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AGBU Participates in Dialogue at Third Armenia-Diaspora Conference i

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  • AGBU Participates in Dialogue at Third Armenia-Diaspora Conference i

    AGBU Press Office
    55 East 59th Street
    New York, NY 10022-1112
    Phone: 212.319.6383, x118
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    Email: [email protected]


    Monday, October 2, 2006

    AGBU Participates in Dialogue at Third Armenia-Diaspora Conference in Yerevan

    On September 18, 2006, the third Armenia-Diaspora Conference opened at
    Karen Demirjian Sport and Concert Complex in Yerevan, Armenia, with
    the participation of leading Armenian organizations from around the
    world, including AGBU. Republic of Armenia President Robert Kocharian
    spoke at the opening event, stating: "The past four years, after the
    second conference, have been filled with developments both for Armenia
    and countries with large Armenian communities. I believe that this
    conference gives everyone a chance to discuss the new realities and
    outline our future actions for the next several years."

    In his speech, President Kocharian underscored the contribution of
    the Diaspora Armenians to Armenia's developing economy, pointing out
    the steady growth of GDP in the past five years. He also stressed the
    importance of the Armenian Apostolic Church. "Only the state can secure
    strong and lasting preconditions for preservation of identity. That
    is why Armenians must spare no efforts for strengthening the state
    of Armenia. Our identity is inseparably connected with Christianity,
    and our church remains a strong factor in unifying Armenians around
    the world," said Kocharian.

    RA President's speech was followed by speeches by the His Holiness,
    Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians; Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    (NKR) President Arkady Ghoukassian; the Catholicos of the Great House
    of Cilicia, Aram I; and by the representatives of the Armenian Catholic
    and Evangelical Churches. Other presenters included members of the
    following local and diasporan organizations: AGBU, Armenia 2020,
    Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Democratic-Liberal Party,
    Armenian National Committee of America, Armenian Relief Society,
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Birthright Foundation, European
    Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy, "Hayastan" All-Armenian
    Fund, Social-Democrat Hunchakian Party, Tekeyan Cultural Association,
    United Armenian Fund, World Armenian Congress, and Zoryan Institute.

    NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian expressed his gratitude to diasporan
    investors and organizations, including AGBU, whose contributions have
    championed the development of Karabakh.

    "By the will of fate we are among those countries which are able
    to develop effectively, first of all, thanks to the investments of
    compatriots around the world. I am sure that the harmonious activities
    of Armenia, Karabakh and the diaspora are capable of strengthening
    the influence of the Armenian factor on the international arena, as
    well as create new opportunities for our people's secure future,"
    President Ghoukassian said in his speech. "The realization of
    investment projects in Karabakh, with the help of the still unused
    potential of the diaspora, will allow us raise the social-economic
    development to a new level, which in its turn will secure stable
    growth of dynamically developing economy," he added.

    His Holiness Karekin II spoke about the current imperatives faced
    by Armenians. He remarked, "Today, is an important page in our
    history. It is time for our opportunities that have grown with the
    free and independent life of homeland and uninhibited relations with
    the diaspora, to serve the well-being and unification of our people,
    and the rebirth of spiritual and national life."

    AGBU Central Board member Carol Aslanian spoke during the
    conference. She highlighted the fact that the 15th anniversary of
    Armenia's independence coincided with the 100th anniversary of AGBU. In
    her speech, she commended the initiative of the Armenian Government in
    Rural Poverty Eradication and expressed hope that it would lead to an
    overhaul and development of Armenian's rural communities. She stressed
    the importance of the government's cooperation with nongovernmental
    organizations for the ultimate success of the project. When speaking of
    AGBU's goals, Aslanian said, "Today, our projects in Armenia, spanning
    educational, cultural, humanitarian and religious programs for all
    age and income groups, have become a priority for AGBU-stimulated by
    increasing support among our donors and major benefactors." She added
    that with a $34 million annual budget, AGBU representatives in 35
    countries fulfill educational, cultural and humanitarian programs. She
    also spoke about the major projects
    carried out in Karabakh with AGBU's support, particularly the
    repopulation of border villages. She also spoke briefly about the
    planned AGBU Center for Young diasporans in Yerevan and AGBU Virtual
    College, an online, multimedia course of study on Armenian language,
    culture and history.

    AGBU Central Board member, Levon Kebabdjian, and AGBU members from
    France, Argentina, USA, Egypt, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Syria and
    Brazil also attended the conference.

    During the last day of the conference, the participants touched upon
    the issues on national values, historical communities, and language
    and culture in large communities. On the agenda of were also questions
    of the diaspora's future makeup, the upbringing of a new generation
    of Armenian leaders, and future projects and policy issues.

    The challenges and questions are many, but the ongoing dialogue and
    the commitment of AGBU and other diasporan organizations to the
    future of the homeland promise a brighter tomorrow for Armenians
    around the world.

    Established in 1906, AGBU ( is the world's largest
    non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City
    with an annual budget of $34 million, AGBU preserves and promotes
    the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and
    humanitarian programs, annually serving some 400,000 Armenians in
    35 countries.