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The War of the World

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  • The War of the World

    MercatorNet, Australia
    Oct 6 2006

    The War of the World
    By Francis Phillips

    Why was the 20th Century the bloodiest of all? Historian Niall
    Ferguson ventures an answer.

    The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of
    the West
    by Niall Ferguson
    880pp | Penguin | ISBN 1594201005 | US$35

    Niall Ferguson, along with Andrew Roberts and Michael Burleigh, is
    one of the "Young Turks" among contemporary historians. A professor
    at Harvard, a research fellow at Oxford and a senior fellow at
    Stanford, he has successfully bridged the gap between academia and
    the media. This book has itself been the subject of a recent
    television series; indeed, it has a dramatic and forceful fluency
    that lends itself to a visual presentation. At over 700 pages, with a
    wealth of maps, graphs and photos to support the text, it is in every
    sense a large book. The author describes it as the "Everest" of his
    career; with its enormous span, encompassing both the whole world and
    almost the whole of the 20th century, one can understand what he

    Taking as his imaginative starting point H.G. Wells's famous work of
    science fiction written in 1898, The War of the Worlds, Ferguson
    moves from this eerily prescient scenario, in which an alien species
    invades planet Earth in order to destroy it with terrifying,
    scientific efficiency, to what he calls "History's Age of Hatred".
    Why, he asks, given the hundred years of comparative peace and
    prosperity in Europe from 1814-1914, did this same continent trigger
    an unprecedented orgy of violence in the century that followed?

    In four parts, comprising the First World War, the growth of the
    "empire states" that followed it, the Second World War and the
    post-war period, the author identifies three major reasons for the
    20th century's endless aggression: ethnic conflict, economic
    volatility and old empires in decline. These, he argues with a
    formidable arsenal of facts and figures, were the "fatal formula".

    While accepting the obvious point made by all commentators of the
    period, that technological advance made mass slaughter much easier so
    that, for instance, millions of men were able to be transported by
    the new railroads to the battle fields of WWI and armoured tanks,
    poison gas, bombs and submarines hugely increased the capacity to
    kill, Ferguson's analysis is more penetrating. He selects the
    territory between the Baltic, the Balkans and the Black Sea as the
    unhappy triangle, the fault line (he uses the graphic image of
    shifting tectonic plates that cause earthquakes) of Europe. This,
    despite the seeming tranquillity and progress that preceded the Great
    War, was where the old empires, with their multi-ethnic populations,
    their shifting demographic balance and their political instability,
    were clustered together in an uneasy co-existence.

    With the wisdom of hindsight, it is not difficult to realise that the
    Hohenzollerns of Prussia, the Hapsburgs of Austro-Hungary, the
    Romanovs of Russia and the Ottomans were bound, sooner or later, to
    clash. New nation-states were emerging in Turkey, Russia, Japan and
    Germany with their own sinister nationalist and imperial agendas.
    Commenting on the Armenian Massacres of 1915-17, which he calls "the
    first true genocide", the author writes that they were "a horrific
    illustration of the convulsions that could seize a multi-ethnic
    polity trying to mutate from empire into nation-state". Alongside
    this, the British Empire, over-extended and under-manned, was in slow
    decline; the "Pax Britannica" concealed its own ferment, unrest and
    potential for violent conflict, later in the century to break out in
    Iraq, India, Palestine and Northern Ireland.

    These political changes were accompanied, Ferguson argues, with rapid
    economic shifts: inflation, deflation, boom, bust and depression -
    the volatility that, combined with other factors, will make conflict
    likely, indeed inevitable. This conflict, he demonstrates, was not
    simply of the conventional kind, directed against external enemies,
    "the formalised encounter between uniformed armies" as in the past.
    What was new about the 20th century was the scale and savagery of the
    ideological "war" conducted internally by governments against their
    own peoples: against the Jews, socialists, gypsies and others in
    Germany, the kulaks and the intelligentsia in Stalin's Russia, the
    millions of Chairman Mao's fellow Chinese. The empire established by
    Lenin, for instance, was "the first to be established on terror
    itself since the short-lived tyranny of the Jacobins in revolutionary

    In this sprawling book Ferguson is himself arguing on all fronts,
    raising as many questions as he answers: were Stalin's crimes
    necessary to modernise an antiquated country? Was there any real
    difference between Stalin's "socialism in one country" and Hitler's
    National Socialism? What is the difference between Auschwitz and
    Hiroshima? What was the better option: to cut and run as the British
    did in India, or to stay on and fight, as they did in Kenya? He
    delights in the odd coincidences of history, analysing the
    differences between Roosevelt and Hitler, who both came to power in
    1933 to countries in the grip of economic depression, or those
    between Margaret Thatcher and Ayatollah Khomeini, who both assumed
    power in 1979.

