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Statement Of Armenian Action Plan Within Framework Of ENP Signed

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  • Statement Of Armenian Action Plan Within Framework Of ENP Signed


    Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
    Sept 2 2006

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 2, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian Action Plan to be
    implemented within the framework of the European Union New Neighborhod
    Policy (ENP) gives Armenia a possibility to be involved in a more
    intensive political dialogue with EU, including around issues of
    security, and to take part in integration processes in the economic
    sphere. RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian declared this at the
    October 2 ceremony of signing a statement on Armenian Action Plan
    within the framework of ENP.

    He reported that the main document on RA Action Plan will be signed
    in Brussels, at the annual meeting of EU-Armenia Cooperation Council.

    The Minister stressed that the main document to be signed within the
    framework of ENP also proposes developing regional cooperation, as well
    as according to it, Armenia assumes responsibility to achieve peaceful
    settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In Oskanian's words,
    the term of document's fulfilment is 5 years. "This is a process that
    will last 5 years and it is a precise guide for us what to do in the
    next 5 years for our public to become more democratic and our state
    more stable," RA Foreign Minister declared.

    "We are where we are today thanks to the reforms we have started since
    1991 and today we are gathering its fruits. But we still have a long
    way to pass," V.Oskanian declared.

    The Foreign Minister of EU presiding country, Finland, Erkii Tuomioja
    also took part in the signing of the statement on the Armenian Action
    Plan within the framework of ENP. The latter expressed the hope that
    this program will be fully implemented. "If this program is implemented
    successfully, we will be very open for the South Caucasian countries
    to deepen their relations with EU for even more," the Finnish Foreign
    Minister mentioned.

    E.Tuomioja attached a special importance to the forthcoming
    parliamentary elections in Armenia mentioning that the international
    community will attentively follow them. E.Tuomioja expressed the hope
    that the elections will be democratic.