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Life Between The Commas

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  • Life Between The Commas


    Times Herald-Record, NY
    Oct 11 2006

    On the day The Washington Post carried a story about how President
    Bush had characterized the present difficult period in Iraq as "just a
    comma," Matt Mendelsohn called me. He is a photographer who took the
    pictures for a new book by his brother Daniel, "The Lost." It is an
    attempt to find out what happened to six members of the Mendelsohn
    family who perished in the Holocaust - the family of great-uncle
    Shmiel Jager, "killed by the Nazis," of which almost nothing else was
    known. There: You went right by it. Shmiel lived between the commas.

    In between those commas, of course, is the life of a man. He was
    scared and he was brave, he was proud and he was shamed, he headed a
    family and ran a business and then hid from the Nazis until he, along
    with four daughters and his wife, was betrayed and shot right on the
    spot. Don't think of the bullet as a period. It was, worse, a comma.

    So Daniel Mendelsohn set out to expand the commas, to push them
    open and let in a life. From what the reviewers say, he succeeded
    brilliantly, so when someone says 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust
    or if someone mentions Auschwitz, you can understand that it is not a
    number that died, but a person who was murdered. I say that also about
    Rwanda in 1994, or what happened to the Armenians in Turkey in 1915,
    or what is happening in Darfur today.

    Commas imprison us all. You see them in the headlines of obituaries:
    Joseph Smith, accountant, 81; Mildred Jones, housewife, 87; Frank
    Miller, longtime resident, dies. The brevity of it all, the compression
    of a life into a clause, is appalling, yet an unalterable fact. This
    is the way not just of newspapers, but of history, too.

    You come across the mention of a war - the Crimean, the Civil, the
    Vietnam, the Boer, the Algerian - and then, like a cemetery dangling
    from two commas, comes a mention of the number of dead. They get the
    same prominence - sometimes less - as the amount of ordnance used or
    ships sunk or airplanes built.

    Wars are fought with commas. They are essential. Here and there is
    a world leader who does not care about human life, but most do. The
    only way they can function is to plant commas around the misery they
    cause, to subordinate the loss of life to a supposedly greater cause.

    This is what Bush is doing. If he did not think he is on his way to
    something grand, that he is doing immense good, then he could not
    face what is between those two commas - almost 3,000 American lives
    and immense suffering. He is not a man given to introspection. Still,
    he could not live without the succor of cliches: breaking eggs to
    make an omelet and all of that. In between his commas are all those
    broken eggs. As yet, there is no omelet.

    Not too long ago, I embraced the commas myself. I favored this idiotic
    war because I thought that the deaths of some would improve - even
    save - the lives of many. I likened the about-to-die soldiers to
    firemen or cops, the people we summon to risk or lose their lives
    in the common good. I had the common good in mind when I supported
    the war and I did not expect much space between the commas. Now, the
    space expands and expands, one comma marching away from the other. It
    seems we will need room for all of Iraq.

    When he was alive, I didn't much care for Menachem Begin, the
    hard-line Israeli prime minister. But when he retired after the 1982
    war in Lebanon and showed his grief, my view of him changed. He was
    despondent over all the lives wasted, and he went into seclusion. For
    Begin, somehow, the commas evaporated and the immensity of his mistake
    pitched him into a depression relieved only by death. Other world
    leaders, in similar circumstances, join consulting firms. The bigger
    their mistakes, it appears, the higher their fees.

    Most of us yearn to escape our commas, to become something more than a
    profession (longtime lawyer) or resident (Washington native), to make
    our mark on the world. A president who has ineptly waged a foolish
    war instead seeks the solace of commas. It is not so much where he
    has deposited the wounded and dead, but where he hopes he can hide
    from history. It can't be done, though: George W. Bush comma - and
    then his failure in Iraq. The comma is his epitaph.

    Richard Cohen is a syndicated columnist. His e-mail address is
    [email protected].