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Turkey And Europe: The Dangers Of Divorce

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  • Turkey And Europe: The Dangers Of Divorce

    By Patrick Seale Special to Gulf News

    Gulf News, United Arab Emirates
    Oct 9 2006

    The European Union is in danger of making a mistake of immense
    strategic importance: instead of welcoming Turkey into its ranks it
    is rebuffing it.

    At the very moment when the West is in a mood of profound alienation
    from the Arab and Muslim world - based largely on ignorance, prejudice
    and mutual incomprehension - Europe is turning its back on the one
    country uniquely able to serve as a bridge between East and West.

    At the very moment when the Middle East is experiencing crises and
    wars of unprecedented gravity, which threaten to overspill into
    neighbouring countries and into Europe itself, Europe has failed to
    grasp that Turkey could provide a key to regional security.

    Turkey, heir to the Ottoman Empire and a founding member of Nato,
    is a major regional power - dynamic, yet traditional; secular, yet
    Muslim; democratic yet militarily powerful. Its ties with Europe are
    centuries old. As its Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul likes to recall,
    Turkey sent its first diplomatic envoy to France in 1495, while France
    chose Istanbul as the site of its very first foreign embassy in the
    16th century.

    Today, Turkey could play a key role in stabilising Iraq and in helping
    to mediate the Arab-Israeli conflict, since it is on good terms with
    both sides. It has again demonstrated its commitment to regional
    security by sending a thousand soldiers to help keep the peace in
    southern Lebanon.

    On November 9, the European Commission is due to publish a report on
    its negotiations with Turkey over the past year, and on the progress
    Turkey has made in carrying out the reforms Europe has demanded.

    There are grave fears that this crucial report, which will set the
    tone of future relations between the EU and Turkey, will be negative.

    Instead of acknowledging Turkey's very considerable efforts to meet
    European norms and adopt European values - instead of looking forward
    to Turkey's great potential contribution to Europe's security and
    stability - it is likely to emphasise areas of continued disagreement,
    demand still more concessions from Ankara and put the blame on Turkey
    for the current stalemate.

    Bad situation

    So bad is the situation that many observers believe relations between
    Turkey and Europe are heading for a breakdown. If these fears are
    proved correct - if the commission's report is indeed hard on Turkey -
    European diplomacy will have suffered a considerable defeat.

    The EU's grudging attitude towards Turkish membership has already
    created an anti-European backlash in Turkey, while at the same time
    encouraging reactionary right-wing forces in Europe, especially in
    Austria, Germany and France, to call for a suspension of negotiations
    with Turkey.

    One major subject of disagreement concerns the Mediterranean island
    of Cyprus, divided between Greeks and Turks. The Greek part - the
    Republic of Cyprus - is an EU member state, while the Turkish northern
    part has not been recognised as a separate republic and suffers from
    a commercial boycott.

    The EU is demanding that Turkey open its ports and airports to the
    Republic of Cyprus, which Ankara is obliged to do under its customs
    agreement with the EU. But Ankara is refusing to comply until the EU
    ends its commercial boycott of the Turkish part of the island - which
    the EU promised to do so, but has so far not done. The outstanding
    issue, therefore, would seem to be one of reciprocity. Fairness and
    natural justice would suggest that the Turks have a point.

    Moreover, Turkish Cypriots voted in favour of a plan put forward by
    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan for the unification of the island,
    whereas Greek Cypriots voted against. This, once again, would seem to
    give the Turks the moral advantage. It should not be beyond the wit
    of European diplomacy to find a solution to this heated but relatively
    trivial dispute.

    Another difficult hurdle Turkey faces is its historic responsibility
    for the massacre of well over one million Armenians in 1915 during
    the First World War, when the Ottoman Empire, then in its last years,
    was engaged in a struggle with the western powers and czarist Russia.

    The Turks feared the Armenians were a fifth column, allied to Russia.

    This may go some way to explain, although it cannot justify, the
    atrocities the Armenians suffered. Many were slaughtered while hundreds
    of thousands died when they were mercilessly driven out of Anatolia,
    the remnants of this death march eventually finding refuge in Syria
    and Lebanon.

    The EU would like Turkey to recognise this genocide, although it has
    not made it a specific condition for membership. However, on a visit
    this month to the Armenian capital of Yerevan, France's President
    Jacques Chirac declared that "France recognises the Armenian genocide".

    When asked whether Turkey should do so as a condition for EU
    membership, he replied: "In all honesty, I believe so. Any country
    is enhanced by recognising its dramas and mistakes." He drew the
    comparison with Germany which, to its credit, made amends for the

    Turkey has proposed setting up a committee of Turkish and Armenian
    historians, which could include historians from other countries, to
    examine the tragic events of 1915. It has committed itself to accept
    its conclusions and to respond accordingly.

    But whether this will be sufficient to persuade a deeply divided Europe
    to accept Turkey as a full member must unfortunately remain in doubt.

    Patrick Seale is a commentator and author of several books on Middle
    East affairs.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress