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Russian General tells Duma it makes no sense to keep Georgia bases

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  • Russian General tells Duma it makes no sense to keep Georgia bases


    ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
    Oct 6 2006

    Moscow, 6 October: Given the new political reality, the presence of
    Russian military bases on Georgian territory no longer makes sense,
    the chief commander of the Ground Troops, Aleksey Maslov, said in the
    State Duma today. He called on the deputies to ratify the agreement
    with Georgia on the timeframe and the procedure for the provisional
    operation and withdrawal of Russian military bases and other military
    facilities of the Group of Russian Troops in the Transcaucasus.

    After the new Georgian authorities came to power, the Russian military
    bases effectively "found themselves on the territory of an unfriendly
    state with a clear anti-Russian political orientation and they have
    only been able to carry out functions such as protecting their own
    facilities and ensuring their operation", Maslov said.

    "The agreement aims to protect the rights and dignity of Russian
    servicemen on Georgian territory, is in keeping with the interests
    of the Russian Federation and makes it possible to pull the Russian
    military bases out of Georgia within the set timeframe. Failure to
    ratify the agreement would give the Georgian leadership another
    reason to stir up the situation concerning the Russian bases, to
    create conditions for various sorts of provocations against Russian
    servicemen and members of their families," Maslov said.

    The Duma earlier today ratified an agreement with Georgia on the
    transit of Russian troops and armaments via Georgia.

    [RIA Novosti, Moscow, in Russian 0849 gmt 6 Oct 06 quoted an excerpt
    of its interview with head of the State Duma's CIS Affairs Committee
    Andrey Kokoshin, who warned that the Russian troop withdrawal from
    Georgia would lead to a deterioration of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

    "There are concerns that the troop withdrawal will result in a
    deterioration of the Georgian-South Ossetian and the Georgian-Abkhaz
    conflicts. A propitious situation is also being created for the
    emergence and escalation of a conflict in the Akhalkalaki area where
    the Russian military base is stationed, which is mostly populated by
    Armenians," Kokoshin told RIA Novosti. Nonetheless, the CIS Affairs
    Committee recommended that the Duma should ratify the agreement on the
    withdrawal of the Russian bases from Georgia, he said. Kokoshin noted
    that the troop pullout would weaken Russia's strategic positions in
    the Caucasus and would change the balance in the southern flank of
    the CFE Treaty area. He urged the Russian Defence Ministry to carry
    out a thorough analysis of possible repercussions.

    Interfax-Military News Agency, Moscow, in Russian 0826 gmt 6 Oct 06
    quoted head of the Federation Council's Defence and Security Committee
    Viktor Ozerov as saying that the Russian military bases in Akhalkalaki
    and Batumi "are in fact only dealing with reinforced protection of the
    base and the headquarters of the group in Tbilisi and other facilities
    being used by the troops. I believe that given such a situation,
    there is no need to wait till the end of 2008, and that our troops
    should be withdrawn from Georgian territory ahead of schedule".]