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ANKARA: Development Tied To Sovereignty, Says Sezer

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  • ANKARA: Development Tied To Sovereignty, Says Sezer


    Turkish Daily News
    Oct 10 2006

    President Ahmet Necdet Sezer said on Monday that the only way to
    properly exploit the country's resources fully is by preserving
    national unity and sovereignty.

    Speaking at the conference "Strategic Foresight: The World and
    Turkey in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic in 2023," organized
    by the Eurasia Strategic Studies Center in Ankara (ASAM), Sezer said:
    "Such studies should be carried out by non-governmental organizations
    on the basis of scientific and academic criteria. Such initiatives
    will have positive impacts on the development of democratic culture
    in our country."

    "Strategic foresight entails that states develop the ability of
    planning and using their own capabilities and resources. If we preserve
    our national unity and sovereignty, we can succeed in benefiting
    from our national and natural resources as well as technological
    opportunities in the most influential way. Therefore, our republic
    is based on the principle of national unity and sovereignty," he said.

    "Strategic foresight studies revealed that Turkey is expected to
    become one of the 10 biggest economies in the world in the next
    two decades. In order to reach this target, we should generalize
    prosperity, speed up the development of technologic progress and
    avoid the destructive impact of globalization," he said.

    Sezer stressed: "Turkey's contributions to regional and international
    security and stability cannot be ignored. Today's regional and global
    conditions show that the world will need Turkey's contributions in
    the future."

    "The issue of energy is an indispensable part of strategic foresight
    and designs. In our age, energy security has become synonymous with
    national security. Turkey's position in the East-West and North-South
    energy corridors constitutes an important dimension in strategic
    equations. Turkey aims at creating a zone of cooperation in its
    region. Therefore, our country is trying to do everything in its
    power to contribute efforts to find peaceful solutions to disputes
    in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus," he added.

    Meanwhile, ASAM Chairman Faruk Loðoðlu said that democracy, rule
    of law, human rights and especially secularism were the main values
    of contemporary civilization, and he highlighted the importance of
    preserving those values for a better future.

    Bahceþehir University Rector Suheyl Batum stressed that political
    decision-making mechanisms in Turkey cannot produce the desired
    strategy, adding: "Turkey will inevitably face major problems, such
    as the recent developments in Iraq and Iran, besides the EU-sponsored
    Cyprus and Armenia issues. Political actors in Turkey cannot produce
    strategies. In fact, we have to develop long-term strategies instead
    of daily ones."

    --Boundary_(ID_U6GgsJWFCNoISILvBCfqKA )--