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Will The USA Recognize The Independence Of NKR?

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  • Will The USA Recognize The Independence Of NKR?


    [03:49 pm] 04 October, 2006

    Washington, DC - To mark the 15th Anniversary of Artsakh's
    Independence, Members of Congress joined the Co-Chairs of the
    Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, Joe Knollenberg (R-MI)
    and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), in sending a letter to President Bush
    urging him "to recognize the 15th anniversary of the independence of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic [Artsakh]" and calling the President's
    attention to Artsakh's "efforts in furthering their democracy and
    creating an independent state."

    Nagorno Karabakh's decision to establish a sovereign state came as a
    continuation of the national liberation movement that began immediately
    after Joseph Stalin awarded administrative control over Karabakh
    to Soviet Azerbaijan in 1921. After suffering from over 70 years of
    discrimination and oppression by Azerbaijan and the Soviet regime, the
    people of Artsakh stepped up their struggle for freedom and democracy
    by establishing the independent Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh.

    The congressional letter, signed by 77 members and sent to the White
    House on September 29, highlights a long history of U.S support to
    Nagorno Karabakh and the will of the people of Artsakh to build a
    democratic and economically viable country. The letter also notes
    the continuation of Azerbaijan's destructive policy, which
    threatens peace and stability in the region and "goes against
    U.S. interests." Most importantly, the congressional letter advocates
    for expansion of U.S. political and economic engagement with Nagorno

    The letter said in part: "As we work towards peace, the United
    States can and must expand its engagement with the lawfully and
    democratically established Nagorno Karabakh Republic. These ties
    should not be dictated by outside forces but rather should be guided
    by the shared values of our two nations. [...] We should build on this
    success by investing in developmental and good governance programs that
    will strengthen Nagorno-Karabakh's economy, democratic institutions,
    and promote even greater cooperation on a range of regional and
    security issues." (The full text of the letter is provided at the
    end of the release.)

    Despite the overwhelming challenges of the past 15 years, Artsakh has
    registered impressive achievements: successful defense of its freedom
    against Azerbaijani military aggression, nearly complete restoration of
    its war-devastated economy, continued strengthening of its democracy,
    unprecedented economic growth and constructive partnership with the
    international community to bring about lasting peace and stability
    to the South Caucasus.

    "Everyday, we are advancing in building a country of our dreams - a
    free, democratic and prosperous Artsakh. Fifteen years of independent
    statehood have proved the righteousness of the historic path chosen
    on September 2, 1991. Throughout these years, the people of Artsakh
    have been truly blessed to enjoy the political and economic support
    of the U.S. Congress.

    We are deeply thankful to the American people for their generous
    economic assistance that helped restore dozens of war-torn
    villages, drinking water supplies and medical facilities," said NKR
    Representative in the United States Vardan Barseghian.

    Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), who co-chairs the Armenian Caucus,
    said: "The United States stands for freedom and democracy, values
    that have vividly triumphed in Nagorno Karabakh, Artsakh, without
    any international support. I am proud to support this nation as it
    works to achieve formal international recognition of its well-deserved
    independence. The U.S. economic assistance to Nagorno Karabakh should
    be continued."

    "Time and again, the people of Nagorno Karabakh have demonstrated
    their firm commitment to values of liberty and peace. They have
    also worked hard to establish a developing democracy and growing
    market economy. The United States should expand its political and
    economic engagement with the Nagorno Karabakh Republic," echoed fellow
    Armenian Caucus Co-chair Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ). Congressmen
    Knollenberg and Pallone also thanked their colleagues, the co-signers
    of this congressional letter to President Bush, for supporting this
    critical initiative. "In its quest for freedom and its efforts to
    strengthen its democracy and develop its economy, Nagorno Karabakh
    enjoys a broad-based congressional support. Our collective aim was to
    convey this message to President Bush as the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    celebrates the 15th Anniversary of Independence," the congressmen said.

    This congressional effort enjoyed strong support of the two
    Armenian-American advocacy groups in Washington, DC.

    "The Armenian Assembly commends Congressmen Knollenberg and Pallone
    for their initiative and leadership in urging the U.S. to strengthen
    relations with Karabakh as it celebrates 15 years of independence,"
    said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "As we mark this
    special occasion, we are reminded of the accomplishments the people
    of Karabakh have already achieved. The Assembly will continue to work
    with its friends in Congress and the Administration to advocate for
    Karabakh's right to self-determination."

    "We want to thank Congressmen Knollenberg and Pallone and all those
    who joined with the Armenian Caucus in marking this milestone of the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic's continued contribution to the growth of
    democracy, economic development, and the prospects for an equitable
    and lasting peace in the Caucasus," said ANCA Executive Director
    Aram Hamparian.

    On behalf of the NKR Government, Barseghian thanked the Armenian
    Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee of America
    for their effective work on Capitol Hill.

    "We are also grateful to our congressional friends for their continued
    support of Nagorno Karabakh on our path towards freedom, democracy
    and prosperity -- universal values that have been guiding Artsakh
    since independence," said Representative Barseghian.

    The Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the United States is
    based in Washington, DC and works with the U.S. government, academia
    and the public representing the official policies and interests of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.