Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Nov 18 2006
Uzbekistan did not take part in the Summit of Turkish Speaking States
because it was not satisfied with Antalya Declaration, diplomatic
sources told APA.
Uzbekistan representatives attended the meeting of working group
preparing draft declaration two days before the summit.
The issue concerning Nagorno Karabakh conflict caused divergence at
the meeting.
Uzbekistan representatives were satisfied with the reiteration of
the UN four resolutions and the demand of the implementation, but
they objected repetition of the Organization of Islamic Conference's
decision and other statements condemning Armenian aggression.
Uzbekistan representatives failed to reach common agreement with
other representatives and left the meeting.
Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Nov 18 2006
Uzbekistan did not take part in the Summit of Turkish Speaking States
because it was not satisfied with Antalya Declaration, diplomatic
sources told APA.
Uzbekistan representatives attended the meeting of working group
preparing draft declaration two days before the summit.
The issue concerning Nagorno Karabakh conflict caused divergence at
the meeting.
Uzbekistan representatives were satisfied with the reiteration of
the UN four resolutions and the demand of the implementation, but
they objected repetition of the Organization of Islamic Conference's
decision and other statements condemning Armenian aggression.
Uzbekistan representatives failed to reach common agreement with
other representatives and left the meeting.