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CoE Launches European Campaign to Stop Violence against Women

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  • CoE Launches European Campaign to Stop Violence against Women

    18:34 24/11/06

    Council of Europe launches European campaign to stop
    violence against women in the home

    Domestic violence must be criminalised, victims
    protected and perpetrators punished across Europe,
    says the Council of Europe.The call comes as Europe
    marks the UN's International Day for the Elimination
    of Violence against Women. It is also the prelude to a
    major conference on the subject in Madrid, Spain,
    where the 46 member Council will launch a campaign
    aimed at stopping a major human rights abuse. (Monday
    27 Madrid, in the Spanish Senate)

    The launch ceremony will include Spanish Prime
    Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Senate
    President Francisco Javier Rojo García and, from the
    Council of Europe, Secretary General Terry Davis,
    Committee of Ministers Chair Fiorenzo Stolfi,
    Parliamentary Assembly President René van der Linden
    and Ian Micallef, President of the Chamber of Local
    Authorities of the Congress of Local and Regional

    The campaign will run until 2008 and was devised when
    the Council's 2005 Warsaw summit demanded immediate
    action in the face of widespread violence to women in
    Europe. It will work through governments, parliaments
    and regional and local authorities, creating
    partnerships with leading NGOs to ensure wide-ranging
    action. The Campaign aims to make the public aware of
    the extent of violence to women and to encourage new
    laws and practices to stop violence.

    Figures gathered by the Council show that violence
    happens in every European country. Although statistics
    are difficult to compare from country to country
    because of the different research methods, studies for
    individual countries show:

    * across countries one fifth to one quarter of all
    women have experienced physical violence at least once
    during their lives, and more than one-tenth have
    suffered sexual violence

    * Figures for all forms of violence, including
    stalking, are as high as 45%. * Most violent acts
    against women are carried out by men in the immediate
    social environment, most often partners and

    * It is estimated that about 12% to 15% of all women
    have been in a relationship of domestic abuse after
    the age of 16. * The cost to society of domestic
    violence is enormous. Studies in individual countries
    have ranged from 2.4 billion euros per year in Spain,
    to 34 billion euros in the UK.

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