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"Diaspora" v. "Armenian"

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  • "Diaspora" v. "Armenian"

    Name: Karo
    Country: USA, but soon (I am counting minutes to leave the USA) my country will be ARMENIA, MY HOMELAND.

    Dear Victoria, I love you, after 15 years living (actually wasting my life in USA) I am coming back to MY ARMENIA to live with Armenians like You and be away from “armenians” (soon they are not going to be Armenians anymore) like Sonia. Sonia please do not come to Armenia, it is really Holly place (depend who is looking) & please do not spoil it. Stay in USA, loose (sooner or later) your identity, your language, your name, your culture, your parents, your family, your kids & eventually yourself. Marry (you or your brother or sister, or cousin, or children) with Blacks or Mexicans & forget who were you. Miss “Smart” Sonia old are you that you saying that in Armenia the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In YOUR AMERICA it is not like that? Everything is for sell starting from marriage. When you sow last time in America a real love. I am not talking about the love you know-the sex. You are saying, “your government is corrupt”. By saying “your government” instead of “our government” you already showed who you are. You are a real Traitor. Second, go read books (instead of watching stupid TV channels) & do some studies & you will see which Government is more corrupted. Sorry, I do not want to waist more time with the people like you. Thank You Victoria again, you are wonderful & please never give up from those types of people. We need you. I LOVE ARMENIA. ARMENIA IS FOR GOOD ARMENIANS ONLY.

    Name: Victoria Mirzoyan
    Country: Armenia
    Text: Dear Hratch. I am gonna be short in my responce. Just the phrase "beggars gannot be choosers" completely described your nature and your character. And i do not think there is any meaning in trying to make you understand the point after that. However, i will answer your question: no, neither a lexus, nor a bmw would attract my attention.You can cosider me a liar... i do not care:))) Do not measure poeple by your personal standards. And the joke you recalled had nothing to do with what i said. With that joke you offended not me and not even your country. You offended yourself and your parents to whom you send the money or whatever you send. And Dear Sonia: Armenia is not an orphanage, where you left a child to visit it once a year and to bring old pair of jeans to the homeless. Going abroad for a better life is a very nice solution to the question. Many of you left the ship when it was to sink. Others stayed here. Through many difficulties, they work here and they benefit their country. And, please, do not bother, and especially do not be "ashamed of what YOUR country has become", no mater how corrupt and disgrace it is. It is not your fault, everything happened when you were far away across the ocean:))).
    Date: 2006-09-17

    Name: Sonia
    Country: USA
    Text: Victoria, I was very disturbed by your comments in a recent post. You're sitting there and talking about how humiliating it is to get a hand-me-down from a relative, well in my opinion it is more humiliating for those of you who can't seem to hold down a decent job in your "Holy Armenia" in order to support your family. And here we are busting our behinds not only supporting ourselves and our immediate family, but also 2 or sometimes 3 families in Armenia. I emigrated to the US in '88 and haven't been back since. Nor do I ever plan to. I am at times ashamed of what my country has become. Your policies are a disgrace and your government is corrupt. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Meanwhile we "Armenian-Americans" try our best to support our relatives that have been tainted by the corruptness and poverty. My relatives don't mind receiving a pair of jeans that were only worn once or twice they don't have the luxury of being choosy. My aunt recently said to me “don’t to send any money this month because we are not going to eat its Lent”. Hearing that broke my heart, I couldn't get over it for days. Even on her darkest days she never complains of how bad it really is, instead she tries to come up with excuses not to trouble me financially. It’s so easy for you to sit there and judge us and make us feel guilty for living here and having a different mindset. But if it weren’t for the many Armenian-Americans living abroad donating money to the charities and financially supporting individual families most of Armenia would be dying of starvation.
    Date: 2006-09-17

    Name: hratch

    Text: Victoria, I want to close our dialogue with a very old joke. I am going tell it in Armenian. Yeritasard mi mard amen or Aboviani vra nstats muratskani koxqov antsnelis mi rubli e dnum nra glxarki mech. Mi yerku tari heto sksum e miajn 20 kopeck gtsel sra glxarki mech. Muratskan@ sran kangnatsnum e yev hartsnum te “aper es inch hashiv a, minchev hima mi manet eir tali amen angam, hima sax sax 20 kapek es tali?”. Yeritasard@ amachelov patasxanum e “ knereq, amusnatselem em, @ntaniq em kazmel, nor yerexa unetsanq yev tsaxsers shatatsel en, hima shat pox chi avelanum”. Muratskan@ patasxanum e “ iiiiiaaa, xi ara es im hashvin @ntaniq es pahuum?” I never thought that an old joke from the 70’s would become a quotable Aesopian fable.
    Date: 2006-09-17

