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California Courier Online, October 12, 2006

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  • California Courier Online, October 12, 2006

    California Courier Online, October 12, 2006

    1 - Commentary
    Brief Comments on Many
    Farcical Turkish Missteps
    By Harut Sassounian
    Publisher, The California Courier

    2 - Friends of UCLA Armenian Studies
    Program Announce 2006-2007 Board
    3 - Fresno School
    Gets $50,000 From
    Lincy Foundation
    4 - Entries Sought for 8th Annual Film Festival in Fresno
    5- 2006 ARPA International Film Festival
    To be Held in Hollywood, Oct. 26-27
    6 - Vahe Berberian's Book
    Now Available in L.A
    7 - Community Health Fair Set for Oct. 14
    8 - AESA Presents
    Kenderian Lecture
    In Burbank, on Oct. 12
    *********************************************** *******************
    1 - Commentary
    Brief Comments on Many
    Farcical Turkish Missteps

    By Harut Sassounian

    Publisher, The California Courier

    The dilemma of writing one column a week is that sometimes there are so many
    developments on Armenian issues that one would need to write several columns
    in the same week to comment on all of them. This being one such week, I will
    make brief comments on 13 different topics:

    -- The French Press Agency (AFP) reported that Turkish State Television (TRT)
    started airing on Oct. 9 its "first documentary on surviving members of the
    exiled Ottoman dynasty. The 10-part series, called "Ë=9CThe Exile of the Ottoman
    House," is the fruit of three years of research. Several members of the dynasty
    met recently in Istanbul for the interviews that form the bulk of the

