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BAKU: Strict Measures Should be Taken against Armenia

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  • BAKU: Strict Measures Should be Taken against Armenia

    Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
    Democratic Azerbaijan
    Oct 7 2006

    Strict Measures Should be Taken against Armenia

    Rafael Huseinov, member of Milli Mejlis constant delegation to PACE
    prepared new document. Issued on the third day of session work
    document is called "Obstacles of dangerous precedent caused by
    Armenia for future and integrity of Europe".

    R. Huseinov told about it in written letter addressed to Committee of
    - Since 2001, when Azerbaijan became CE member, members of our
    delegation prepared tens of documents exposing the essence of
    Armenian aggressive policy against Azerbaijan. These documents not
    only contain the facts of military occupation of Azerbaijani
    territories by Armenia but also the facts of commitment of different
    crimes on occupied territories, mass violation of human rights of our

    Owing to basis provided by these documents, the report on
    Nagorni-Garabagh problem was presented to PACE for discussion.

    Resolution adopted in January 2005 stated that Armenia is
    aggressor-country which committed ethnic cleaning against
    Azerbaijanis, and Nagorni Garabagh regime is called separatist one.

    However, unless conflict is not fairly regulated, our delegation will
    continue its endeavors to expose lie of Armenians. Preliminary
    document reflects activity of Armenia against Azerbaijan, which
    contradicts to principles of Council of Europe. In near future
    document will be discussed in Committee of Ministers which is result
    itself. During all meetings of the Committee of Ministers we discuss

    We succeeded in drawing attention to Armenia as the country violating
    CE principles in the course of all meetings of Committee of

    Documents presented to Committee of Ministers states:
    - Armenia is the only CE state-member, officially recognized by this
    structure as aggressor in its separate resolution. Having occupied
    20% territories of neighbor member-state - Azerbaijan- resorting to
    military intervention, it has been controlling it over 15 years.

    Armenia is the only CE member-state which having evicted from its
    territories different nations with the use of different pressures and
    created mono-ethnic surrounding. CE officially confirmed the fact of
    ethnic cleaning policy in its special resolution.

    Armenia is the only CE member-state directly connected with terrorist
    network pursuing terrorist policy at state level, supporting
    terrorism, granting to criminals being world terrorist state awards,
    harboring terrorists, allowing them free activity, making training
    camps at occupied territories.

    Armenia is the only EC member-state which committed and continues
    committing genocide against humanity, purposefully making ecologic
    provocations in order to destroy population of neighbor countries.

    Armenia is the only CE member-state which uses thousands kilometers
    of territories out of international control for drug planting and
    trafficking, preservation, sale and delivery of illegal weapons to
    other states, burring of nuclear wastes and making nuclear

    Armenia is the only CE member-state which forcibly evicted 300000 of
    its citizens from the country, and turned them into refugees, and
    having occupied the territories of neighbor state Armenia turned
    700000 citizens of neighbor country into internally displaced
    persons. Armenia is the country which keeps over 3000-4000 hostages
    and prisoners in its secret prisons and clinics. Extracting people's
    organs, Armenia is involved with active transplant trade within world
    black market.

    Armenia is the only CE state-member being involved with illegal
    activity totally contradicting to CE, remains to be non-punishable.

    Bearing in mind the mentioned above facts, Rafael Huseinov, asks
    Committee of Ministers:
    Doesn't Armenian precedent of illegal activity contradicting to
    standards of international law and CE charter, fundamental measures
    of democracy and human rights, represent threat of chain reaction?

    Doesn't this non-punishable syndrome impede further development,
    integrity of Europe, stability and progress in South Caucasus? Does
    the Committee of Ministers intend to undertake steps to prevent
    illegal acts of Armenia which should have forfeited its CE membership
    long ago?

    After discussion response to the above document will be made and
    spread in English and French languages, complete text of the document
    will be republished with the response of the Committee of Ministers.

    Published text of the document will be sent to all CE members.