    Name: Hratch
    Text: Victoria, I just about forgot. I am sorry, if the gift of second hand clothing insults your dignity. I was wandering, though, whether you would feel the same way if the gift were a used BMW or a Lexus. If the answer is yes, then you are a lying demagogue. If the answer is no and you would happily and gratefully accept a used BMW, then it’s the perceived cheapness of the gift that’s bothering you. But I was taught that in gift giving, “ it’s the thought that counts.” And one final saying “ Beggars cannot be choosers.”
    Date: 2006-09-17

    Name: Hratch

    Text: Victoria, Victoria, Victoria… I was asking for thoughts, not emotions. I just tried to distill your description of a putative Armenian trait into a single word - “perfectionism”, that is. If you detected sarcasm in it and therefore got offended, it wasn’t meant to insult. However, I suspect that perceived failures of the US policies around the world coupled with decreasing value of its currency may have reversed the tables on “schadenfreude” that drives many Hayastantsi Southern Californians recurrently to Armenia. I’ll let you figure out what I just said. Let me tell you, though, that it’s not supposed to be offensive.
    Date: 2006-09-17

    Name: Victoria
    Country: Armenia
    Text: Oh!!! those words in the brackets impressed me really.... You know, i should thank you, Armenian-Americans, for your hard efforts and your keeping coming back to Armenia!!!! We are so thankful, that you, living not here, spend time... and eforts... and money.... to come to OUR motherland.... It is so kind of you to do us such a great favour! Don't you think that you are not to blame the ones living here... ok? You, Armenians living in the US, come here for a "vacation", enjoy the cheap life here, and go back "home"??? You think you do not change, when you live at least for a few years there? Well, let me tell you you do! Just a simple example...I do not say this about everyone of you... but most of you... what is that? bringing old clothes, which have been worn by others, as if you do a favour to your relatives? Huh? Anyone else has felt the phenomenon on his skin? "Hey, look, here are some clothes, we have used them only for a few times, they cost very expensive there" does that matter? how much they cost. it humiliates a person, let me tell you... so do not talk about hospitability and politeness ok? you don't have the right!
    Date: 2006-09-15

    Name: hratch
    Text: Hi Victoria, Enjoyed your discourse on the Armenian characteristic of "perfectionism." When I said that the habitual visitors from Southern CA were dissatisfied with their Armenia this year, it implied that they were satisfied during their prior visits to Armenia (obviously, they voted with their feet and pocketbooks and kept coming back to Armenia). What I meant, was that this year they perceived the hosts to be less hospitable than before. Maybe some of the prior years' hospitality was "purchased" with stronger $, but I suspect it's more than that. Any thoughts?
    Date: 2006-09-14

    Name: Victoria
    Country: Armenia
    Text: Dear Hratch. You know, it does not matter how good or bad it is, Armenians have a special characteristic. They are always discontent, it is never possible to please them. Even when lots of things change to the better, an Armenian will find the negative point and will stick to it. Even in the political life, they never see what changes to the better have been carried out, they will point out the disagvantages only. I hope some day EVERYTHING will be so good in Armenia, that we Armenians will finally be content, but before that happens, let us just see the progress, and try to appreciate it.
    Date: 2006-09-11

    Name: Hratch
    Text: Hi, This year a lot of visitors/tourists to Armenia from Southern California were disappointed. Many were repeat or even annual visitors, and so I assume they know what they're talking about. Most of them claim the that they were frequently ripped off very blatantly, shamelessly, and unapologetically. These visitors apparently did not feel they were welcome to Armenia, unlike previous years. I was planning to visit Armenia next year with my wife and children, but I'm going to put it off for a while because fo those negative sentiments among tohers in our community; I would not want my kids to be disappointed. BTW, I haven't been in Armenia in 27 years, since I emigrated in 1979. I am curious to hear comments from other tourists/visitors regarding this type of degradation of hospitality in Armenia.
    Date: 2006-09-06
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