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Turkey Again Urged To Step Up Reforms, Avoid 'Train Crash'

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  • Turkey Again Urged To Step Up Reforms, Avoid 'Train Crash'


    Doha Time
    Gulf Times, Qatar
    Oct 4 2006

    ANKARA: Turkey faces a "train crash" in its relations with the European
    Union if it fails to step up democratic reforms and resolve a trade
    row with Cyprus, EU enlargement chief Olli Rehn said here yesterday.

    The stern warning came on the first anniversary of the inauguration
    of Turkey's accession talks and just weeks before the EU issues
    on November 8 a crucial report on the country's progress towards

    "I want to make sure that the first anniversary (of the talks) is
    not the last one," Rehn told a news conference. "I want to work for
    avoiding a train crash in Turkey-EU relations."

    Highlighting the benefits of Turkey's EU membership, the enlargement
    commissioner said it would ease mounting tensions between the West
    and Muslim countries if Turkey carries out the necessary reforms and
    meets all EU criteria.

    "In the current situation when... relations between Europe and Islam
    is the greatest challenge of our time, it simply won't make sense to
    allow the things to lead to a train crash," he said.

    Rehn urged Ankara to pass reforms to ensure freedom of speech,
    a major area of concern after dozens of intellectuals were charged
    with denigrating the Turkish nation under a penal code article, and
    to grant trade privileges to Cyprus under a customs union agreement.

    "Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of our common democratic
    values. I cannot even imagine a member of the EU that will not
    respect such a fundamental European principle," Rehn said earlier at
    a conference on trade union rights.

    A string of intellectuals, including best-selling writers Orhan Pamuk
    and Elif Shafak, have stood trial under Article 301 of the penal code,
    which envisages up to three years in jail for insulting "Turkishness"
    and state institutions.

    No one has yet been imprisoned under the provision, but the
    appeals court in July upheld the suspended six-month sentence of
    a Turkish-Armenian journalist, setting an alarming precedent for
    pending cases.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he is open to proposals
    to amend the article, but no action has been taken so far amid vocal
    opposition by nationalist-minded Justice Minister Cemil Cicek.

    Speaking after talks with Rehn, Cicek rejected EU pressure to
    amend Article 301 before the crucial November 8 report, arguing that
    "parliament is not under the government's command," and that an upsurge
    in Kurdish rebel violence this year was making it harder for Ankara
    to expand freedoms.

    He also charged that freedom of speech was being breached in EU
    countries, pointing to a French draft law that would make it a
    punishable offence to deny that the massacres of Armenians under the
    Ottoman Empire amounted to genocide.

    "While asking why freedom of expression is being restricted in Turkey,
    one cannot turn a blind eye to a draft law that will be taken up on
    October 12 in an EU country," he said.

    On the row over Cyprus, Rehn said he was hopeful that a formula
    proposed by the EU's Finnish presidency would resolve the stalemate.

    Turkey is under pressure to open its air and sea ports to the
    internationally recognised Cyprus government under a customs union
    agreement with the EU, or face a suspension of its membership talks.

    Ankara insists that Cypriot ships and planes will remain barred from
    Turkish ports unless the EU unless delivers on its promise to ease
    trade restrictions on the island's breakaway Turkish Cypriot state,
    recognised only by Turkey.

    "The Finnish formula has not been rejected by any of the parties so
    far, including Turkey," Rehn said. "I trust all parties sense the
    seriousness of the issue and try their best to find a solution."

    He also called on Ankara to improve the rights of women and non-Muslim
    religious communities as "other very important issues of urgency."

    In another sticking point, Rehn urged the government to keep up reforms
    to strengthen civilian control over the influential Turkish military
    "like in any European democracy."

    On Monday, chief of staff Yasar Buyukanit angrily rejected EU criticism
    of its influence in politics, saying that the charges had exceeded
    "the limits of tolerance," and asserted the army's right to have
    a say on issues concerning national security and the protection of
    Turkey's strictly secular system.

    Rehn was scheduled to meet with Erdogan, Foreign Minister Abdullah
    Gul as well as other officials before he wraps up his visit tomorrow.