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Armenian General Downplays Exchanges Of Fire With Azerbaijan

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  • Armenian General Downplays Exchanges Of Fire With Azerbaijan


    Hayots Ashkar, Yerevan,
    30 Sep 06 p 5

    "Negative developments were not observed"

    An interview with Chief of the General Staff Col-Gen
    Mikayel Arutyunyan. He comments on present situation on the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line.

    [Ayots Ashkar correspondent] Mr General, what is today's situation
    at the contact line taking into account the fact that an Armenia
    servicemen was killed recently?

    [Mikayel Arutyunyan] In general, the situation is calm on the contact
    line. There were no big clashes, but unfortunately single shots
    can still be heard. And one of such shots has recently killed our
    warrant officer. But the Azerbaijani party should understand that
    our tolerance has its limits. A deterioration of the situation will
    undoubtedly result in an appropriate response by Armenia and should
    that happen they will also have casualties.

    But in general, there are no major negative developments on the contact
    line. Our and Azerbaijani engineers carry out their work. At any rate,
    we are getting ready to thwart any kind of provocation. By this I do
    not mean large-scale offensive operations about which top Azerbaijani
    military officials like to speak.

    [Correspondent] Earlier, Azerbaijan used to move their positions closer
    to ours. Then the process was stopped. What is the situation today?

    [Arutyunyan] Such actions were not observed in 2006. Actually they
    were trying to push their positions forward and as a result of those
    actions they had a serious number of victims not because of the shots
    of our snipers but because of being blown up by their own landmines.

    The reason is that the area between our positions was mined by both
    sides long ago.

    I think that this should be taken into account by Azerbaijan and
    such initiatives should be abandoned pending reaching a political
    settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

    [Correspondent] Did the OSCE monitoring group register any cease-fire
    violations by Azerbaijan?

    [Arutyunyan] The OSCE monitoring group visits the front-line from
    time to time from both sides. Of course, they do register the cases
    of cease-fire violations and take measures. Let us remind that there
    was a case when the monitoring group visited the front-line from the
    on the side of Karabakh and Azerbaijanis opened fire in the direction
    of the OSCE monitors. Fortunately, there were no victims.