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Saudi Doctors Battle For Hearts And Minds In Lebanon

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  • Saudi Doctors Battle For Hearts And Minds In Lebanon

    by Haro Chakmakjian

    Agence France Presse -- English
    October 4, 2006 Wednesday

    On the edge of Beirut racetrack, a horseshoe-shaped field hospital
    is dispensing free medical care, as Saudi Arabia tries once again to
    bankroll a Lebanese revival with hundreds of millions of dollars.

    "I like horse-racing but we barely have time to call our families,"
    said Saud al-Omani, a British-trained trauma surgeon from Riyadh
    who heads a team of 115 doctors and nurses as well as 40 Lebanese
    medical staff.

    "We are all paid of course," he said, from the petrodollars aplenty
    of the Saudi government.

    Groups of patients waited in shaded areas complete with seats in
    front of 18 air-conditioned containers built as clinics on wheels,
    painted in white and with the sign of the Saudi Red Crescent Society.

    The medics have been operational since August 5, three weeks into
    Israel's 34-day war on the Shiite group Hezbollah that wrought
    destruction mostly in south Lebanon and the Shiite southern suburbs
    of Beirut, barely a few kilometres (miles) from the hospital.

    The Saudi kingdom has been the single biggest aid donor to Lebanon,
    comprising a one-billion-dollar deposit with the central bank to
    shore up the currency and a grant of 500 million dollars.

    It also sponsored the 1989 Taif accord which ended Lebanon's
    15-year civil war and gave massive financial support for post-war
    reconstruction, especially during the five-time premiership of the
    late Rafiq Hariri, a dual Saudi-Lebanese national.

    On Tuesday in Saudi Arabia, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
    urged Washington's allies to help "young governments in places like
    Lebanon ... against the extremist forces", partly in reference to

    In a hearts and minds campaign open to all religions, the Saudi doctors
    in their fluorescent orange and turquoise outfits have seen more than
    50,000 patients, with a maximum treatment time of 24 hours each that
    they aim to extend to three days.

    "We don't ask where they come from. We ask their name, age, and sex.

    Most of the time, we know, by looking at them, the last part," said
    Omani, who was trained in Edinburgh and has also been involved in
    relief operations in Kosovo, Iran and Iraq.

    "We have no time-limit on humanitarian care," he said, asked when
    the operation would wind down.

    "Our patients may be indirectly sick from the war, or it may be a
    follow-up. Don't forget the infrastructure has gone in this country
    and medicine is expensive," said Omani, 47, who wears a hearing aid
    due to a 1991 Gulf War injury.

    But the team does face some problems in terms of local habits. "The
    trouble is convincing people to queue for registration and triage to
    be able to classify patients," explained Omani.

    "We also have psychiatric cases, especially for children, and illnesses
    due to the war," said Omani.

    The heaviest demand is for general practitioners but the clinic
    also provides orthopaedic care, obstetrics, cardiology, psychiatric
    treatment, paediatric, ultrasound and X-rays, as well as a laboratory.

    It is equipped with an intensive care unit, recovery room, pharmacy,
    an area for Muslim prayers, five ambulances, a sterilisation unit,
    computers, in short all the latest in short-term medical care.

    "We can handle 100 emergencies a day and more than 700 operations
    have been carried out," said Omani, although the number of patients
    has eased from the normal 1,300-a-day, and hours have been curtailed
    for the dawn-to-dusk fasting month of Ramadan.

    Alongside aging Druze men in their white caps, black clothes and
    traditional baggy pants, veiled Sunni and Shiite women milled around
    with their children in tow.

    Others, untroubled by the Ramadan fast, helped themselves from cooled
    water dispensers.

    "Thank God, they are looking after us, not like the government. Even
    if you are dying, our government will not let you in hospital for
    treatment if you don't have the money," said Majida Habash, 32,
    a Shiite woman from the bombed-out suburbs.

    "We have also had no help from Hezbollah, maybe because our house was
    not damaged," she said, referring to the 12,000-dollar cash handouts
    being offered by the Shiite group backed by Tehran and Damascus.

    Others were also impressed by the largesse of the oil-rich Saudi

    "I heard from the people that the Saudis have good doctors and are
    giving free medicine. The people are saying good things," said Nazih
    Allwan, a Sunni from west Beirut, who had been waiting two hours to
    be seen for a stomach infection.

    Berdjouhi Nazarian, 52, from the Armenian Christian district of Bourj
    Hammoud in east Beirut, said her husband needs heart surgery for a
    blocked artery.

    "Bravo to them (the Saudis) for helping the people. We can't even
    afford the medicine," she said.

    Saudi King Abdullah has also decided to pay all fees for state
    school students in Lebanon for the delayed academic year, while
    neighbouring United Arab Emirates is footing the bill to repair
    schools and provide textbooks.