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Turkish Writers Say Efforts to Stifle Speech May Backfire

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  • Turkish Writers Say Efforts to Stifle Speech May Backfire

    New York Times, NY
    Oct 6 2006

    Turkish Writers Say Efforts to Stifle Speech May Backfire

    Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

    Hrant Dink, a newspaper editor in Turkey, has been charged with
    "insulting Turkishness" but is pleased with the debate cases like his
    have stirred.

    Published: October 6, 2006
    ISTANBUL, Sept. 30 - Not a week after a court dropped the case
    against a best-selling Turkish novelist, another well-known writer
    was charged with the same crime, one of the most ambiguous and
    contentious here, that of "insulting Turkishness."

    Hrant Dink, the newly accused editor of an Armenian-language
    newspaper, Agos, takes the charges - those against him and scores of
    other writers and publishers - as positive news.

    "It is something good for Turkey," said Mr. Dink, though he faces the
    prospect of three years in jail. "It is good for the dynamism. There
    is a strong movement from inside, and I can say for the first time we
    are seeing a real democratic movement."

    This has not been the usual interpretation since the law was passed
    last year, at a time when riot policemen guarded trials and the
    European Union issued dire warnings that the law, called Article 301,
    stood as a major obstacle to Turkey's long ambitions for membership.

    But some of the accused say that the turmoil is forcing a national
    debate about what it truly means to be a democracy - and that, they
    say, is pushing democracy forward, even if painfully.

    "A lot of people were saying, 'Wait a minute, this needs to be
    changed, and we are so embarrassed about what is going on,' " said
    Elif Shafak, a novelist who went on trial in September for portraying
    a character who referred to a "genocide" against Armenians in her new
    novel, "The Bastard of Istanbul." In her case the charges were
    quickly dropped.

    [A fuller court ruling issued on Thursday defended her broadly and
    called for changes in the law, Reuters reported. A judge wrote, "It
    is unthinkable to talk about crimes committed by fictional
    characters" and added, "it is necessary to define the boundaries of
    the 'Turkishness' concept and place it on firm ground."]

    But it is not certain that the government will try to undo the law,
    which in theory was meant as a progressive substitute for older and
    entrenched restrictions on some free speech here - especially as it
    related to criticism of the government and discussion of delicate
    topics, like the Kurdish rebellion or using the word genocide to
    describe the mass killing and relocation of Armenians in World War I.

    [Another writer, Ipek Calister, went on trial on Thursday on charges
    of insulting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey's founder, in a
    biography of Ataturk's wife.]

    The intent in passing the new measure was to make Turkey's laws
    conform with its goal to join the European Union.

    But nationalist groups opposed to joining the European Union have
    taken advantage of the law's language to bring court cases against
    some 60 writers and publishers, including well-known novelists like
    Orhan Pamuk and Ms. Shafak. The Turkish publisher of Noam Chomsky,
    the American scholar, has also faced prosecution. The government
    itself has not initiated such cases.

    At a time when skepticism to Turkey's membership is high both in
    Europe and in Turkey, the cases seemed to question the nation's
    commitment to democratic ideals - and as each case is dismissed, the
    nationalist group, the Turkish Union of Lawyers, files another, in
    what critics say is an effort to derail European Union membership.

    European officials have repeatedly warned Turkey about the law.

    But people like Mr. Dink and Ms. Shafak argue that the legal
    challenges may be backfiring, under the glare not only of Europe but
    also among Turks themselves, so that in their view, a law used to
    stifle debate may be encouraging it.

    Judges have not hesitated to throw out cases they deem without merit.

    While there have been convictions under Article 301, no one has
    actually gone to jail. And the very government that drafted the law
    now says it needs to be changed, though it is not clear exactly how
    or when.

    During Ms. Shafak's case, she received phone calls from two of the
    most powerful people in Turkey: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    who himself had been jailed briefly years ago under the old version
    of the law, and his foreign minister, Abdullah Gul.

    Her interpretation is that nationalist groups are filing a growing
    number of cases under Article 301 "not because nothing has been
    changing here in Turkey but because things are changing."

    "And things are changing in a positive direction."

    "We are learning in a way - how shall I say it? - to live in more
    harmony with difference, be it ethnic difference, religious
    difference, sexual difference," she added.

    "At the beginning of the republic, the main idea was that we were all
    Turks, period, that we were a mass of undifferentiated humans," she
    said. "That kind of argument does not hold water any more."

    The nationalist lawyers group that has brought the cases says it will
    continue to do so, to uphold what they say were Ataturk's principles,
    which put the strength of a fragile state before the claims of
    individuals and groups.

    "Freedom of expression is different from insult and denigration, and
    has limits in the world," said Kemal Kerincsiz, a leader of the
    lawyers group. "Our system has to protect itself at the verge of
    insults against the state and the Turkish identity."

    Some critics question the actual commitment of Prime Minister Erdogan
    to changing Article 301, saying that he is not eager to hurt himself
    politically by shutting out the nationalists. In fact, they add, he
    himself has filed suits claiming he was defamed.

    But his top adviser on foreign policy, Egemen Bagis, said the march
    toward free speech, and a likely change of the law, would not be

    "The dark days of Turkey were when they collected and destroyed the
    books of Kafka and Dostoyevsky," he said. "I'm not saying everything
    is perfect now. We're on the track to that perfection."

    Sebnem Arsu contributed reporting.