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Arthur Baghdasaryan's Complaints And Threats

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  • Arthur Baghdasaryan's Complaints And Threats


    [08:49 pm] 03 October, 2006

    Today Arthur Bagdasaryan has appeared in the hall of sessions for
    the second time after his resignation from the NA Speaker's post. His
    arrival coincided with the time when deputies make announcements and
    aroused great interest among the deputies.

    At exactly 5:00 o'clock when the deputies were registering for making
    announcements, Mher Shahgeldyan and Heghine Bisharyan from OYP entered
    the hall and managed to register their names. All the deputies were
    struck by the fact that Arthur Bagdasaryan, who wasn't in the hall,
    was the 11th deputy to make an announcement.

    All the deputies made suppositions on this score when in the
    long run Arthur Bagdasaryan gave the answer to their concern. He
    announced that Orinats Yerkir intends to appeal to the Constitutional
    court to find out what factors the increase of gas, electricity and
    telephone charges was determined by and how the Committee Regulating
    Public Services will count for this taking into consideration the
    devaluation of dollar. "Out of 228 currency changes 90 have closed
    down. We counter monopolization of the field by a few oligarchs",
    said Arthur Bagdasaryan and added that there must be decrease of
    charges whereas today, "the charges of gas, electricity remain the
    same though the rate of the dollar decreases".