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BAKU: Speech Of Ilham Aliyev At Milli Majlis

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  • BAKU: Speech Of Ilham Aliyev At Milli Majlis


    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Oct 2 2006

    Esteemed members of the Milli Majlis!

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Esteemed guests!

    Today is very wonderful and remarkable day; not only because the
    Milli Majlis is beginning its work but also because the building of
    the parliament has fully changed its appearance. Its both outward
    appearance and interior design are meeting highest standards. Very
    good conditions have been created here for parliamentarians. Major
    repair work has been done for the short period of time. Today, it
    is, of course, very comfortable to work in this beautiful hall, and
    I am sure it will be very successful for our parliamentarians. The
    improvement and construction works that are now underway in Azerbaijan
    cover all areas: buildings are being reconstructed, and repaired, new
    alleys are laid. We all want all the buildings repaired to meet high
    standards. I am sure the activity of the Milli Majlis will contribute
    to overall development of Azerbaijan, and improvement of the working
    conditions, providing of the Milli Majlis' building with up-to-day
    equipment, will indeed increase the effectiveness of the work.

    It has been already one year since the parliamentary elections,
    and one can say, the new Milli Majlis is playing an important role
    in development of Azerbaijan. New laws are passed, international
    activities of the Milli Majlis are being improved, and meetings of the
    parliament members with their voters are held in a regular manner. It
    is very important because problems of voters are what must be solved
    first and foremost. Much in this cause depends on the activities of
    the Milli Majlis members. All that is being done serves one thing:
    overall development of Azerbaijan, its conversion into a rich and
    powerful state, modernization of the country and fully ensuring of
    the principle of social justice.

    You visit provinces very often, and meet voters and are familiar
    with their concerns. We must work together to eliminate existing
    shortcomings so not a single problem remains in Azerbaijan. It
    is possible to do so. The existing socio-political situation in
    Azerbaijan, confidence between power and people, successful activity of
    the Milli Majlis are what defines our short- and long-term development

    The role of the parliament in the Azerbaijani society is growing,
    it should be growing, and it is natural. It pleases me, as the
    President, very much, because if the tasks set to the parliament
    are solved, it will ensure overall development of our society. In
    Azerbaijan, we are building a legal state. The rule of law must be
    established. Azerbaijan should more rapidly integrate into the global
    community, and serious reforms should be continued in all areas of
    life. It is very gratifying that economic and political reforms in our
    country are being implemented in parallel, and there are good results
    of these reforms. There are tasks to be solved by the Milli Majlis,
    and I am sure that your fruitful activities will play a significant
    role in the all-round development and strengthening of our country.

    I want to repeat that is has been a year since the parliamentary
    elections. Over this year, Azerbaijan has managed to strengthen
    its positions. Over the year, all the processes taking place in
    our country have been positive be it foreign and domestic policy or
    economic development.

    Successful conduct of the parliamentary elections, the triumph of the
    Azerbaijani people's will, of course, opens new opportunities, new
    horizons for our country. Parliamentary elections mark the beginning
    of a new era. There were a few such periods in Azerbaijan's history.

    We remember well the years 1991-1993. That period remained in memory as
    that of defeat. That period brought great difficulties to Azerbaijan,
    our country faced great problems, and unfortunately, part of those
    problems has remained topical until now.

    Between 1993 and 2003, Azerbaijan experienced the period of stability
    and development. Under the leadership of President Heydar Aliyev,
    Azerbaijan managed to get out of the crisis with success, and occupy
    a worthy place in the international community. Good conditions were
    created to conduct reforms within the country. The overall situation
    stabilized. If to take into account that our independence was
    questioned in 1993, it has been considerably strengthened ever since.

