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Turkey Fights Genocide Claim

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  • Turkey Fights Genocide Claim

    By Benjamin Harvey

    Baltimore Sun
    The Associated Press
    Oct 10 2006

    Prime minister says 'systematic lie machine' at work in debate with
    France Originally published October 10, 2006, 10:09 AM EDT

    ISTANBUL, TURKEY // Turkey's prime minister vowed today to fight
    against what he called a "systematic lie machine" pushing to label
    Turkey's World War I-era killings of Armenians as genocide.

    The remarks were made in reaction to a proposed French law that would
    make it a crime to deny that the killings of as many as 1.5 million
    Armenians amounted to genocide.

    The proposed law has sparked outrage in Turkey against France and the
    European Union, both of which have sharply criticized Turkey for not
    permitting freedom of expression, particularly on the highly emotional
    Armenian issue.

    "Let no one doubt that the Turkish Republic state and its people are
    capable of breaking this systematic lie machine and of dispersing
    these clouds of disinformation," Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    said in an address to his party.

    "There can be no legal justification for making it a crime to say a
    lie is a lie."

    Turkey's official policy is to acknowledge that large numbers of
    Armenians were killed by Turks, but to reject the overall figure
    of 1.5 million as inflated and to say the deaths occurred in civil
    unrest during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

    Saying otherwise in Turkey can lead to criminal prosecution.

    Erdogan repeated his past calls to Armenia to jointly research the
    killings by opening the historical archives of both countries to
    historians, complaining that Armenia had not responded to his requests
    to do so.

    He said the proposed French law was inconsistent with the principle
    of freedom of expression, and accused France of ignoring its own
    history while trying to legislate the facts of Turkey's.

    "Let the lie and slander machines look at their own history," he said,
    listing 11 African countries in which France has a colonial past.

    France's lower house of parliament is to debate the bill on Thursday.

    Under the bill, people who contest that there was an Armenian genocide
    would risk up to a year in prison and fines of up to $57,000.

    Some Turkish legislators have proposed tit-for-tat measures such as
    erecting statues to an "Algerian genocide" committed by France and
    to passing a reciprocal law that would make denying it a crime.

    Turkey's foremost Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink, who has been tried
    repeatedly in Turkey for saying Turks committed genocide against
    Armenians, said passing the French law would be a mistake.

    "Even if it appears that the Armenian genocide denial law acts in
    the principle of universal human rights and responsibilities like the
    struggle against genocide, we believe it erases the basic principle
    that makes human rights possible, the principle of free expression,"
    he said in a statement issued in both French and Turkish.

    "Moreover, we think there is no need to support with laws the
    historical truths of what the Armenian people have lived through in
    the past. Because looking correctly at history does not require a law,
    but conscience and morality."

    Dink's letter was signed by two other journalists at Agos, an
    Istanbul-based bilingual Armenian-Turkish newspaper.

    Some 100 Turks representing two different political parties gathered
    in front of the French Embassy in Ankara today, calling for a boycott
    against French goods.

    Erdogan had previously called on French companies with interests in
    Turkey to lobby against the proposed genocide bill.