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AUA Graduation: The American University of Armenia is 15 years old

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  • AUA Graduation: The American University of Armenia is 15 years old

    American University of Armenia
    300 Lakeside Drive, 5th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Contact: Maggie Mead
    Tel: 510-987-9125
    Fax: 510-208-3576
    E-mail: [email protected]

    AUA GRADUATION: The American University of Armenia is 15 years old

    Yerevan - In the midst of 15th Anniversary commemoration activities, the
    American University of Armenia celebrated its 13th graduation and
    commencement ceremonies during the last week of September.

    Festivities began on Friday, September 29, with the traditional annual
    alumni dinner, whereby AUA alumni and faculty congratulated the Class of
    2006. The traditional Alumni Dinner brought together about 300 graduates,
    past and present faculty, and staff.

    The following day, September 30, AUA held its Baccalaureate Service for the
    graduates, families, faculty, and staff to reflect upon their
    accomplishments in a spiritual setting. The Baccalaureate is a
    traditional celebration of academic achievement marked by an inspirational
    message which takes place the day before graduation ceremonies in American
    universities. AUA President Haroutune Armenian explained that "the
    Baccalaureate is an integral part of the AUA graduation celebration taking
    place next weekend and it is a wonderful opportunity for students and
    families to reflect on their hard-earned achievements."

    This year, the speaker was AUA President Emeritus, Dr. Mihran Agbabian. Dr.
    Agbabian is a founder of the American University of Armenia and served as
    its first President. Dr. Agbabian spoke on the importance of "giving back"
    and fellowship, or, as he stated, "If you cannot return the help you receive
    directly to those who have made a difference in your life, you can always
    help another person in another place and time."

    "Paros" Chamber Choir, the only wheelchair choir in the world, then
    performed several inspiring songs.

    On October 1, 2006, the American University of Armenia's graduation ceremony
    took place in the main auditorium. One hundred and twenty six men and women
    received their Master's Degrees. These new graduates join AUA's 1,402 alumni
    who now occupy important leadership positions.

    At the ceremony President Haroutune Armenian welcomed the graduates, their
    families, faculty, and many distinguished guests.

    The Associate Dean of English Programs spoke on behalf of the University of
    California. Commencement addresses were delivered by Mr.Gagik Harutunyan,
    President, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, and Mr.
    Jason B. Sprague, Peace Corps Volunteer in Gavar, Armenia. Valedictorians
    Anush Dulgaryan (Armenian address) and
    Tatevik Gharibyan (English address) spoke on behalf of the Class 2006.

    After this, about 126 graduates were presented by their respective Deans and
    called to the stage to receive their Certificates and Master's Degrees. At
    the end of the Ceremony, the graduates, according to tradition, threw their
    caps into the air.

    The reception in the main lobby and cafeteria of AUA concluded this great

    AUA Accomplishments, Year 2006
    * AUA becomes a founding member of the consortium of American-style Academic
    Libraries of colleges and universities in Europe, North Africa, and the
    Middle East, which is created to implement collaborative projects in
    information resources and technology that support teaching and learning.
    * AUA launches the Turpanjian Rural Development Program, a major five year
    initiative focused on economic growth through adult education and rural
    * The Anti-Seismic Systems International Society and AUA, in collaboration
    with the Armenian Association for Earthquake Engineering, holds an
    international workshop on "Base Isolated High-Rise Buildings." Armenia was
    the first among developing nations to implement seismic isolation technology
    and pioneered the practice of retrofitting buildings for seismic isolation.
    * Fifty-two doctors and nurses in Nagorno Karabakh complete basic first aid
    and emergency skills training organized by the Center for Health Services
    Research and Development, as part of the United States Agency of
    International Development-funded Humanitarian Assistance Program for Nagorno
    The American University of Armenia is registered as a non-profit educational
    organization in both Armenia and the United States and is affiliated with
    the Regents of the University of California. Receiving major support from
    the AGBU, AUA offers instruction leading to the Masters Degree in eight
    graduate programs. For more information about AUA, visit