    Now, a new period begins. This period will define future development
    prospects of Azerbaijan, and our long-term development depends
    on how successful this period will be. Successful conduct of the
    parliamentary elections and post-election strengthening of our country,
    of creates new opportunities for our country. We try to build our
    activities relating both foreign and domestic policy in the form of a
    program. All the issues of concern are in the focus of attentions. The
    program of regional development is being realized successfully. You
    often visit regions, and probably can see our provinces changing
    for the better. New houses, schools, hospitals, sport complexes,
    are being constructed, and businesses are being developed. Migration
    from provinces to the city is reducing, and I believe the time will
    come when it will stop, and maybe migration from urban to rural area
    will begin.

    Our economic potential is growing. Both macroeconomic indicators
    and daily life of our people prove it. For ordinary people, the
    macroeconomic indicators are, maybe, not so important.

    However, unless our economy grow 30%, it, of course, will be very
    difficult to solve all the existing problems. Our budget is growing.

    The Azerbaijan's state budget has grown for the short period of time.

    Some say it has happened due to oil. But you, members of the Milli
    Majlis are well aware of this.

    Of course, oil factor is very important for the economy of
    Azerbaijan. However, non-oil sector also develops rapidly in
    Azerbaijan. Now, we should focus our attention on this sector. We
    must direct oil revenues to the non-oil sector, convert them into
    human capital assets, spend them to settle the humanitarian issues
    in order to ensure overall development of Azerbaijan, eliminate or
    reduce oil dependency in the future. Budget increase allows settling
    all the problems including economic ones facing the country. The 2007
    draft budget is likely to be sent very soon the Milli Majlis. After
    the budget is approved, it will be possible to do great work in 2007.

    The major infrastructure projects in Azerbaijan are to be completed
    in 2007-2008. Construction of electric stations, roads, gas and water
    pipelines, schools, and hospitals must be completed in 2007-2008.

    Thus, all the existing problems should be solved between 2003 and
    2008. Our policy in this sphere is very open and clear. I am eager as
    the President to achieve all these goals shortly. There are all the
    possibilities to do it. I say once again that our economic potential
    allows us to do it, of course, the positive socio-political environment
    allows to do it as well. Strengthening of Azerbaijan's international
    positions results in cutting existing risks inside and outside the
    country. It is one of the major directions of our policy.

    We must protect our country, reduce risks and create the "space"
    for cooperation in and around Azerbaijan. Only in this case, our
    country can develop rapidly, and we can achieve what we want.

    Legal state building should be continued in Azerbaijan now and
    in the future. The process of democratization should be realized
    more intensively. A wonderful future awaits us. Being successfully
    implemented, oil strategy of Azerbaijan initiated by great leader
    Heydar Aliyev brings fruits. Construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline is the historic achievement. The construction of this
    pipeline will define a long-term economic strategy of Azerbaijan. In
    this case, implementation of political reforms must be highlighted as
    quite powerful economic potential, influx of money into our country
    will, of course, strengthen it economically.

    On the other hand, the influx of foreign currency needs to be
    seriously controlled by the state, government, Milli Majlis and the
    public. Realization of the scheduled programs can face disadvantages
    without a serious public control.

    Therefore, creation and strengthening of the civil society,
    strengthening of democratization process, building of legal state is
    not just a slogan or intention, it is the main condition for all-round
    development of Azerbaijan. Our experience shows that the way that
    Azerbaijan has chosen is the right way. Parallel implementation
    of economic, political and social reforms develops Azerbaijan
    comprehensively, strengthens the stability, which is so necessary
    for our country, and has a positive impact on the socio-political
    situation as well. Therefore, continuation of political and economic
    reforms is the imperatives of our era. If we really want to create
    modern and strong state, we should do this.

    Great challenges face our state in this cause and, at the same time,
    great responsibility lies with Milli Majlis as well. We must achieve
    it together.

    I think, major political, economic and social problems facing
    Azerbaijan will be solved until 2008, since I want to say once more
    that we do our job on the basis of concrete programs. I already
    said that the program of socio-economic development of regions would
    be instrumental in increasing the living standards in the regions,
    creating new enterprises, opening new jobs. As you know, about 450
    thousand jobs have been created to date.