    In case of any future lawsuits to recover looted Armenian assets from the
    Genocide era, this documentary would be very useful in locating the heirs of
    those who organized the Genocide.
    -- The Washington Post reported on Oct. 3 that Turkish Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan told reporters after his meeting with Pres. Bush in the White
    House: "In the same way as we consider anti-Semitism a crime against humanity,
    Islamo-phobia is also a crime against humanity."
    Who would know what a crime against humanity is better than Turkey's
    -- The Turkish Prime Minister also told journalists in Ankara last month:
    "Certain forces will do everything possible to dishonor the glorious history of
    the Turkish people. Turkey has nothing to be ashamed of in its past."
    Why is he then calling for a joint commission to study the Armenian
    Genocide, when he claims to know the outcome in advance?
    -- The US Senate adopted a resolution on Sept. 30, recognizing the Ukrainian
    Genocide of 1932-33 and authorizing the Government of Ukraine to establish a
    memorial on Federal land in Washington, DC, to honor its victims.
    Is the Armenian Genocide next in line?
    -- Following Azeri protests against the Turkish Company "Akdash Group" for
    selling its "Crispino" products in Armenia, the company announced that it will
    no longer do any business in Armenia.
    Little did the Azeris realize that they did a big favor to Armenians by
    eliminating a Turkish product from the Armenian market!
    -- Turkish newspaper Vatan reported on Sept. 18 that the Ministry of
    Education was revising the way Turkish history textbooks referred to the Armenian
    Genocide. A ministry official said: "The Armenian question until now has been
    covered under the heading "World War I," with 1915 -- the year of forced
    deportation of Armenians - being the year the problem started. However, this is not
    true. The Armenian question was placed before us after World War II. We arenot
    saying that the forced deportations of 1915 never occurred, however, there is a
    50-year gap between the event's occurrence and its emergence as a problem for
    Turkey. The narrative should match this reality." The Turkish official also
    said that with this change, "the Armenian question would be covered under
    "external threats" against Turkey after World War II."
    It is immensely satisfying that almost 100 years after the Genocide, the
    mass murders committed by their ancestors are still haunting today's Turkish
    -- The farcical website, The Onion, recently ridiculed the ultra-nationalist
    Turkish lawyer Kemal Kerincsiz, who is infamous for filing lawsuits against
    Turkish journalists and writers who have made statements on the Armenian
    Genocide. The Onion reported, tongue in cheek, that Kerincsiz was now suinghimself
    after he was voted "the winner of the Glendale Courier Award for the Most
    Influential Propagator of information about the Armenian Genocide." The Onion also
    reported, always sarcastically, that outside the courtroom, the confounded
    Grey Wolf extremists "squashed tomatoes over their own heads!"
    Seriously, Kerincsiz has indeed helped propagate the Armenian Genocide
    inadvertently by his many frivolous, but noisy lawsuits.
    -- The Washington Post reported that last year Matthew Bryza, the US
    negotiator for Karabagh, and his Turkish partner, anti-Armenian political analyst
    Zeyno Baran, bought a house jointly in Washington, DC on 1339 Vermont Ave.,for
    No comment is necessary!
    -- Two major political parties dumped from their list of candidates three
    Turks for next month's Parliamentary elections in Netherlands, for not
    acknowledging the Armenian Genocide. Talip Demirhan, a long-time Turkish board member of
    one of the Dutch parties, was quoted by the "'s website as
    saying: "We are being asked whether our great-grandfather was a mass murderer. If he
    was, then as far as I'm concerned, he can go to hell!"
    Demirhan's comment speaks for itself!
    -- During his visit to Armenia last week, Romanian President Traian Basescu
    declared, "keep history in the history books," when he was being asked during a
    question and answer session at Yerevan State University if his country was
    prepared to officially acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. He said that he did
    not want to spoil his country's friendly relations with Turkey!
    More amazing than the Romanian president's unacceptable comments was the
    fact that officials of Yerevan State University still went ahead and presented
    to him an honorary doctorate and a gold medal!
    -- The Swiss Justice Minister Christoph Blocher must have been rather
    overwhelmed by the hospitality of his Turkish counterpart during his visit to Ankara
    last week, when he criticized Swiss laws banning the denial of genocide. He
    came under severe criticism in Switzerland for making such disparaging remarks
    about Swiss laws while overseas.
    The most outrageous part of his statement was telling his Turkish
    counterpart that if he were arrested in Switzerland for denying the Armenian
    Genocide, he would go to jail with him! They would both be lucky to be serving time in
    a Swiss, rather than a Turkish jail!
