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Labour Party Still Ahead In The Netherlands

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  • Labour Party Still Ahead In The Netherlands

    Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research

    Angus Reid Global Scan, Canada
    Oct 1 2006

    - The opposition Labour Party (PvdA) could become the largest political
    organization in the Dutch Second Chamber, according to a poll by
    Maurice de Hond. The survey suggests that the PvDA, led by Wouter Bos,
    would secure 43 mandates in this year's election to the Second Chamber.

    The Christian-Democratic Appeal (CDA) is second with 38 seats, followed
    by the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) with 31 seats,
    and the Socialist Party (SP) with 16 seats. Six other political
    organizations would send legislators to the Second Chamber.

    The poll shows a one-seat drop for both the PvdA and the SP, while
    support for the VVD increased for the fourth consecutive week.

    In the January 2003 election, the CDA elected 44 lawmakers to the
    150-seat Second Chamber. CDA member Jan Peter Balkenende has acted
    as minister president since July 2002. In early 2003, Balkenende
    established his second coalition government with the VVD and Democrats
    66 (D66).

    In June, a controversy over the way integration and immigration
    minister Rita Verdonk dealt with the case of Somali-born lawmaker
    Ayaan Hirsi Ali forced the collapse of the government. D66 lawmakers
    supported a no-confidence motion introduced by the Green Left (GL)
    against VVD member Verdonk.

    On Jul. 5, the legislative election was scheduled for Nov. 22. In
    the period leading up to the ballot, Balkenende will lead a minority

    On Sept. 28, the CDA and the PvdA decided to withdraw three candidates
    from their lists because they refused to explicitly acknowledge the
    Armenian genocide. The politicians-Ayhan Tonca and Osman Elmaci of
    the CDA, and Erdinc Sacan of the PvdA-are of Turkish origin.

    PvdA chairman Michiel van Hulten explained the rationale, saying,
    "Erdinc Sacan is a talented man aged 27 who is trapped between two
    cultures and is unwilling to choose. We regret the necessity of taking
    this decision."

    Polling Data

    What party would you vote for in the next parliamentary election?

    (Results presented in seats)

    Sept. 24 Sept. 17 Sept. 10

    Labour Party (PvdA) 43 44 45

    Christian-Democratic Appeal (CDA) 38 38 39

    People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) 31 30 29

    Socialist Party (SP) 16 17 17

    Green Left (GL) 7 7 6

    Christian Union (CG) 6 6 6

    Party for Freedom (PvdV) 3 3 3

    Reformed Political Party (SGP) 2 2 2

    One Netherlands (EN) 2 2 3

    Democrats 66 (D66) 2 1 1