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Russia Searches for Reserve Options of Military Cargo Transit to Its

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  • Russia Searches for Reserve Options of Military Cargo Transit to Its

    Russia Searches for Reserve Options of Military Cargo Transit to Its Base in Armenia

    06.10.2006 15:52 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russian State Duma almost unanimously ratified the
    agreement with Georgia on transit of Russian troops and arms across
    the Georgian territory. The agreement also stipulates the order of
    transit of arms and personnel through Georgia for the Russian base
    in Gyumri, Armenia. The documents also define the term and order of
    temporary functioning of the military bases in Akhalkalaki and Batumi:
    the former should be closed before the end of 2007, while the latter
    - before the end of 2008. By that time withdrawal of other Russian
    military objects from Georgia will finish. Meanwhile, Deputy Chief
    of the Russian Armed Forces Headquarters Alexander Skvortsov stated
    today that Russia searches for reserve options of military cargo
    transit to its base in Armenia, reports