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NKR: Nagorno Karabakh People Made Their Choice Long Ago

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  • NKR: Nagorno Karabakh People Made Their Choice Long Ago

    Christine Mnatsakanian

    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
    Sept 29 2006

    On September 26 Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian met with the
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. We have learned from the department of
    public relations of the Armenian foreign ministry that the current
    state of negotiations was discussed in the context of the new
    initiative of GUAM on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. And on
    September 25 Vardan Oskanian made a speech in the 61st session of the
    UN General Assembly. The foreign minister asserted the fact that the
    only settlement of the Karabakh conflict is compromise and realism,
    "Armenia expressed its standpoint clearly. We agreed to every basic
    principle of the document on the table. In bringing into being this
    or another document Azerbaijan cannot think or pretend that it still
    has the military option. They tried out the military way and failed.

    Compromise and realism are the only realistic variants," said
    the minister, according to the department of public relations of
    the foreign ministry. The minister described the present policy of
    Azerbaijan to neglect whatever took place over the past 20 years as
    unrealistic and dishonest. Vardan Oskanian thinks that nobody can
    accuse us of our confidence that Azerbaijan is not ready or is not
    interested in the talks. "By rejecting the former two proposals based
    on compromise presented in the past 8 years, they are reluctant to
    assume responsibility for having rejected the plan of establishing
    peace, thereby using every means, including state violence and
    international maneuvers to get the Armenians reject it," said the
    minister. With regard to the settlement in the context of territorial
    integrity or the right for self-determination, Vardan Oskanian says
    Azerbaijan's efforts to place territorial integrity above all the
    other principles were promoted, especially in this hall. However,
    he says, the right to self-determination was placed on an equal basis
    with the other principles in the Helsinki final act. He thinks that
    the Nagorno-Karabakh people made their choice. "They were victims of
    state violence, defended themselves and succeeded despite all," said
    Vardan Oskanian. He stated that the states must deserve their right to
    rule. "Azerbaijan did not treat the people of Nagorno Karabakh with
    responsibility or morally who were its citizens. In towns, far from
    Nagorno Karabakh, they slaughtered, bombed and displaced 300 thousand
    Armenians, and after the defeat they started sweeping all the traces of
    Armenians, demolishing thousands of khachkars and gravestones," stated
    the foreign minister at the session of the UN General Assembly. Vardan
    Oskanyan said this means that the attitude of Azerbaijan to tolerance,
    human values, culture, cooperation and even peace has not changed.