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Yerevan To Host E-Summit

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  • Yerevan To Host E-Summit


    Oct 04 2006

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 4, ARMENPRESS: Ninety representatives from 35
    countries have arrived in Armenia for a world e-Summit that will be
    hosted by capital city Yerevan from October 5 to October 7. They will
    be joined by about 300 Armenian businessmen, chief business executives
    and IT experts.

    The Armenian Information Technology Foundation is one of its
    organizers. Its head Garegin Chukaszian told a news conference
    today that the decision to choose Yerevan as the venue of the summit
    was prompted by Armenia's achievements in the previous summits, and
    especially in the 2005 Tunisia summit. The Armenian summit is divided
    into two separate parts. On October 5 and 6 the Council of Europe and
    Armenian foreign ministry will hold Human Rights in the Information
    Society: Pan-European Forum on "Empowering children and young people"
    forum that will be attended by representatives of Council of Europe
    member states, civil society, the private sector, academia and the
    media, and other interested organizations.

    The forum will stress that filtering and labeling Internet content
    is not enough to ensure that children and young people can surf the
    web safely - in the exercise of their rights and freedoms, including
    the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information
    and ideas. On October 6-7 the prize awarding committee of the summit
    and the Foundation will hold a forum on development of cultural and
    language diversity Internet content.

    In a related development prime minister Andranik Margarian received
    today Sarbuland Khan, executive coordinator of the UN Global Alliance
    for Information and Communication Technologies and Development.

    Launched in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 19 June, the Alliance promotes
    action to utilize new information and communication technologies to
    fight poverty and promote development.

    Margarian was quoted by government press office as saying that Armenia
    is prepared to take active part in Alliance's actions. Margarian
    invited Khan to participate in Digitech international fair that opens
    in Yerevan on October 6. Khan has accepted the invitation.

    Khan was said to convey to Margarian UN Secretary General Kofi
    Annan's greetings.
    From: Baghdasarian