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BAKU: Turkey Former Foreign Minister: Armenians' Deportation By Turk

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  • BAKU: Turkey Former Foreign Minister: Armenians' Deportation By Turk


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Oct 11 2006

    Turkey Foreign Minister of Abdulla Gul administration Yashar Yakish's
    exclusive interview of to APA Turkey bureau.

    - Will Turkey deport Armenians from the country if France Parliament
    adopts a bill on false Armenian genocide?

    - The author of this proposal is Shukru Elekdag (former Turkey
    ambassador to he US and CHP MP). Experiences prove this version
    acceptable. We can cite as an example the latest events in
    Georgia-Russia relations. Russia deported all Georgians (including
    legal immigrants) from its territory, because Georgia did the same
    with four Russian spies. But Turkey will deport only illegal Armenian
    immigrants. Turkey does not contradict to international conventions.

    - You are one of those politicians who control Turkey integration
    to the EU. Can 70 000 illegal Armenian immigrants live and work in
    France? Don't you think Turkey is too magnanimous to Armenia?

    - Of course, if wed deport Armenians the West will express their
    dissatisfaction. Armenian lobby is very active in France. One of the
    best friends of France Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy is Patrick
    Devechiyan. He plays an important role in setting the position
    of ruling party in France. The head of Turkey Friendship Group in
    France Parliament invited us to breakfast during our visit to the
    country last week. But France Socialist Party forbade its members to
    have a breakfast with us. Because Armenians told them that Turkish
    parliamentarians can ask you questions to which it will be difficult
    to answer. I regret that France parliamentarians are in hand of
    Armenian lobby.

    - Don't you think Armenians want to make Khojali genocide forgotten
    by bringing false Armenian genocide to the fore?

    - We should discuss this problem with our Azerbaijani colleagues. We
    should acknowledge that Armenians are more active than we are. We react
    only after they bring something false to the fore. If we object to
    the discussion of false genocide in France Parliament and do nothing
    later it means we undermine self-confidence.

    - Will Turkey pass from word to deed?

    - Devechyan said Turkey will object to the adoption of bill by France
    Parliament for some time and then come down, because did the same
    when France Parliament recognized the false genocide. He mentioned
    that Turkey promised to break economical relations with France, but
    trade turnover rose by 30 percent between the two states since that
    time. Devechiyan also added that Turks never pass from words to deed.

    - Are Turkish people difficult to act systematically?

    - We treat this as additional problem. But we should set up special
    commission to deal with the problem. Turkey should lobby as long as
    the situation is table.