    -- On the eve of the French National Assembly's October 12 vote to make the
    denial of the Armenian Genocide a crime, Turkish economic and political threats
    against France have been flying fast and furious. Sukru Elekdag, a member of
    the Turkish Parliament, during his trip to Paris last week to lobby against
    this bill, said that if it became law, Turkey would not hesitate to deport the
    70,000 Armenian refugees now living in Turkey!
    Besides proving once again that Turkey is still capable of carrying out
    large-scale deportations, Turkish officials would be doing Armenia a big favor
    by sending these Armenian refugees back to Armenia. It is noteworthy that
    Prime Minister Erdogan contradicted Elekdag's highly inflated figure of 70,000
    Armenian refugees, by saying that "the number of Armenians who illegally work in
    Turkey is not big." According to most estimates, the correct figure is closer
    to a few thousand!
    --Hrant Dink, the editor of the Armenian newspaper Agos, was quoted by
    Hurriyet newspaper as saying that he opposes the proposed French bill to criminalize
    the denial of the Armenian Genocide. He was reportedly said that if the bill
    became law, he would be "among the first to head to France and break the law."
    He dared the French government to throw him in jail.
    Mr. Dink's misguided words are providing support for genocide denialists
    in Turkey. Why did he and others like Prof. Muge Gocek, who had written an
    open letter in May protesting the first time that this bill was presented to the
    French Parliament, not object to a similar French law banning the denial of
    the Holocaust? Why do Dink and Gocek consider the penalty for denying the
    Armenian Genocide an infringement on free speech, but not so in the case ofthe
    Holocaust? Why do they feel that the Armenian victims of genocide are not entitled
    to equal protection under French laws as the Jewish ones? Furthermore, Mr.
    Dink and his Turkish companions are making a serious error in equating Turkish
    law 301 -- which effectively criminalizes free speech in Turkey -- with that of
    the proposed French law banning the denial of genocide. Here is the
    difference: The Turkish law makes it a crime to tell the truth about genocide, while
    the French law makes it a crime to lie about genocide! I hope Mr. Dink doesnot
    go through with his foolish plan of going to Paris and daring the French to
    arrest him for denying the Armenian Genocide. If he does, he would have no one
    but himself to blame for his arrest!
    ****************************************** ********************************
    2 - Friends of UCLA Armenian Studies
    Program Announce 2006-2007 Board
    LOS ANGELES - Following the hiatus of a warm summer, the Friends of UCLA
    Armenian Studies enters the academic year 2006-7 with a new Board and much
    enthusiasm. Some of the members are continuing and others are new. The Board met
    recently and elected its Executive Committee and began plans for the new
    academic year. They are:
    Gia Aivazian (President), Parouir Akopian (Vice President), Dr. Raffi
    Dishakjian (Treasurer), Rita Mahdessian, Esq. (Secretary), Dr. Marina Guevrekian, Dr.
    Zaven Khatchaturian, Dr. Minas Kojayan, Hasmig Baran, Dr. Nazeli Charchian,
    Sossi Kevonian (Archivist), Tina Manguikian, Israel Stepanian, Garbis Bedoyan
    and Alex Babayan (represents UCLA Armenian students). All members of the
    Board are actively involved in the various subcommittees of the organization.
    Professor Peter Cowe, holder of the UCLA Narekatsi Chair for Armenian Studies, is
    the ex-officio member of this Board.
    As with last year, the Friends will have an active program this academic year
    as well. Its first big event will be, again, a conference/colloquium in
    Armenian studies. This time, the participants will be graduate students in
    Armenian studies at UCLA. The date reserved for this occasion is November 12, 3-6
    p.m. at the Glendale Public Library.
    One major goal is to establish an Armenian major (B.A.) at UCLA to which end
    a variety of courses are offered - during one quarter each academic year, to
    augment the local offerings in Armenian language, literature and history, with
    funds provided by the Armenian community. In this way the university's broad
    requirements for introducing a new Major in Armenian Studies would be met.
    In the previous two years, classes in Armenian art history and music history
    were offered by experts in the fields. This year, the visiting professor is
    Dr. Alina Ayvazian of Berkeley who will offer a course on the origins of the
    Armenian state with special attention to the archaeological record. This will
    be in the Winter Quarter and it is possible to enroll in this class through
    UCLA's Extension program. Dr. Ayvazian will present two public lectures inher
    area of expertise in January and February of 2007.
    The details of the Friends' Annual Banquet slated for March 31, 2007, will be
    forthcoming. The chairmanship of this banquet will be in the hands of Dr.
    Nazeli Charchian.
    The Friends' Board urges the public to support the activities of this very
    important group by not only attending its high level activities but to join
    forces with it by becoming members. For further information on this, call:Garbis
