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BAKU: Basescu: "I Am Visiting Azerbaijan Not With The Aim Of Discuss

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  • BAKU: Basescu: "I Am Visiting Azerbaijan Not With The Aim Of Discuss


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Oct 10 2006

    President of Romania Trajan Besescu's exclusive interview to APA

    - How do you appreciate the current relations between Azerbaijan
    and Romania and what is your expectation for the forthcoming visit
    to Azerbaijan?

    - Romania and Azerbaijan have very good ties, covering all the fields
    of bilateral cooperation, be they political, diplomatic, economic,
    military or cultural. Of course, I believe there are many other issues
    that our countries can cooperate on, such as bringing the bilateral
    relations to the level of the political ones; however, the general
    look is satisfactory.

    My official visit to Baku is a sign of friendship from Romania, as
    a neighbor country, to the Republic of Azerbaijan and its inhabitants.

    I am visiting the Capital of Azerbaijan not with the aim of discussing
    problems, as there are none, but to make the Baku authorities and
    President Aliyev a political offer, in the spirit of friendship and
    total openness: we would like to encourage Azerbaijan's rapprochement
    to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures, to support the
    democratization internal efforts, the peaceful solving of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, according to international law principles
    and norms, and also, generally, to offer a token of our wish and
    political will of strengthening the bilateral ties at all levels.

    - Presidents of Romania and Azerbaijan have to date signed some 20
    documents within various official visits. Do you intend to sign any
    documents during this visit?

    - During my official visit, various documents will be signed, among
    which: The Amending Protocol of the Agreement between the Government
    of Romania and the Government of Republic of Azerbaijan on mutual
    promotion and protection of investments; The Amending Protocol of
    the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government
    of Republic of Azerbaijan on trade and economic relations and
    technical and scientific cooperation; Cooperation Memorandum between
    the Public Finance Ministry Romanian and Tax Ministry of Azerbaijan;
    The Joint Political Statement that I will sign together with President
    Aliyev. This statement is extremely significant for the reiteration of
    our mutual political will of consolidating ties between our countries.

    - Azerbaijan signed an agreement in the sphere of energy with Ukraine
    which envisages transferring the Caspian oil through Odessa-Brodi
    pipeline. But, Romania proposed delivery of the Caspian oil to
    Constanta port. Will this offer be in agenda again?

    - With regard to hydrocarbons transport from the Caspian area
    to Europe, we salute the commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline, and soon, of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas-duct, that Romania
    will benefit from, as well.

    In relation to the Odessa-Brodi pipeline route and not only, I will
    always plead for using the transport or transit capacities of the
    Constanta port. Romania can be an entrance gate for Caspian gas and
    oil into Europe and can be used as a transit country to Western Europe.

    Otherwise, Europe energy's security is an extremely important issue,
    against the background of a significant increase of energy resources
    demand; as an oil and natural gas importer, Romania is interested
    in finding new import sources and alternative routes of hydrocarbons

    Moreover, we are interested in identifying ways for ensuring the
    feasability of Nabucco project. Azerbaijan can play an important part
    as a secure transit country and supplier for this pipeline.

    - Besides energy, in what spheres is Azerbaijan attractive for Romania?

    - In our opinion, all fields are or can be interesting, in view
    of cooperation between states that are, both, on an upwards track
    of economic development. Romania is particularly interested in
    strengthening our economic ties, as our trade exchange volume is quite
    high - over 120 Million Dollars in 2005. The balance is unfavorable
    to Romania; therefore, we would like to identify ways to increase our
    export to Azerbaijan. Moreover, our interest also covers transport
    cooperation; the first steps have already been made, in relation
    to Black Sea and Danube merchandise transport from and to Caucasus
    and Europe.

    In my opinion, economic ties between our countries are in full
    expansion. I believe that the Romanian part needs to make serious
    efforts in order to re-establish the commercial balance, with a view
    to increasing the exports to Azerbaijan. Moreover, I believe the
    trade exchange volume - around 120 million dollars, is far below
    the potential of our economies, that are going through a period of
    significant increase. I am certain that the competent authorities
    will find the ways of diversifying and strengthen the economic ties.

    After its EU accession, Romania could become more interesting for
    the Azeri business people, as an entrance gate for merchandise to
    the European space.

