is dying, the nation is dying due to this policy. So what do
    territories mean, what does the state mean, what does Armenia mean and
    what does Karabakh mean? The land is yours if you can keep it. When
    you lead your nation to this state, the land is not yours. And they
    are demolishing the nation. When the nation is demolished, how can
    it keep the land, preserve its values? And if we have no values,
    we cannot preserve anything," says Arkady Karapetyan.

    Therefore, he states that the key to the Karabakh issue and the
    resolution of the national and public problems is building a normal
    state, which is worth something, which has something to say.

    "Six or seven years ago an American ethnographer came and asked how we
    imagine the resolution of the Karabakh conlfict. He said if the problem
    is solved, the blockade will be lifted, and so on. I told him that the
    settlement of the Karabakh issue is not related to the blockade, and we
    are not in a blockade. There was a blockade in Japan, in Israel, it was
    really tough, but these states, Japan, for instance, prospers. He said
    Japan has friends with powerful economies. You answered your question,
    I said. I said you need us because we live in this part of the Earth
    and because we are Armenians. We are not Iranians, although we have
    a common root, we are not Russians, although we want to be close to
    Russia. We are not Turks, we are not Georgians, therefore you need
    us. He said you are right," tells Arkady Karapetyan presenting his
    idea of the settlement of the issue through this story. He clarifies
    that the problem of Armenia is not Karabakh but bad leaders.