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Turkey Will Recognize Or Will Collapse

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  • Turkey Will Recognize Or Will Collapse


    Lragir, Armenia
    Nov 22 2006

    Kiro Manoyan, ARF Dashnaktsutyun, in charge of Hay Dat and political
    affairs, stated November 22 in Yerevan that the U.S. House or the
    Senate have adopted three resolutions in the past 30 years condemning
    the Armenian genocide, however the U.S. government has always avoided
    using the word genocide to refer to the Armenian Genocide in 1915.

    Matthew Bryza, the U.S. co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, a
    high-ranking State Department official, stated they are against
    that the U.S. Congress adopt a new resolution, but the Democrats are
    majority in the Congress, and it is possible that such a resolution
    will be adopted, stated Kiro Manoyan. Like the previous three, the
    fourth resolution will be a mere tool for pressure on Turkey.

    Kiro Manoyan notices that the U.S. government is not doubting the fact
    of the genocide but it does not speak about it not to exercise pressure
    on Turkey. Meanwhile, the U.S. ambassador to Armenia Richard Hoagland
    doubted the fact of the genocide. "This is Hoagland's fault," stated
    Kiro Manoyan, who thinks that the best solution of this problem
    would be appointing another person ambassador to Armenia. Or at
    least announce clearly that the United States does not doubt there
    was a genocide.

    The U.K., which is closer to the political line of the United States,
    is against adopting resolutions on the Armenian genocide. Kiro
    Manoyan thinks that the U.K. also does not want to exercise pressure
    on Turkey because it views Turkey as bridging dialogues between the
    civilizations. But "Turkey became a Turkish Republic, dismissing
    the question of the genocide, and founded this republic on this
    purification acknowledging their guilt, and will continue living with
    this feeling until it collapses one day," stated Kiro Manoyan.