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Genocide Is Not Just A Word

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  • Genocide Is Not Just A Word

    by Brian Brivati

    The Guardian, UK
    Oct 12 2006

    While the French and Turkish governments rake over the past, mass
    murder and mass rape continues in Darfur.

    The French parliament votes today on a bill which will make it an
    offence to deny that genocide took place in Armenia.

    In response the Turkish parliament is drafting a bill to make it
    illegal to deny that the French committed genocide in Algeria.

    Another committee is proposing to make May 8 Algeria genocide memorial
    day in Turkey. If universal jurisdiction is to be rejuvenated as
    a concept after the Belgian laws on genocide were reversed then of
    course anyone can get in on the act. The Turkish response is natural
    enough. What is interesting is that many Turkish dissenters, including
    people arrested for telling the truth about the Armenia genocide,
    have come out strongly against the bill. The French government has also
    opposed the passage of the legislation. The Algerians, enjoying French
    discomfort, have welcomed the proposed Turkish legislation. There
    are many issues wrapped up in this storm.

    The positive aspect is that the Armenian genocide, often the forgotten
    genocide of the 20th century, is being debated across Europe. If
    that was the intention of the bill's sponsors then they have achieved
    their objective. In turn the Turkish response forced the French onto
    the defensive about their colonial past.

    The negative aspect of all this is the ever greater politicisation
    of the word "genocide" and its reduction in impact. Genocide is only
    a word, of course, and whether or not we use it to describe crimes
    against humanity should not really matter in terms of our response
    to events. However, because of the genocide convention, it does
    matter if we call something by this term rather another term. The
    case of Darfur shows this. When the UN report on the first phase of
    the Sudanese government's campaign against its African population in
    Darfur was published it concluded that terrible violations of human
    rights, including mass murder, has taken place, but that the events
    fell short of the definition in the convention.

    This has happened in every case of genocide since the convention
    was passed. Remember the linguistic games during Rwanda, the lengths
    to which officials would go not to use the word. So we live in this
    strange world in which politicians and activists rush to label things
    genocide so that they can wrap their particular suffering in the most
    extreme form of human suffering - the US and UK are committing genocide
    in Iraq, apparently - while the UN contorts itself in order to avoid
    calling Darfur or Rwanda genocide. The author of that UN report has
    recently said that it does not matter what word you use to describe
    what happened in Darfur, but something had to be done about it. As it
    happens again in Darfur the debate is reopened about how to describe
    what is taking place. It is a looking glass world in which scale and
    intent do not matter as much as the political case to be made at any
    one time.

    As a historian, I welcome all debate about the past and it is important
    that we analyse Turkish guilt in Armenia and French guilt in Algeria,
    but perhaps, just at the moment, the French and Turkish parliaments
    should be spending their time a little more usefully by debating
    how to stop the mass murder and mass rape which is currently being
    perpetrated by the Sudanese government in Darfur.