    - Azerbaijan and Romania enjoy military cooperation. Does Romania,
    as a NATO state, intend to enlarge this cooperation?

    - Firstly, I would like to congratulate Republic of Azerbaijan for
    engaging in the Individual Action Plan with NATO. With regard to
    your question, we would like to express our full availability to
    support you in enforcing the plan, by sharing our experience in
    preparing for the NATO accession. There already is a significant
    legal frame in the field (cooperation agreement between the defense
    ministries, agreement on cooperation in the military education field,
    agreement on technical-military cooperation, agreement on protection
    of mutually delivered military information); this framework and IPAP
    will contribute to the strengthening of cooperation.

    - Romania is one of the countries interested in GUAM. When can
    Romania's integration to GUAM come true?

    - Romania's interest for eastern neighborhood evolution is a natural
    attitude of a state that is interested in supporting the objective
    of the Euro-Atlantic cooperation that it is part of: expanding the
    area of stability, security and prosperity, beyond EU and NATO borders.

    This year, we saluted the transformation of GUAM into an international
    organization - Organization for Democratization and Economic
    Development - GUAM.

    I believe that the regional structure ODED-GUAM is particularly
    important for fighting the new threats to European security.

    Cooperation between Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Republic of
    Moldova in fields such as enhancing the security climate, creating a
    free-trade area, cooperation in the field of hydrocarbons transport
    and transit, based on projects such as TRACECA and INOGATE is extremely

    I would like to salute the interest of GUAM states for the frozen
    conflicts that are sources of instability for the region and
    burning points with a high potential of spreading the insecurity
    beyond their borders. There is a need for energetic measures and
    joint cooperation plans of fighting these threats. To this end, I
    would like to congratulate the GUAM member states for their recent UN
    General Assembly initiative of promoting a resolution on the so-called
    ~Dfrozen conflicts" that have been fairly enough called ~Dprotracted
    conflicts". I would like to remind you that Romania has been one of
    the supporters of the resolution project.

    I do not believe that we should consider the possibility of Romania's
    accession to GUAM. However, given that the GUAM region is adjacent
    to the geographical space that Romania is part of , I can say that
    we will involve actively in view of substantiating an efficient
    cooperation between GUAM member-states, as we have already proven
    within the UN framework.

    - Romania is one step far from the EU membership. How do you value
    Azerbaijan's perspectives for accession to this organization? How
    can you help Azerbaijan in this way?

    - Firstly, I would like to congratulate the Republic of Azerbaijan's
    leadership, and to personally congratulate President Aliyev for the
    official recognition of Azerbaijan's European aspirations by the
    European Commission. Moreover, I am expressing my hope that EU and
    Azerbaijan negotiations on the Individual Action Plan, part of the
    European Neighborhood Policy, will be concluded during the term of
    Finnish chairmanship.

    We believe the development of structural cooperation ties between EU
    and Azerbaijan, part of the New European Neighborhood Policy (ENP),
    and Romania's status of a future EU member-state can complement and
    strengthen the bilateral ties between Romania and Azerbaijan.

    We are expressing our full availability to share the know-how that we
    acquired in the period of pre-adhesion to Euro-Atlantic and European
    structures. We are expressing our availability to initiate contacts at
    the level of competent ministries. I am certain that, upon the wish
    expressed by the Baku authorities, the Romanian part will respond
    efficiently, presenting a concrete offer concerning the training of
    young specialists.

    - How did you Moldova find the referendum in Transdnistria?

    - Besides officially disapproving the conflict, Romania reiterated the
    support for strengthening the sovereignty and territorial integrity
    of Republic of Moldova, as fundamental principles in solving the
    Transdnistria conflicts and multilaterally supported Republic of
    Moldova's efforts to obtain a public disapproval of the referendum.

    I would like to underline that the referendum is illegal, according
    to international law and Republic of Moldova constitutional law and,
    subsequently, its results have no political or legal relevance.

    I believe that the referendum has strict political purposes,
    particularly, undermining the international community efforts for
    solving the conflict and resumption of the 5+2 negotiations. To this
    end, I believe that Tiraspol's propensity for unilateral measures
    (as this is not the first referendum organized by them) has to be
    unanimously and firmly disapproved by the international community.