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BAKU: Azeri And Latvian Presidents Signed Joint Declaration

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  • BAKU: Azeri And Latvian Presidents Signed Joint Declaration

    Author: E.Huseynov

    TREND, Azerbaijan
    Oct 4 2006

    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev and the
    President of the Republic of Latvia Ms. Vaira Vîíe-Freiberga signed
    Joint Declaration on October 4 in Riga. Trend presents the text of
    the Declaration:

    The Parties noted their satisfaction with the fact that during the
    official visits of the President of the Republic of Latvia Ms. Vaira
    Vîíe-Freiberga to the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 2-4, 2005
    and of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev
    to the Republic of Latvia on October 4-5, 2006, created broad legal
    basis for development of relations between two countries and would
    give a special impetus to the development of relations between two
    friendly states on a new level. During the visit of the President of
    the Republic of Latvia, Ms. Vaira Vîíe-Freiberga to the Republic of
    Azerbaijan in 2005, agreements in such important fields as economic
    cooperation, taxation, investment promotion and protection, as
    well as customs cooperation were signed. During the visit of the
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Latvia,
    agreements in fields as air services, communication, information and
    communication technologies, education, finances, as well as health
    and medical sciences were signed.

    The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and
    the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Economic, Scientific,
    Technical and Cultural Cooperation signed on October 3, 2005 provides
    for establishing an Intergovernmental Commission. The Parties
    emphasized the important task of the Intergovernmental Commission
    in the mutual relations between the two countries, specifically in
    promoting economic and trade cooperation, in enhancing cooperation
    between the small and medium size enterprises.

    The Parties stressed their determination to develop the relations
    on the basis of the values such as the rule of law, democracy,
    human rights, and market economy. In this regard, the Latvian
    side welcomed the efforts of Azerbaijan aimed at strengthening the
    ongoing democratisation, promoting the principles of civil society
    and market economy.

    The Parties emphasized the importance of development of political
    dialogue at the high levels and expansion of cooperation between
    bodies of legislative and executive power of the two states.

    The Parties reaffirmed the importance of inter-parliamentary relations,
    including the cooperation in the framework of the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe.

    The Parties underlined the importance to increase the level of trade,
    economic, investment and technical cooperation.

    The Parties stressed the importance of taking additional measures for
    the expansion of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere-culture,
    education, health, mass media and other fields. They welcomed
    creation and expansion of relations among the tourism, youth and
    student organizations as well as trade unions and nongovernmental

    The Parties, recognizing the historic similarity in process of
    achieving independence by two nations, emphasized the importance of
    developing relations in the field of joint scientific and archive
    researches. In this regard, they underlined the importance of
    conducting researches devoted to the history of proclamation of
    independence of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan on May 28,
    1918 and that of the Republic of Latvia on November 18, 1918.

    The Parties confirmed that they would strengthen bilateral military and
    military-technical cooperation, which meets ensuring security interests
    and does not contradict international obligations of both countries.

    The Parties, fully supporting and guided by the principles of the UN
    Charter and the OSCE basic documents, emphasized the importance of a
    peaceful solution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    on the basis of the universally recognized principles and norms of
    the international law, with particular regard to the sovereignty
    and territorial integrity of the States, and the inviolability of
    internationally recognized borders.

    Referring to the continuing efforts within the OSCE towards peaceful
    resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as well
    as the Minsk Group activity, the Parties reiterated the importance
    of taking more substantial and decisive steps in this regard.

    The Parties committed themselves to continue their efforts to
    increase the effectiveness of mutual cooperation within the UN, OSCE
    and others international organizations. Regarding the UN reform, the
    Parties believe that attention should be focused on strengthening the
    central role of the organisation in international matters, increasing
    its effectiveness and use of potential in the face of new threats
    and challenges to the existing order of the world. Reforms of the UN
    administration must be based on the principle of unanimity and fully
    reflect the common interests of the organisation's member states.

    Both Parties discussed the upcoming election of the UN
    Secretary-General, and the Azerbaijani party welcomes and appreciates
    the nomination of H.E. Vaira Vîíe-Freiberga, the President of the
    Republic of Latvia, to the post of the Secretary General of the United
    Nations, as the first ever woman candidate in the history of this
    universal organization. The Azerbaijani party emphasized that the
    personal commitment and the expertise of H.E. Vaira Vîíe-Freiberga
    for UN reform process would contribute to the implementation of the
    UN reforms.

    The Parties expressed their support to close cooperation within the
    Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the NATO Partnership for Peace
    Program and the presented by Azerbaijan Individual Partnership
    Action Plan.

    The Parties will conduct consultations and continue joint efforts
    for extension of relationship of Azerbaijan with the European Union
    and NATO. To this end, Latvia expressed its readiness to share with
    Azerbaijan the experience gained by its state institutions in the
    process of its integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

    Both Parties underlined with satisfaction the positive influence
    of the European Neighborhood Policy for Azerbaijan's approximation
    to the European Union and emphasized that the European Neighborhood
    Policy would contribute to the restoration of stability and security
    in the Southern Caucasus. In this context, the Latvian part supported
    the Action Plan for the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The Latvian part stressed the significance of economic reforms in the
    Republic of Azerbaijan and expressed its support for the accession
    process of Azerbaijan to the World Trade Organization.

    The Parties underlined the increasing importance of the European
    energy security and emphasized, in this regard, the growing role of
    the Caspian Sea region energy resources in securing European energy
    demands. It is necessary to strengthen the ties between the European
    Union and the Caspian Sea region in terms of energy cooperation. In
    this context, both Parties stressed the international importance
    of opening and start-up of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan main export oil
    pipeline as well as the implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
    gas pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway projects. The
    Parties expressed interest in a closer co-operation in the development
    of transport corridors using the transit potential of both countries.

    The Parties noted the increasing influence of the Baltic Sea region
    on the European and global levels. In this context, the Azerbaijani
    part stated the importance of mutual cooperation in implementation of
    various projects in the Baltic Sea region on the basis of reciprocal

    The Parties agreed on the importance of the dialogue between religions
    and civilizations and expressed the need for the expansion of relations
    and understanding between Christianity, Islam and other cultures and
    civilizations in order to create good conditions for harmony of peace,
    freedom, rights and justice.

    This Joint Declaration has been signed in Riga, on October 4, 2006
    in two original copies, each of them in Latvian, Azerbaijani and
    English languages.

    --Boundary_(ID_GkeCy8USU1pibK2p1dH15A) --