    Macroeconomic stability and this direction of our economic policy
    will foster prevention of negative factors in our country. You
    know that very good economic opportunities suddenly emerge in one
    or another country, therefore, increasing the risks, including the
    risk of inflation. Therefore, we should build our macroeconomic
    policy in such a way as to have all the tasks facing the country be
    solved without undermining macroeconomic stability. It is extremely
    serious issue. Perhaps, we face this kind of problems for the first
    time in the modern history of Azerbaijan, as we had to search for new
    financial sources in previous years, strengthen financial discipline,
    find extra source of revenue. But today, due to implementation of
    our oil strategy, Azerbaijan will face the influx of a great amount
    of foreign currency resources, which could have a negative impact on
    the macroeconomic stability. It is vitally important question.

    Implementation of the infrastructure projects became systematic. We
    need to wrap up all the infrastructure projects until 2008, and
    therefore, we have a great work to do. During many years, financial
    squeezes did not allow us to earmark sufficient amount of funds
    to this sphere. In these and subsequent years, much money should
    be directed here. As to construction of schools, 600 schools have
    been built for the past two years, very modern ones. Construction of
    hospitals and social infrastructure objects. Ecological program has
    been adopted; we will become the richest country. If the ecological
    situation will not meet the standards, our citizens will face great
    difficulties, and their health can be damaged badly. In other words,
    major problems in all these spheres must be solved until 2008 with
    Azerbaijan strengthening its positions even more.

    Our policy on the international arena is successful. This shows that
    our activity on the international organizations, at the same time, our
    bilateral ties with numerous countries correspond to the interests of
    Azerbaijani people. It is, first, the interests of Azerbaijani people
    and state. We fully protect these interests. Our bilateral relations
    strengthen our country. Azerbaijan's role rises on the international
    and regional organizations. Azerbaijan has the leading position in the
    ongoing regional processes, and in many cases, we are the initiator
    and participant of the important projects in region. None of regional
    project is possible without consent and participation of Azerbaijan.

    Of course, international positions of our country strengthen. We have
    very efficient cooperation with the international organizations.

    Azerbaijan has hosted several authoritative actions. We take active
    part in the international organizations the member of which Azerbaijan
    is. Simultaneously, Azerbaijan contributes to those organizations. And
    gradually turns to important country, and this is a reality. The
    present Azerbaijan differs from that of decade earlier. Representatives
    of the world organizations also confirm it.

    We have to use these opportunities to provide extremely the interests
    of Azerbaijani people. We are open to all countries for cooperation,
    and our foreign policy is sincere, accurate. All the statements we make
    are realized. We have not made a single step for current situation,
    or for short-term achievement. We behave ourselves deservedly.

    At the same time, we are open for cooperation as well, and this
    is reality. Azerbaijan is a respected and esteemed country on the
    international arena and in the whole among the political community.

    Importance of Azerbaijan rises. The reason is not only the oil-gas
    projects, and even not the geographical position. Azerbaijan had
    always oil and gas. Encountered with many obstacles, it required
    great courage and great wisdom to develop these deposits, involve
    the foreign investors, and transport it to world markets. I reiterate
    all these were initiated by President Heydar Aliyev.

    Azerbaijan's geographic position is not merely of great significance,
    if there was not the thought-over policy, the efforts to make
    Azerbaijan a regional center. There are many countries in world with
    better geographic position.

    Regretfully, Azerbaijan has no direct way out to the world markets.

    All our transport and energy projects are realized through pipelines
    and transit. Despite of this, creation of strong transport
    infrastructure in Azerbaijan raises our importance. We are the
    initiator of several international projects. The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
    railway construction of which is to be launched soon will create a
    new situation in the country. Azerbaijan becomes an only country to
    connect Europe and Asia via the railway. This, of course raises our
    importance in regional affairs.

