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NATO Unaffected By Turkey-France Military Row: Officials

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  • NATO Unaffected By Turkey-France Military Row: Officials


    Agence France Presse -- English
    November 16, 2006 Thursday

    NATO's operations will not be affected by a decision by the Turkish
    army to suspend its military relations with France, officials at the
    defence alliance said Thursday.

    Turkish army chief General Ilker Basbug made the announcement late
    Wednesday in retaliation to a French parliamentary bill which would
    make it a crime to deny that the World War I massacre of Armenians
    by Ottoman Turks constituted genocide.

    "It's a bilateral issue. It won't affect their relations at NATO,"
    an official in Brussels said.

    Both French and Turkish troops were operating in Kabul, he added.

    "They're there today," he stressed.

    French and Turkish troops operate side-by-side in the Afghan capital,
    under the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF),
    combatting a fierce insurgency by Taliban rebels.

    However, General Basbug told reporters in Ankara that high-level
    visits between the two countries had stopped, according to the Turkey's
    semi-official Anatolia news agency.

    Turkey has warned that bilateral ties will suffer a great blow if
    France adopts the bill, which foresees one year in jail for anyone
    who denies that Armenians were the victims of genocide by Ottoman
    Turks between 1915-17.

    The bill was approved by the lower house of the French parliament last
    month but still needs the approval of the Senate and the president
    to take effect.

    Armenians claim up to 1.5 million of their people were slaughtered
    in orchestrated killings during the last years of the Ottoman Empire,
    modern Turkey's predecessor.

    But Turkey rejects the use of the term "genocide", saying some 300,000
    Armenians died when the Ottoman Empire fell apart, but at least as
    many Turks did too.

    "This doesn't concern NATO," a diplomat at the military organisation
    agreed. "We don't foresee any difficulties in the NATO sphere. There
    won't be any impact on the functioning of the Alliance".

    Top military officers from NATO and Partner nations were completing
    two days of talks in Brussels Thursday, two weeks ahead of a NATO
    Summit in Riga, to shape and inform military advice for the North
    Atlantic Council.