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Can Saakashvili preserve borders of the Georgian SSR?

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  • Can Saakashvili preserve borders of the Georgian SSR?

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    October 6, 2006 Friday


    by Yevgeny Umerenkov

    Moscow maintains that its main priority is to avoid any renewed
    bloodshed in the conflict zones. Yet the situation in this region is
    clearly heating up. Tbilisi's priority is to preserve Georgia's
    territorial integrity. But is this a realistic goal?

    The "spy crisis" has strained Russian-Georgian relations to the
    breaking point. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and his
    cohorts get all wound up when speaking of Russia, and hardly seem
    capable of taking appropriate steps. Moscow is striving to remain
    calm and collected, stating that its main priority is to avoid any
    renewed bloodshed in the conflict zones. Yet the situation in this
    region is clearly heating up. Tbilisi's priority is to preserve
    Georgia's territorial integrity. But is this a realistic goal? We
    have attempted to analyze potential developments.

    Scenario 1: Military

    Russia is unlikely to permit Saakashvili to draw it into a direct
    military conflict with Georgia. But the Georgian authorities might be
    driven into a tight corner by their own reckless statements (like
    Defense Minister Okruashvili's promise to celebrate New Year's Eve in
    Tskhinvali), as well as facing pressure from the growing discontent
    of Georgia's impoverished population. This could make the Georgian
    authorities desperate enought to attempt a military solution to the
    conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. A war could provide
    justifications for everything: economic hardships and brutal
    repression of the opposition.

    The idea that such a scenario could happen is supported by Georgia's
    intensive military build-up, its acquisition of offensive weaponry,
    and Saakashvili's objective of "creating a comprehensive defense
    mechanism" (is anyone about to attack him?).

    Yet Georgia has already fought and lost wars against Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia. Naturally, Russia would not maintain "complete
    neutrality" in the event of an armed conflict on its borders; it
    would find various ways to support the victims of Georgia's new
    aggression. So Tbilisi's chances of a military victory are
    practically zero - barring direct military participation by the
    United States or NATO. And no matter how much Washington likes
    Saakashvili, it's hard to imagine the Americans getting involved in a
    hot conflict with Moscow over Tbilisi. This would generate new
    conflicts, with unpredictable consequences. It's too high a price to
    pay for the Saakashvili regime's ambitions.

    If Tbilisi goes ahead with the military scenario, it can forget about
    any possibility of retaining its rebel provinces. A drastic
    escalation in the Caucasus situation would trigger explosions not
    only in some of Russia's "problem regions," but also in areas where
    Saakashvili's Western sponsors don't want any trouble. Yet another
    military defeat for the national authorities could plunge Georgia
    into chaos and make it fall apart.

    Scenario 2: Evolutionary

    The only way to keep Georgia's borders consistent with those of the
    former Georgian SSR would be to make it economically attractive for
    the unruly autonomous regions to return to the fold. The first step
    here is to maintain stability and rebuild trust between the opposing
    sides. Then, as a result economic contacts and doing business
    together, the "separatists" might develop the necessary preconditions
    for wanting to be part of Georgia.

    The key factor here is Georgia's economic prosperity. But this is
    impossible unless relations with Russia are normal - and there seems
    little chance of that as long as Saakashvili remains in power.

    Judging by Tbilisi's latest actions, the Georgian president isn't
    even considering this scenario.

    Scenario 3: Revolutionary

    Saakashvili takes pride in describing himself and his cohorts as
    revolutionaries. But revolutionaries of a different kind could also
    emerge in Georgia. A tradition of replacing regimes by
    unconstitutional means is the only tradition Georgia has developed so
    far. So it can't be ruled out that the Georgians, having experienced
    a Rose Revolution, might create some other kind of revolution. Its
    color may be uncertain as yet, but the techniques of organizing mass
    protests are well-practised. The opposition still isn't organized
    enough for such a scenario, and it lacks strong leaders - but this is
    just a matter of time. The most important factor is support from
    foreign sponsors.

    Who might become such a sponsor? Unlikely as this may sound, it might
    be the United States again. The leaders of Georgia's largest
    opposition parties have already contacted the Bush Administration,
    accusing the Georgian government of abandoning the ideals of the Rose
    Revolution and asking "the friends of democratic Georgia" to restore
    law and order. Saakashvili is swearing eternal friendship for the
    Americans - but Eduard Shevardnadze did the same, and it didn't save
    him. The unrestrained anti-Russian escapades of Georgia's current
    revolutionaries are certainly a burden for Washington. It does need a
    loyal junior friend in the Caucasus, but not at the cost of
    partnership with Moscow. So a new group of revolutionaries, not
    burdened by the present regime's errors and broken promises, might
    become necessary.

    In this scenario, the "separatists" would find themselves in a much
    stronger position. If the Georgians can't even resolve their own
    domestic problems non-violently, how can they aspire to govern those
    who wish to exist separately? Moreover, there is also the possibility
    of new problems arising in Svanetia and Dzhavakheti (South Georgia).

    The Svans, like all freedom-loving highlanders, don't like it when a
    new government and new ways are imposed on them. Svanetia is unlikely
    to become a full-fledged "separatist," but the task of keeping it
    under Tbilisi's effective control will divert a substantial part of
    the Georgian government's energy. Ethnic Armenians, who make up the
    majority of residents in the Akhalkalaki and Ninotsmindi districts,
    have long been demanding autonomy. Tension has risen there during the
    process of withdrawing a Russian military base from Akhalkalaki.

    Saakahsvili, like Sheverdnadze before him, can only control the
    situation in Dzhavakheti with the help of the Armenian government.

    Scenario 4: Inertia

    This scenario assumes that Saakashvili's weapons of choice -
    anti-Russian rhetoric and acts of provocation - fail to work. The
    West does not support Georgia's plan to internationalize the
    peacekeeping effort. It's too risky, in both military and political
    terms, to send peacekeepers into regions where local residents don't
    want them; not to mention the fact that Moscow's opinion is unlikely
    to be ignored in the process of weighing up all the pros and cons.

    The conflict remains frozen. The militant attitudes of Georgia's
    leaders start to work against them: it becomes increasingly evident
    that "peaceful reintegration" isn't part of their plans. The West
    prefers to restrain Saakashvili from taking any fateful steps (and
    he's incapable of disobeying Washington).

    Some time later, there are further precedents of the map of Europe
    being redrawn (Kosovo) and the West recognizing other
    still-unrecognized states (the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
    for example). Five to seven years down the line, it becomes
    conclusively clear that Tbilisi's aspirations to rule the
    "separatist" territories are unfeasible. This provides grounds for
    Russia and some other CIS countries to recognized Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia. The danger of this scenario is precisely what is making
    Tbilisi act so nervously and hastily, engaging in ill-judged acts of

    The burdens of NATO membership for Georgia

    If Georgia joins NATO, it should remember that America's assistance
    in Atlantic integration demands substantial gratitude in return. What
    kind of gratitude?

    - For NATO's new recruits from the former socialist camp, America's
    guardianship effectively means a partial loss of their national
    sovereignty, once US military bases are stationed on their territory.

    - NATO membership candidates are compelled to undergo the Iraq test,
    and must participate in NATO military operations unconditionally in

    - The countries of Central and Eastern Europe are turning into a
    "gray zone" where the Americans station secret CIA prisons and other
    special facilities which remain outside the jurisdiction of host
    nations. Georgia is likely to become part of that zone.

    Source: Izvestia, October 4, 2006, p. 4

    Translated by Elena Leonova