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"Victims: place, rights and assistance" on EuroMin agenda in Yerevan

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  • "Victims: place, rights and assistance" on EuroMin agenda in Yerevan

    Council of Europe Press Division
    Ref: 566a06
    Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 25 60
    Fax:+33 (0)3 88 41 39 11
    [email protected]

    "Victims: place, rights and assistance" on the agenda of the 27th
    Conference of European Ministers of Justice in Yerevan

    Strasbourg, 09.10.2006 - The Ministers of Justice of the Council of
    Europe's 46 member States will meet in Yerevan (Armenia) on 12 and 13
    October to find new ways of promoting and developing support and
    assistance to victims, facilitating their access to justice and ensuring
    that victims of crime do not also become victims of administrative
    procedures and bureaucracy.

    The President of Armenia, Robert Kocharian, and the Council of Europe's
    Director General of Legal Affairs, Guy de Vel, will address the
    participants when the conference opens on Thursday 12 October at 9 am
    (the meeting will be open to the press until 10.30 am).

    During the conference, the ministers present will sign a number of
    Council of Europe treaties.

    The increasing rate of criminality as well as the threat and the acts of
    terrorism demonstrate the need for member States to promote the
    individual's security and dignity and respond to violence by devising
    and implementing social and judicial measures to assist the victims.

    The conference will provide an opportunity to review existing standards
    and practices in the member countries, as well as any shortcomings in
    them or their implementation, and identify needs for additional

    The Council of Europe adopted a new recommendation on assistance to
    crime victims (Rec (2006) 8
    < 6)8&Sector=3DsecCM&Language=3DlanEnglish&a mp;Ver=3Doriginal&BackColorInternet=3D9999CC&a mp;BackColorIntranet=3DFFBB55&BackColorLogged= 3DFFAC75> ) in June 2006. The Council of Europe
    has long regarded aid for victims as a priority, having adopted a
    Convention on the compensation of victims of violent crimes
    < n/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=3D116&CM=3D8&DF=3D9 /27/2006&CL=3DENG> in 1983 and the Convention on the
    prevention of terrorism
    < mmun/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=3D196&CM=3D8&DF= 3D9/27/2006&CL=3DENG> and the Convention on action against
    trafficking in human beings
    < n/QueVoulezVous.asp?NT=3D197&CM=3D8&DF=3D9 /27/2006&CL=3DENG> in 2005.

    A press conference will be held on Friday 13 October at 12.15 pm (House
    of Government, 47 Mashtots Avenue).

    Journalists are invited to obtain accreditation from Anahit Voskanyan,
    Armenian Ministry of Justice, tél. +374 10 582 581, fax +374 10 582
    157, e-mail [email protected]

    For further information on the conference, consult

    Press contact:
    Estelle Steiner, Press officer, Council of Europe
    Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 33 35, mobile +33 (0)6 08 46 01 57,
    [email protected]

    To receive our press releases by e-mail, contact :
    [email protected]

    A political organisation set up in 1949, the Council of Europe works to
    promote democracy and human rights continent-wide. It also develops
    common responses to social, cultural and legal challenges in its 46
    member states.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress