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BAKU: FM of Azerbaijan satisfied with results of talks in Moscow

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  • BAKU: FM of Azerbaijan satisfied with results of talks in Moscow

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    Oct 6 2006

    [October 06, 2006, 22:47:21]

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has
    commented for the Azerbaijan and Russian mass media on results of
    negotiations on settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, held in Moscow with the head of the
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia of V. Oskanian with
    participation of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.

    According to Mr. Mammadyarov intensive negotiations took place in
    Moscow, discussed a number of the ideas offered by co-chairmen in the
    context of those problems, which have arisen during negotiating
    process. 'Basically, very constructive and productive exchange of
    views on main principles of settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict took place. During negotiations, was reached arrangement
    that each party takes a pause till October 24 so that to analyze the
    discussed ideas. It was decided to continue negotiations at level of
    Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on October 24, 2006 in
    Paris', he has told.

    E. Mammadyarov also has informed, that the format of meeting has
    begun at presence of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, and further in the
    individual order. Then, separately the individual meeting with
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov took place, and
    then meetings with co-chairs were held. Special envoy of OSCE
    Chairman-In-Office Andrzei Kaspshik also took part in negotiations.

    Answering the question whether it is possible to settle the conflict
    up to the end of 2006 as it is assumed with the countries of the big
    eight, the Minister has noticed, that it is not necessary to be
    fastened for any terms. For it is extremely serious and sensitive
    question, but we shall try to move ahead in negotiating process. "The
    main subject of negotiations is the question on main principles of
    settlement, and offers of co-chairmen are based on already turned out
    principles which many years are discussed, in the frame of Prague
    process. Now, the part of a problem is connected with the status, a
    part of problem - with full withdrawal of the Armenian armies. Our
    problem is to find that fragile balance on the basis of which we
    could move further. We have coordinated main principles of settlement
    of the conflict, but there are two not coordinated principles on
    which we work. Today, just these principles were discussed', the
    Minister has noted.

    Estimating activity of Russia as the co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk
    Group, the Minister has declared, that 'the Russian party has all
    opportunities to show, and it shows intensive enough interest that
    there was a move during negotiations'. 'We consider, that Russia is
    our both political, and the economic partner, our neighbor. No doubt,
    it should play one of key roles in the context of settlement. We see
    that in the given direction, Russia has a desire to bring Azerbaijan
    and Armenia to the common point that we could pass to the first stage
    of settlement. Certainly, such conflict cannot be solved at the same
    time, and it is necessary to solve it stage by stage. And the latest
    element which will come in mutual relations between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia, is the element of trust, having enormous value, and in this
    context Russia could play a greater role', has emphasized E.

    The head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan also stated
    that one of the problems the country faces is to lift Azerbaijan on
    the level of the regional leader and it will create more
    opportunities for peace settlement of the conflict. Currently, we try
    that ceasefire was not broken, and simultaneously we work above the
    conflict to solve it. It is important for both Azerbaijan and
    Armenia, and for entire all region.