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ARMENPAC Survey Results Published

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  • ARMENPAC Survey Results Published

    ARMENPAC, The Armenian-American Political Action Committee
    421 E. Airport Freeway, Suite 201
    Irving, Texas 75220
    Contact: Jason P. Capizzi, Esq.
    Tel: (972) 635-5347
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web: <>

    THE ARMENPAC SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN - 380 Respondents' Positions Published on - 207 Pledges to Join the Armenian Caucus

    Irving, TX - ARMENPAC has released the responses of its 2006 Congressional
    Candidate Questionnaire in which over 1,900 congressional hopefuls were
    surveyed on current issues of importance to the Armenian-American community.
    ARMENPAC investigated the positions of all candidates for the United States
    Senate and House of Representatives to empower Armenian-American voters by
    providing them with the information necessary to make an informed decision
    in the upcoming midterm elections on November 7, 2006. ARMENPAC is the
    first Armenian organization to educate all federal candidates, and to
    provide them with a forum to share their opinions, on fundamental
    Armenian-American issues.

    "ARMENPAC's Congressional Candidate Questionnaire initiative, which educates
    federal candidates who are unfamiliar with the pressing issues that are
    important to Armenian-Americans and empowers voters concerned with Armenia,
    Nagorno Karabakh and Unites States relations, is a critical component of
    ARMENPAC's efforts to raise awareness of, and advocate for, policies that
    help create peace, security and stability in the Caucasus region," commented
    ARMENPAC Co-Chair Edgar Hagopian.

    ARMENPAC requires a strong foundation of Armenian-American supporters in
    order to maintain and advance a beneficial relationship between the United
    States, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. To execute Armenian goals, a
    legislative body comprised of leaders devoted to facilitating and supporting
    initiatives that benefit Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is imperative. The
    ARMENPAC Congressional Candidate Questionnaire has apprised voters with the
    knowledge necessary to make an informed decision when voting. The right to
    vote is a primary aspect of democratic governments, and ARMENPAC urges the
    Armenian-American community to refer to its survey results, which are posted
    at <> , before voting on November
    7, 2006. Armenian-American unity, despite partisan political beliefs, is
    guaranteed to assist the Republics of, and our brothers and sisters in,
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

    "Armenian-American voters have profited from ARMENPAC's leadership in
    pioneering this daunting survey initiative; ARMENPAC's initiatives are
    setting the advocacy standard which other organizations are quickly
    following and embracing as their own after a decade of apathy," said
    ARMENPAC Co-Chair Annie Totah. "The information gained from this survey,
    which is published on <> for the
    benefit of the entire Armenian-American community, will help us all to vote
    for the candidates that will most likely promote pro-Armenia/Nagorno
    Karabagh initiatives."

    To date, three-hundred eighty (380) candidates responded to ARMENPAC's 2006
    Congressional Candidate Questionnaire; visit
    <> to view the survey results and find out if your
    candidates took the time to respond? Is your candidate interested in
    fighting for Armenian-American issues? Of the candidates that responded,
    ARMENPAC received two hundred seven (207) pledges to join the Congressional
    Caucus on Armenian Issues. Already one of the largest caucuses in Congress,
    increasing membership with passionate leaders will only enhance Armenia and
    Nagorno Karabakh's relationship with the United States. Nine (9) of the
    respondents do not support the reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, with
    varying explanations. Does your candidate regard the Armenian Genocide as a
    forgotten tragedy, better left in the past?

    In addition to viewing the responses to the 2006 Congressional Candidate
    Questionnaire, visit <> to obtain
    voter registration information. Posted on the ARMENPAC website are the
    voter registration forms of all fifty (50) states. To download your state's
    form, just click on the name of your state in the
    < t; "Register to Vote" link, fill out
    the form, and mail it to the designated agency before your state's
    registration deadline. If you do not have internet access, contact ARMENPAC
    at (877) 286-1046 to have a hard copy of your state's application form sent
    to you in the mail. It is imperative to the success of ARMENPAC's advocacy
    efforts that every eligible member of the Armenian-American community is
    registered to vote.

    ARMENPAC is an independent, bipartisan political action committee with a
    nationwide membership. ARMENPAC raises awareness of, and advocates for,
    policies that help create peace, security and stability in the Caucasus
    region. ARMENPAC provides financial support to federal officeholders,
    candidates, political action committees and organizations that actively
    support issues of importance to Armenian-Americans. For more information
    and how to join ARMENPAC, please call (877) 286-1046 or visit <> .