    Bedoian (310/704-4353) , Tina Manguikian (310/314-5266, or Israel Stepanian
    ************************************************** ***********************
    3 - Fresno School
    Gets $50,000 From
    Lincy Foundation
    FRESNO - The Armenian Community School of Fresno and its Board of Directors
    announced last week they have received a $50,000 grant from the Lincy Foundation
    "Schools such as ours which are independent and do not fall under the
    umbrella of a church or Armenian organization depend on the generosity of such
    philanthropic institutions as Lincy Foundation," said School Principal Rosie
    The donation will be used to upgrade and enhance the existing language arts
    program and curriculum for the mathematics program, Bedrosian said.
    For over 25 years, the Armenian Community School of Fresno has provided a
    learning environment in which healthy, moral, ethical and spiritual values are
    instilled and nurtured, the principal noted.
    Bedrosian added, "The students of ACSF are exposed to a bi-lingual curriculum
    of the highest quality, which helps them to become model American citizens
    with an understanding and appreciation of their Armenian heritage."
    ************************************************** ************************
    4 - Entries Sought for 8th Annual Film Festival in Fresno
    FRESNO - Entries are being sought for the 8th Annual Armenian Film Festival
    to be held on the California State University, Fresno, in spring 2007.
    Films made by Armenian directors/writers, or films with an Armenian theme are
    being sought.
    The festival is sponsored by the Armenian Students Organization, the Armenian
    Studies Program, and CSUF. It is partially funded by the Diversity Awareness
    Program of the University Student Union, CSU Fresno.
    Criteria includes: Films up to 1 hour in length; Films may be in any
    language, English preferred; Films may be on any topic, Armenian theme preferred: Film
    must be in video (NTSC)/DVD format
    Deadline for entries to be received is January 15, 2007.
    Video/DVD should be sent to: Armenian Film Festival, c/o Armenian Studies
    Program, 5245 N Backer Ave. PB4
    Fresno, CA 93740-8001
    Entries should be accompanied by a CV of the director/writer and a synopsis
    of the film.
    Telephone 559-278-4930 Email: [email protected]
    The Festival Committee will meet to view and judge which entries will be
    accepted for the Film Festival. Entrants will be contacted by email with the
    ********'************************** ***************************************
    5 - 2006 ARPA International Film Festival
    To be Held in Hollywood, Oct. 26-27
    HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - The 2006 Arpa International Film Festival
    presents three programs of Armenian films on October 26, at the historic
    Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.
    At 6 pm, 8:45 pm, and 11:45 pm, Arpa will screen 12 films by
    Armenian filmmakers, starring Armenian actors, and addressing the unique
    circumstances of the Armenian people.
    Highlights include Shant Hamassian's "The Slowww Zombie"; "The
    Long Journey Home" about international opera singer Isabel Bayrakdarian;
    Dorothée Forma's "The Story of My Name"; Producer Gev Kazanchyan's "The Foundation
    Project" about the phenomena of Qi; Peter Musurlian's "The Long Journey from
    the NFL to Armenia" about lineman Rien Long's visit to Armenia; Apo Torosyan's
    "Witnesses" and "The Gates"; James Martin's "Vort"; and Paul Abajian's "You
    Can Handle Bullies," an AMA Alliance PSA on school bullying with US Olympian
    Lindsay Benko.
    "Arpa's goal is to connect Hollywood with the works of these
    local and international Armenian filmmakers," says festival director Alex
    Kalognomos. "It's ambitious. We have 600 seats to fill every 2 hours with the most
    outstanding films for every type of moviegoer - including a midnight film
    program for the under-30 set. Armenian organizations and community coalitions, as
    well as all the young Armenian filmmakers and their fans are coming out to
    support Arpa on Thursday night!"
    In total, Arpa will screen 30 feature, documentary, short and
    animated films from Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Greece, Lebanon,
    Netherlands, South Africa, the U.K. and the U.S.A.
    Also included will be a retrospective of Dr. J. Michael
    Hagopian's "Germany and the Secret Genocide." This year, Arpa will honor the 92
    year-old Emmy-nominated documentary filmmaker with a star-studded gala awards
    banquet at the Brandview Collection on Friday, October 27 at 7:30pm.
    Dr. Hagopian is receiving the Armin T. Wegner Award for his
    Trilogy of films about the Armenian Genocide. Carla Garapedian, director of
    2006's "Screamers" about System of a Down, will present Dr. Hagopian with a
    lifetime achievement award for his 6 decade-long career in cinema.
    Arpa welcomes back local television personality Jill Simonian
    (KTLA, W.E.Connections) as emcee. Celebrities scheduled to present awards
    include actors Virginia Madsen, Jessica Biel, and Greg Zarian; film producer
    Michael London ("Sideways"); and talent manager Phil Brock.
    The Arpa gala awards banquet, to be held at the Brandview
