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Yerevan And Baku Agree To Continue Direct Consultations

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  • Yerevan And Baku Agree To Continue Direct Consultations

    Gayane Movsesyan

    DeFacto Agency, Armenia
    Oct 4 2006

    According to the international mediators, the main obstacle to the
    settlement is the lack of confidence between the parties.

    The central goal of the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs' visit to the
    Karabakh conflict region has been achieved: an arrangement on the
    resumption of the direct consultations between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    on the principal issues of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement
    has been reached. The RA and AR FMs' current meeting will be held
    in Moscow October 6. After that, in 7 - 10 days, the two countries'
    FMs may hold another round of consultations with the mediators'
    participation. Only after that the mediators may put forward a
    proposal on the organization of a meeting of the Presidents Robert
    Kocharyan and Ilham Aliyev, the OSCE MG Co-Chairs Yuri Merzlyakov
    (Russia), Matthew Bryza (the U. S.) and Bernard Fassier (France)
    stated yesterday in the course of a press conference held in Yerevan
    on the outcomes of a meeting with RA President Robert Kocharyan,
    with whom they had discussed the issues referring to the present
    stage of the Karabakh talks. The OSCE Chair-in-Office's Personal
    Representative Andrzey Kasprzyk>>> also participated in the meeting.

    At the press conference the Minsk group Russian Co-Chair Yuri
    Merzlyakov stated an addition had been written to a basic
    principle presented by the mediators to the conflict parties this
    May. Y. Merzlyakov refused to go into detail, alluding to the
    negotiation process's confidentiality.

    In the U. S. Co-Chair Mathew Bryza's words, "the basic principles is
    the best thing the mediators could offer, however, it does not mean
    they are agreements".

    The Co-Chairs underscored they had elaborated a common view on the
    necessity to activate efforts to achieve the conflict's settlement,
    as they have been convinced of the readiness of Yerevan and Baku
    to search for the ways of advance. Yet the mediators noted great
    breakthrough could hardly be achieved in the near future. There are
    some difficulties, and the principal one is the lack of confidence
    between the conflict parties.

    In this connection the OSCE Chair-in-Office's Personal Representative
    Andrzey Kasprzyk pointed out frequent cease-fire violations in
    the conflict zone that resulted in victims from both parties. "The
    cease-fire should be strengthened", A. Kasprzyk stated. Answering
    the journalists' questions, the French Co-Chair Bernard Fassier
    categorically refuted the Azeri mass media's information that being in
    Baku the day before he had allegedly spoken against Nagorno Karabakh's
    return to the negotiating table. Matthew Bryza also refuted some
    publications in the Baku mass media. In part, he allegedly said
    the GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) countries'
    initiative to discuss the issue on the protracted conflicts on the
    countries' territory at the U. N. would be useful for the process
    of the Karabakh conflict settlement. However, Bryza actually said,
    "the GUAM countries are not represented at the OSCE MG and the MG
    co-chair countries hope the proposals they have offered are aimed at
    the achievement of the conflicts' just settlement".

    Today the Co-Chairs will leave for Stepanakert to hold consultations
    with the NKR President Arkady Ghoukasyan and other authorities of
    the Republic.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress