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Ilham Aliyev: "Our Policy Must Be Aggressive, It Must Attack"

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  • Ilham Aliyev: "Our Policy Must Be Aggressive, It Must Attack"


    DeFacto Agency, Armenia
    Oct 2 2006

    Monday Azeri President Ilham Aliyev addressed the audience in the
    course of the Parliament's fall session.

    "We should switch to the information and economic attack and strengthen
    our external potential", stated I. Aliyev speaking about the ways of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict's settlement, reports.

    Aliyev reminded that being elected a President he had set increase of
    the military expenditure a principal goal. "We should put pressure on
    Armenia, otherwise it will hardy liberate our territories. We should
    also be ready for a war", the President underscored. At the same time
    Aliyev noted using both political and economic factors Azerbaijan would
    be able to turn the heat on Armenia. "Yet, after Azerbaijan becomes a
    hundred times stronger than Armenia, the war may become unnecessary",
    he believes.

    According to the state's Head, some opponents' reproaches that the
    conflict has not been settled are groundless. "It happens because
    Azerbaijan cannot cope with unfavorable proposals. As a President
    I will not go to the proposals that do not meet the Azerbaijan's
    interests. It is an issue number one, all our efforts should be
    directed to this", the President stated.

    Aliyev informed that the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs were arriving in
    the region current week.

    "We do not deny the format, however, we believe other international
    organizations can also contribute to the peacemaking process",
    he concluded., October 2, 2006 .

    Information-Analytics Agency has repeatedly noted that if Azerbaijan
    resumed hostilities it would inevitably result in this state's
    destruction. The Armenian armed subdivisions can terminate the
    Azerbaijani Republic's short history. Perhaps, Azerbaijan must be
    ready for a war, as the first in the line of succession President
    believes. However, the Azerbaijan's problem is that the Armenian
    subdivisions are "ready" for such a course of events. And first of
    all it concerns the moral spirit's level, though, as for armaments,
    we do not lag behind the Azeri army that spends hundreds of millions
    for its needs.

    Generally speaking, a war, blasphemously as it may sound, is favorable
    for Armenians, who will face a country stuck in corruption and mutual
    accusations, where a part (the Turks) tries to assimilate all the
    national minorities. Nevertheless, even taking into consideration
    the situation, Armenia is peaceable as always, offering constructive
    approaches to the conflict's settlement every time, unlike its
    reflexive neighbor that doubts if to begin a war with Armenia or not,
    yet, under condition that "Azerbaijan is a hundred times stronger
    than Armenia".

    However, Aliyev is not Hamlet, and Azerbaijan will never be "a hundred
    times" stronger than Armenia. Moreover, Azerbaijan will never be
    stronger than the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, as a party struggling
    for its Motherland always relies on the native land's vivifying saps.

    Maybe that is a reason that Azerbaijan denies negotiations with
    Nagorno-Karabakh, being aware that it has lost confrontation to it,
    and not Armenia. However, going on involving Armenia in the negotiation
    process, Azerbaijan is trying to lead the problem's solution to the
    other sphere, where, as practice shows, nothing can be settled. Sure,
    Azerbaijan may not agree with the mediators' proposals, no matter
    how weighted they are.

    However, the fact can just strengthen the international image
    and authority of the NKR, which has been proving to the world its
    ability to protect its statehood, and not only at the battlefields,
    for fifteen years.

    So, I. Aliyev will have to sit at the negotiating table with the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic President, who was been elected by the
    whole nation. The realities' recognition is inevitable, even for the
    politicians staking on "the information and economic attack".