    We establish business links with the European Union. Our positions
    are strengthening in the Islamic world, too. This cooperation is very
    important for us. Azerbaijan has an undeniable role in regional and
    other organizations. That is, one of this does not exclude the other.

    They complete each other. Such policy of Azerbaijan is significant for
    region. None is interested in tension in region. Nobody is interested
    the existence problems in region led to any bitter conclusion. We
    pursue our policy reservedly. We have a goal, are going towards this
    goal and we shall do everything to reach it.

    In a word, if to view at the prospects, Azerbaijan has no such a
    serious problem. Personally, I do not see such one. It is because
    we shall achieve the accomplishments in several years. In any case,
    we have reason to state this for we have programs for each direction.

    The only problem of Azerbaijan is the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict, settlement of which does not depend only on us.

    This is an only question that does not depend only on us. Moreover,
    we do our best and Azerbaijan's diplomatic efforts are made to resolve
    this problem. Our position remains unchanged. I have also stated that
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity should be restored.

    This is the major condition. Beyond of this, there cannot be any
    agreement, any contract. The aggressive forces should withdraw form
    the occupied lands. The UN's four Resolutions be executed and put
    an end to aggression. The citizens of Azerbaijan, who suffered form
    ethnic cleanse should return to their homelands. Strengthening of
    safety measures in region is possible, and we support this and the
    Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh should be given high status. This is
    our position. This position bases on history - we know well that
    we received the Armenians in our lands as guest. This position also
    rests on political situation - the political situation is in our favor
    and gradually Azerbaijan's importance rises. If to weigh up Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, we shall see which one is of greater importance,
    what is their potential and what these countries will face in coming
    years. That is, from the point of view of development of political
    processes, our position is favorable.

    There is no need to stress legal point of the problem. We all know
    well that from the legal standpoint, the question should be resolved
    on base of our position.

    That is, if to take all the factors, and, at the same time, the
    growing economic potential of Azerbaijan, we shall see there are
    nice opportunities to resolve the question. We, simply, adhering
    the negotiations, have to continue our policy and actions. And
    this comprises strengthening of Azerbaijan. Our country, using all
    economic, diplomatic and political opportunities, should strengthen
    its positions and be further active against Armenia. We are attacking
    in information field. We have to attack in economic aspect and this
    has to be on agenda on all international organizations, in all forums,
    and bilateral format. We should expose aggressive policy of Armenia
    and we have enough proofs to do this.

    We have to strengthen our military potential and you know that since
    I have been elected as President I keep in focus this question. I
    have said then that Azerbaijan's military budget should equal to
    overall budget of Armenia, and we, probably, shall, achieve this
    next year. We have to continue these pressures. If the Armenian
    side should not see these attacks and afraid of them, worry from
    the growing opportunities of Azerbaijan, they hardly liberate the
    occupied lands. Armenia ignoring international principles, to our
    great regret, is not blamed by the international organizations. It
    has numerous reasons. You know them well. But this is reality. We
    have to know this reality and withstand our reality, the reality of
    Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a country not to tolerate with occupation
    of its lands. It is a country, using its economic, political and
    military potential, will achieve what it wants.

    I have told this once, and I reiterate that sometimes Azerbaijan's
    army building process causes concern in somebody. It should not cause
    concern. It is our sovereign right. We have been tolerating this
    aggression for many years. Our biggest compromise is our adherence
    to peace negotiations. But using all these opportunities, we have to
    create new situation. I would note once again that the strengthening of
    military potential does not lead automatically to war. This is the last
    version. We have to be ready for this. Very country should be ready,
    including the country the territory of which was occupied and lives
    in conditions of war. But, simultaneously, I am convinced that using
    our political, economic, diplomatic and regional factors, we shall
    be able to exert pressure on Armenia. These are already evident...

    We have to be on the offensive constantly. We must be active in
    all spheres, all organizations to achieve what we want. We must use
    economic factors, and these opportunities will increase gradually.

