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Armenian Genocide Denial by a Few Candidates May Upset Dutch Electio

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  • Armenian Genocide Denial by a Few Candidates May Upset Dutch Electio

    Armenian Genocide Denial by a Few Candidates May Upset Dutch Election

    06.10.2006 17:28 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Dutch MP candidates had clearly stated in the past
    that, in their view, the Genocide of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 had
    not taken place.

    This view is contrary to the official policy of the Dutch government
    and of the parties themselves, stated columnist RadioNetherlands
    Andy Clark, the Federation of Armenian Communities of Holland
    told PanARMENIAN.Net. "It might seem a little strange but the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915 has become an issue in the run up to the
    Dutch elections. The two leading parties in the opinion polls have
    kicked out prospective MPs because they deny that the Genocide took
    place. The candidates, one from the opposition Labour Party and two
    from the biggest coalition party - the Christian Democrat CDA - are
    Dutch/Turkish politicians. It made the headlines after questions were
    raised by the Armenian community in the Netherlands when the names of
    the candidates were made public on the party lists for the November
    elections, and a heated discussion soon followed," the columnist notes.

    He cites Tineke Huizinga from the Christian Union - a small party
    in the parliament which introduced an initiative in 2004 saying that
    the government has to push for recognition of the genocide in Turkey
    as part of the negotiations for Turkey's desired accession to the
    EU. That initiative was unanimously accepted. Ms Huzinga explains
    the official Dutch position: "More than one and a half million people
    were murdered during the time of World War I by Turkey and this was
    a genocide and you can absolutely compare this with the Holocaust."

    It was a clash with this position that brought the CDA candidates
    Ayhan Tonca, Osman Elamci and Labour Party candidate Erdinc Sacan
    into problems with their parties. Ayhan Tonca has constantly denied
    the genocide occurred: "The genocide that people talk about never
    took place." Although he doesn't deny that hundreds of thousands of
    people died, he argues that there needs to be further investigation
    to see if the killings were consciously carried out by the Turkish
    government at that time. Deliberate and conscious persecution would
    constitute genocide, the Dutch Radio columnist underscored.