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Kurds Declared Cease-Fire

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  • Kurds Declared Cease-Fire


    [04:45 pm] 04 October, 2006

    >From October 1 the Union of Kurdistan Organizations declared cease-fire
    calling on the Turkish authorities "to give up their attempts to
    solve the problem by force and to start negotiations".

    This was the order of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdish
    people, who is sentenced to life imprisonment in Turkey. The Kurds
    have decided to follow it, as "Turkey displays a desire to settle
    separate issues".

    President of "Kurdistan" Committee, editor-in-chief of newspaper
    "Mesopotamia" Rash Charqyazeh says that after 2.5 years of bloodshed
    between the Kurds and the Turks the international community and the
    Turkish and Kurdish public and political circles are seriously
    concerned and make statements about the necessity of a new
    cease-fire. The previous one was violated on June 1, 2004.

    "Cease-fire does not mean weakness; it means decisiveness to take new
    political and diplomatic steps", says Midia Rezan, representative of
    the Caucasian wing of the Kurdistan Organizations Union>

    According to member of "Kurdistan" Committee, member of the National
    minorities committee adjunct to the RA President Knyaz Hasanov,
    during the last 20 years the Turks have leveled to earth more than
    5000 Kurdish villages, more than 10 000 Kurdish people have been
    sentenced to life imprisonment for terrorism and tortured. "They have
    also blown up a kindergarten where 11 children died and more than 10
    were injured", he added.

    And still, the Kurds of Armenia condemn every kind of terrorist act,
    whoever might commit them.