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UN Official Says Turkey Is Not Ready For The EU

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  • UN Official Says Turkey Is Not Ready For The EU

    Azka Khan

    Daily Kent Stater, OH
    Nov 21 2006

    United Nations official Miroslav Jovanovic spoke last night in the
    Governace Chambers about the controversy surrounding Turkey's admission
    to the European Union. About 50 people attended the lecture.

    United Nations official Miroslav Jovanovic thinks the controversy
    surrounding Turkey's admission to the European Union is not about
    politics, but more about the country's culture and society.

    Jovanovic, economic affairs officer in the transport division of the
    United Nations Economic Commission, presented his argument on the
    issues surrounding Turkey's addition to the EU last night in the Kent
    Student Center Governance Chambers.

    The lecture, titled "Turkey in the European Union: Euthanasia or the
    Rejuvenation of Europe," was sponsored by the Lemnitzer Center for NATO
    and European Union Studies through its Gerald H. Reed lecture series.

    The European Union made its world debut in 1992 and currently includes
    25 member countries. The EU is a political powerhouse that represents
    power, prestige and prosperity.

    Turkey, a country that meets very few EU requirements, applied for
    membership last year. The membership has yet to be finalized, but
    the long wait has some critics speaking out.

    "There are only two countries that the EU is considering for
    enlargement, and those are Croatia and Turkey." Jovanovic said. "The
    controversy is really about the readiness of the European Union to
    accept such a large and relatively poor country."

    According to Jovanovic, there are issues to consider about Turkey's
    readiness and willingness to accept the Union's closed regulations,
    policies and spirits.

    "If you want to join a club," Jovanovic said, "you have to follow
    the rules of the club."

    Jovanovic provided a number of reasons why Turkey does not meet the
    rules of the EU and why the country will most likely not be accepted.

    "It's not that Turkey has to change its constitution, but the EU has
    to change its constitution if Turkey is accepted," he said.

    His first reason is Turkey's past, in terms of political relations
    with other European countries, specifically Cyprus and Armenia.

    "Turkey doesn't recognize Cyprus as a country," he said. "Then there
    is the Armenian Genocide of 1915, in which millions of Armenians were
    slaughtered by the Turks."

    Jovanovic said Turkey must accept its past before moving forward with
    involvement with the EU.

    Civil rights is another issue, he said.

    He continued by saying the freedom of expression in Turkey is at a
    very low level compared to the EU standards. He also mentioned that
    the treatment of women needs to be improved.

    When focusing on Turkey's economy, Jovanovic said Turkey would need
    61 years in order to catch up with the average GDP of the EU.

    "It is on its way to European modernity," Jovanovic said. "But there
    is still a few steps that it has to take."

    About 50 people attended the lecture.

    "I think it is interesting to see both the EU and Turkey perspective,"
    said Lisa Kurz, a junior international relations major.

    "It's also interesting to learn about the cost and restrictions of
    the EU."