    Collection (109 East Harvard St., Glendale), promises to be a night of glamour and
    entertainment in the name of Armenian and International cinema.
    Tickets to the film festival are $11. Tickets to the Arpa
    awards gala: tax deductible donation of $100. And tickets to the Arpa Fest Launch
    Party at Cinespace are $20. For a schedule of films or to reserve tickets for
    the Arpa Awards Banquet honoring Dr. J. Michael Hagopian, visit
    or call (323) 663-1882
    ***************************************** *********************************
    6 - Vahe Berberian's Book
    Now Available in L.A.
    LOS ANGELES - Artist, comedian, dramatist Vahé Berberian's second edition of
    his highly acclaimed first novel, "Namagner Zaataren," has been published in
    Beirut, and is now available in Armenian bookstores.
    Originally published in Los Angeles in 1996, in Armenian, "Namagner
    Zaataren" is a dark comedy about Zohrab Anmahouni, an architect living in Los Angeles,
    who is sent to a remote country called Zaatar to serve as the consul of
    Armenia. Armed with conviction, Anmahouni tries in vain to justify his mission,
    but his enthusiasm wanes after his wife and children leave him. He then realizes
    the people who sent him as consul have forgotten all about him.
    The book, which had been out of print the past three years, is now available
    in Armenian bookstores. The book can be ordered by visiting the store section
    of, or simply by putting an order through
    [email protected]. The 139-page book is available for $15., plus shipping.
    Vahé's other fictional works include "Hanoun Hor Yev Vortvo" "(In the Name of
    the Father and The Son") and "Graffiti on White."
    Along with numerous plays and screenplays, Berberian has written three
    monologues Yevaylen, Nayev and Dagaveen, which he has performed in more than two
    dozen cities around the world.
    ************************************************** ************************
    7 - Community Health Fair Set for Oct. 14
    GLENDALE - The 16th annual Armenian Community Health Fair will take place on
    October 14 at Saint Mary's Armenian Church in Glendale, 9am-2pm.
    This event is organized by the joint efforts of the Armenian American
    Medical Society of California (AAMSC), Armenian American Nurses Association(AANA)
    and Armenian Dental Society of California (ADSC).
    Volunteer health care professionals will provide services and consultation.
    Free blood glucose, blood cholesterol, blood pressure, pap smear, mammogram,
    clinical breast exam, spirometry (breathing test), dental check up, spine checks
    and eye checks will be provided. Consultations in various specialties will be
    The community is welcome to attend particularly individuals with no
    insurance. To make appointment for the pap test call 1-800-793-8090 option #4.
    Major sponsors are: Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Glendale Memorial
    Hospital & Health Center, Kaiser Permanente, Hollywood Presbyterian Medical
    Center, QueensCare, Huntington Memorial Hospital, LA County Women's Health Dept.,
    Comprehensive Community Health Clinics, Willow Imaging, Verdugo Hospice and
    Krikorian Marketing, ARS Mental Health Services, Daylight Adult Health Day Care
    The Community Health Fair is supported by: Abbot, Astra Zeneca, Aventis,
    Takeda, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Otsuka, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Lifescan, TAP
    ***************************** **********************************************
    8 - AESA Presents
    Kenderian Lecture
    In Burbank, on Oct. 12
    BURBANK, Calif. - The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America will
    present Shant Shanderian of the Aerospace Corp., with a lecture on Oct. 12 at the
    Burbank ANC, 361 E. Magnolia Blvd., #C, starting at 7:30 p.m.
    The lecture is about "Laser-Air Hybrid Ultrasonic Techniques."
    Kenderian obtained his BS degree in Production Engineering and Metallurgy
    from the University of Technology in Baghdad; MS degree in Manufacturing
    Engineering and Technology from California State University in Los Angeles;MS and a
    PhD degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the Johns Hopkins
    Shant obtained his BS degree in Production Engineering and Metallurgy from
    the University of Technology in Baghdad; MS degree in Manufacturing Engineering
    and Technology from California State University in Los Angeles; MS and a PhD
    degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University.
    Kenderian has 10 years of experience as a Manufacturing Engineer and eight
    years as a Materials Scientist and Nondestructive Evaluation expert. He
    currently serves as a member of NASA's Super Problem Resolution Team, whichwas
    assembled in the aftermath of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster to solve the
    numerous problems facing the space shuttle program today. Kenderian is thelead
    inventor and recipient of the Research Council award for innovation by the
    American Society for Nondestructive Testing for the Laser-Air Hybrid Ultrasonic
    Technique for Dynamic Railroad Inspection Applications.
    ************************************ ************************************
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