    His book draws on a multitude of sources, literary and historical,
    such as Erich Maria Remarque's classic of the Great War, All Quiet on
    the Western Front, Spengler's Decline of the West (which, like the
    philosopher of conservatism, Roger Scruton, he recognises as
    important as it is cranky) and the Diaries of Victor Klemperer, which
    Ferguson describes as "the most penetrating and insightful account
    that was ever written of life and death under the swastika."

    Given the unadulterated gloom of his subject, the author's prose
    fizzes with energy and a kind of mordant wisecracking; after 1945
    "Stalag gave way to Gulag"; in Communist Russia "breakneck
    industrialization was always intended to break necks"; Goebbels sold
    Hitler to the German people "as if he were the miraculous offspring
    of the Messiah and Marlene Dietrich".

    It is his capacity to compress disparate events into an arresting
    image as well as his command of so many different killing zones that
    makes this work a brilliant tour de force. The sheer span of the
    subject matter covered make it a mine suited to inexhaustible
    quarrying. It also makes the book spiritually fatiguing to read for
    it is, one might say, a prolonged and persuasive exercise in despair.
    It is certainly not possible to read about this Age of Hatred for
    long without fearing that large sections of the human race are
    forever vulnerable to dictatorship by psychopaths. Ferguson cites
    Richard Dawkins' theory of a "race meme", whereby we identify some
    people as "alien" and thus to be destroyed. This is not H.G. Wells'
    fictitious Martians; it is men attacking their own species - "the
    selfish gene with a death ray." He is also influenced by Freud's
    theory of the "death instinct"; rape and murder are merely suppressed
    in civilised society, always ready to be unleashed when the
    appropriate conditions lead to a breakdown. "We should not lose sight
    of the basic instincts buried within the most civilised men".

    Somewhere in the book Ferguson refers to "man's inhumanity to man".
    This poetical and much quoted phrase somehow doesn't fit the bill
    presented here; it is more accurately man's sickening ferocity
    towards his fellow man that we are witnessing time and time again. In
    an appendix the author attempts to put the 20th century carnage into
    historical perspective, with a brief glance at Ghengis Khan and
    Tamburlaine and the trail of slaughter they left in their wake.
    However, he is not convinced by the comparison, largely because he
    assumes that modern man ought to be more civilised than his medieval
    counterparts - only to demonstrate with depressing regularity that
    this is a fallacy, when leaders of apparently civilised societies can
    arouse "the most primitive murderous instincts of their fellow

    Ferguson concludes, "We shall avoid another century of conflict only
    if we understand the forces that caused the last one - the dark
    forces that conjure up ethnic conflict and imperial rivalry out of
    economic crisis." But surely there is more to be said on the topic
    than this. To understand is the easy part. Popular historian Paul
    Johnson has commented that the repudiation of Judaeo-Christian values
    has cast its own menacing shadow over the last century. It cannot be
    a coincidence (though Ferguson does not reflect on it) that the most
    callous regimes of the 20th century were either Marxist-Communist, as
    with China and Russia (and Cambodia briefly, under Pol Pot), or
    neo-pagan, as with Nazi "Aryan" Germany. Trotsky once announced, "We
    must put an end to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of
    human life" and Ferguson admits that the capacity to treat other
    human beings as "members of an inferior or malignant species" was one
    of the crucial reasons why the 20th century was so violent.

    His diagnosis of the geographic, ethnic and political elements
    comprising the "fault-lines" are entirely persuasive; but he needs to
    bring his roving, pugnacious intelligence to bear on a deeper, more
    metaphysical fault-line: the fissure within the soul of man himself,
    as he struggles either to give expression to the good impulses within
    him - or succumbs to the evil of which he is demonstrably capable.

    Francis Phillips writes from Bucks, in the UK.