    The government received instructions to the effect. After Azerbaijan
    gets 100 times richer than Armenia, perhaps, there will be no need in
    the option of war. Therefore, we have to seize all the opportunities
    to restore our rights. It is our privilege. Nagorno-Karabakh is the
    historic land of Azerbaijan. We will never allow the second Armenian
    state to be created in the Azerbaijani lands. The whole society should
    be consolidated. This unity exists today. I am very glad that there
    is no discrepancy in the Azerbaijani society on this matter. In some
    cases, our opponents want to criticize us saying why Karabakh problem
    has not been solved. It is not settled because Azerbaijan will never
    agree with what dissatisfies us. It is not settled because despite the
    pressure, as a President, I will never agree with any agreement, which
    is disadvantageous for the Azerbaijan State and people of Azerbaijan.

    I already said that this issue depends not only on our desire.

    Therefore, we have to work and be active. I repeat that we have to
    mobilize our efforts. There are no other serious problems for us except
    this one. This problem is number one, and we, of course, must and will
    focus our potential on its settlement; everyone should know it. We
    exert every effort to find a fair solution to this issue; territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan will be restored. I have no doubt about it.

    Along with this, we are going to continue cooperation with
    international organizations for the settlement of the problem. Today,
    Minsk Group co-chairs have arrived again in Baku. We do not intend
    to give up Minsk Group format. At the same time, we believe that,
    involvement of other organizations can also assist to solve the
    problem. Indeed, the Armenian side tries to undermine talks under the
    pretext of the fact that the matter has been referred to the UN. It
    is their business, they can cancel the negotiations. If they need a
    pretext, they can easily find it. Azerbaijan behaves constructively,
    participates in the negotiations and hopes that they will result in
    the resolution of problem.

    Dear friends, I want to say once more that further development of
    our country seems very clear and bright to me. What kind of country
    will Azerbaijan be? Which positions will Azerbaijan have in five,
    ten years? What economic potential will it have? Which level will the
    lives of people reach? - These are the questions we are thinking of
    as we work for the future of our country, for the overall development
    of Azerbaijan.

    We want our country became a modern, rich and powerful state. And the
    people lived here well, were rich, and that its economy, political
    image was strong, and that grew our opportunities of influence on
    the processes in region. We want this. Each country, probably, has
    similar wish. But to want and to do this are different things. We
    have all opportunities to realize our wish.

    I can tell that today we have opened unique opportunities. How
    will be Azerbaijan tomorrow, in the years coming - it depends on
    us. We have to make every effort to create powerful state, much more
    strengthen our independence. We have to fully direct the potential
    of Azerbaijan to improve the life of people, and thus, create in
    the country a civic society. Free society, legal state, supremacy
    of law, strong economy, powerful army, flexible foreign policy,
    reliable defense and strengthening of the interests of Azerbaijan -
    these are the major directions we are going. We have programs on
    all directions. We have our views at them, we know what we want,
    where we go, we know what results expect us. And finally, we shall
    have powerful country, strong Azerbaijan, and the Azerbaijani people
    will live much better. We have to fruitfully work to achieve all these.

    In the re-constructed building of Milli Majlis, there are nice
    opportunities for this. On the way to Milli Majlis in the morning,
    I remembered the earlier situation, and, of course, you see the vast
    difference. I even said: "I wish I had worked in such reconstructed
    building, but, never mind, hitherto, we, probably, will meet
    frequently. I wish you success. I want to reiterate that I am very
    pleased that the members of Milli Majlis regard their duty with great
    responsibility, permanently are in touch with their electors, actively
    take part in adoption of progressive laws, in the socio-political
    life of country. The role of Milli Majlis, thus, increases. Public
    sees and acknowledges it. I also see it. I am also pleased and from
    this platform, I wish you success in further activity. I would like
    to express confidence that we shall and henceforth work together,
    all-round develop out country. Thank you.