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Armenian Exports Hurt By Russian Blockade Of Georgia

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  • Armenian Exports Hurt By Russian Blockade Of Georgia

    By Astghik Bedevian

    Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
    Oct 3 2006

    Armenian companies trading with Russia said on Tuesday that they are
    already incurring losses as a result of Moscow's decision to impose
    a transport blockade on Georgia in retaliation for the arrest of its
    Tbilisi-based military officers accused of espionage.

    The Russian government suspended all land, sea, and postal links with
    Georgia on Monday despite the release and repatriation of the four
    officers who allegedly worked for Russia's GRU military intelligence.

    It also threatened to ban cash remittances from hundreds of thousands
    of Georgians working in Russia.

    The extraordinary move, criticized by the European Union, further
    complicated Moscow's already tense relationship with the pro-Western
    administration of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. It could
    also seriously hamper Armenian exports to and imports from Russia.

    Those account for a considerable part of Armenia's external trade.

    Prime Minister Andranik Markarian downplayed the blockade's effects on
    Armenia, arguing that the Russians had already closed their main land
    border crossing with Georgia in June and that Armenian companies can
    continue to ship cargos to Russia via Ukraine. However, the owners
    of some of those companies were far less sanguine, saying that they
    are already counting the possible cost of the Russian blockade.

    Ashot Baghdasarian, chief executive of the Kilikia beer and soft
    drinks company, said a batch of its products bound for Russia was
    left stranded in a Georgian Black Sea port following the suspension
    of a regular Georgian-Russian ferry service. Kilikia is also unable
    to import Russian raw materials used for the packaging of its natural
    juices, he said.

    "I have information that our cargos were stopped at the border
    yesterday," Baghdasarian told RFE/RL. "This is a very big problem for
    businessmen." The businessman, who is also a parliament deputy from
    the governing Republican Party (HHK), urged the Armenian government
    to help sort out the problem.

    The government seems reluctant to raise the issue with the Russian side
    for the time being. "We have not yet received an official notification
    from the Russian side on restrictions placed on shipments of our
    goods." the Armenian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Vladimir Karapetian,

    Great Valley, a major Armenian brandy firm heavily oriented towards
    the Russian market, has also seen its exports grind to a halt. "There
    is an option of shipping things by air, something which we have done in
    the past," its owner Tigran Arzakantsian told RFE/RL. "But that is very
    expensive. We are now examining ways of making shipments via Iran."

    Arzakantsian also owns a textile factory in his native town of Gavar
    that exports most of its production to Russia.

    Other Armenian exporters said they have so far been unaffected by the
    escalating Russian-Georgian crisis. Arsen Ghazarian of the Apaven
    cargo company said it continued to successfully ferry freight to
    Russia on Tuesday. MAP, another major liquor manufacturer, likewise
    reported non transportation problems.

    "Only the shipment of Georgian cargos has been suspended," the MAP
    chairman, Alik Petrosian, told RFE/RL. "So our cargos keep going to
    [the Georgian port of] Poti and then proceeding to Russia."

    But Petrosian too was worried about the situation. "Nobody knows what
    will happen tomorrow," he explained. "Everyone understands what a
    serious blow to our economy could suffer."

    Armenian exports to Russia, dominated alcoholic drinks and agricultural
    products, were already dealt a severe blow with the closure last June
    of the main Russian-Georgian border crossing.

    Armenian leaders tried unsuccessfully to get the Russians to reopen
    the Upper Lars crossing. This prompted renewed complaints by Armenian
    politicians and commentators that Russian ignores the interests of
    Armenia, its main regional ally, in its dealings with Georgia.

    Russian officials have denied any political motives behind the closure
    of Upper Lars, saying that the "temporary" measure was necessary for
    repairing roads and customs facilities on the Russian side of the
    mountainous frontier.

    Despite stepping up its economic and diplomatic blockade of Georgia,
    Moscow has not cut off its vital natural gas supplies to Georgia and
    on to Armenia, something which would have even more severe consequences
    for both South Caucasus states.