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Nobel Literature Prize: The European Candidates

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  • Nobel Literature Prize: The European Candidates


    Cafe Babel, France
    Oct 5 2006

    The Nobel committee in Stockholm will announce its decision shortly
    First the Austrian Elfriede Jelinek in 2004, then the Englishman
    Harold Pinter in 2005... in last years European literature showed it
    had many potential laureates for the Nobel literature prize. Here are
    the European potential candidates, a few days before the announcement
    in Stockholm.

    Milan Kundera: "Literature should destroy all certainties."

    Though 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' was widely received in
    1984 and his works have known great public success, Milan Kundera
    has not been inundated with awards. He received a Prix Medicis for
    'Life is Elsewhere' (1973) and a Prize from the Academie francaise for
    his essay 'The Art of the Novel' (1987). Born in 1929, Milan Kundera
    came from an artistic family. Encouraged by his father, a pianist, he
    studied music before moving onto literature and cinema in Prague. His
    first poems were published in 1957. Living in the Soviet controlled
    Czechoslovakia, Milan Kundera was a loyal and appreciated militant
    communist until 1967. However, he soon disagreed with the Party line
    and published 'The Joke', a harsh critique of the Stalinist system.

    Kundera finally ended his involvement with the Party when the red army
    invaded in August 1968 and haulted the wave of democratic reforms. He
    was expelled from the Communist Party and his books were banned from
    publication. In 1975, he left Prague and took refuge in France. At
    first he worked as a professor at Rennes, and then taught at the School
    of Higher Studies in Social Sciences. He obtained French citizenship
    in 1981 and his French language novels such as 'Identity' (2000) or
    'Ignorance' (2003) enjoy great success.

    Orhan Pamuk: "The power of writing comes from reflection."

    Orhan Pamuk was born in 1952 in Istanbul and was brought up by a
    middle class Francophile family from the Halic quarter. After studying
    architecture and journalism, he spent three years in America before
    devoting himself to writing. Pamuk has often been criticized for being
    too detached from reality and having travelled little. For Orhan Pamuk,
    the novel is the greatest invention of Western culture.

    Inspired by the duality of the Turkish culture, half-way between the
    East and West, he epitomises the young literary tradition in Turkey.

    Thanks to works such as 'The Black Book' (1990) or 'The New Life'
    (1995), Pamuk was the first Muslim intellect to defend Salman Rushdie
    and subsequently refused the title of 'State Artist'. In 2005, he was
    jailed for "deliberately insulting the Turkish identity": he had said
    that the Turks had killed 300,000 Kurds and 1 million Armenians.

    Antonio Lobo Antunes: "My work delves deep into the realm of

    A major literary figure, Portuguese Antonio Lobo Antunes was born in
    Lisbon in 1942. Following in the footsteps of his father, a reputable
    neurologist, he became a psychiatrist while pursuing his interest
    in literature and notably the French classics. Even though his first
    collection of poetry was published in 1955, he didn't devote himself
    entirely to writing until the beginning of the 1980s, after the success
    of his second book 'South of Nowhere' (1985). During his military
    service in the 70s, he worked as a doctor in war-torn Angola. Haunted
    by this experience, Antonio Lobo Antunes wrote 'Getting to know the
    Inferno' which recounts the adventures of a young doctor working in the
    psychiatric services in 1981. His works regularly criticize Portuguese
    society, its institutions, politics and problems though the author
    asserts his Portugal is completely 'fictional'. It is nevertheless
    hard to forget that he grew up in the time of the Dictator Salazar.

    Peter Esterhazy: "Great history strongly effects our everyday lives."

    Often compared to Boulgakov and sometimes Kafka, Peter Esterhazy,
    born in 1950, burst onto the international literary scene in spring
    2000. In 'Celestial Harmonies' (2000), the author describes the life
    of his family, one of the great Hungarian aristocratic dynasties which
    was robbed of its possessions by the communists. Two years later,
    he published 'Revised Edition' after discovering in the national
    archives that his father had been a communist secret police informer
    for more than 20 years. A betrayal worthy of a Greek tragedy. His first
    book displays a forceful style and his second great emotion. The two
    works try to understand how history can destroy lives. Days after the
    commemoration of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, the novelist stated
    that the muted bells of peace do not ring over Eastern Europe.

    Copyright: Milan Kundera (Gallimard) ; Pamuk et Esterhazy (J.

    Sassier/ Gallimard); Antònio Lobo Antunes (Mathieu Bourgois)

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