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Armenian President expresses sorrow over division of Nicosia

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  • Armenian President expresses sorrow over division of Nicosia

    The Financial Mirror
    26th of November 2006
    Armenian President expresses sorrow over division of Nicosia

    It is very sad to see Nicosia divided and know that this is happening in
    Europe, President of Armenia Robert Kocharian said on Friday, after visiting
    the ceasefire line in Nicosia.
    ''It is very sad to see this old city divided and know that this is
    happening in Europe. Not only the city was divided, by also human lives were
    lost and many people are still missing,'' Kocharian wrote in the visitors'
    Accompanied by Nicosia Mayor Michalakis Zampelas and other officials,
    Kocharian and his entourage visited the ceasefire line, dividing the
    government-controlled areas from the Turkish occupied northern part of the
    island, since the Turkish invasion of 1974.
    The Armenian President, who is on a state visit to Cyprus, wished that the
    island will be united again and that the people of Cyprus will live under
    conditions of prosperity and peace.
    Earlier, Zampelas presented the Golden Key of the City to the Armenian
    President during an official ceremony at the town hall.
    In his address at the ceremony, Kocharian said that ''although this is my
    first visit in Cyprus, all things around me seem so familiar that I get the
    impression that sooner or later people will start talking to me in
    The Armenian President wished that justice will prevail in Nicosia, just as
    in the case of Berlin, were the wall was demolished and now the city has
    become a symbol of peace.
    ''I was recently in Berlin. It is a city that proved how justice in the end
    prevails. I wish that Nicosia is again reunited and the Cyprus issue is
    resolved according to the wishes of the Cypriot people,'' he said.
    He also made a proposal that the capital cities of Yerevan and Nicosia
    become twinned.
    In his address, the Nicosia Mayor referred to the traditionally friendly
    relations between Cyprus and Armenia.
    Referring to the Armenian people living in Cyprus, he said that they are an
    important part of the Cypriot people and contribute to a great extent to the
    political, economic and social prosperity of the island.
    Later on, the Armenian President visited the Armenian Archbishopric, Church
    and School in Nicosia.
    A warm welcome was awaiting him by Armenians living in Nicosia, who
    applauded and thanked him for his visit.
    Kocharian was welcomed by Archbishop of the Armenian Church in Cyprus
    Varoujan Hergelian.
    Armenian pupils, holding Cypriot and Armenian flags, greeted the official
    Armenian delegation and prepared a cultural programme with traditional
    dances for its members.
    Speaking to the press, Representative of the Armenian Religious Group at the
    House of Representatives Mahdesian Vartkes referred to the friendly
    relations between Armenia and Cyprus, saying that the living conditions of
    Armenians on the island are excellent.